Question about PMO vs. MO - are they different?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by dawa_tashi, May 2, 2016.

  1. dawa_tashi

    dawa_tashi Fapstronaut

    I have a long distance relationship and she and I would sometimes Skype and MO with each other. I love her, but now that I'm quitting P I'm confused. Should I abstain from MO with her? Thoughts?
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
  2. Aaayron

    Aaayron Fapstronaut

    I'm slightly confused as well, but from my understanding PMO is basically just MO that you accomplished via pornographic means. Many people (like me) can abstain very easily from P but have trouble with the MO part (I used to get off to sexual fantasies I imagined of many different school mates for example...which is honestly an embarrassing thing to admit but I'll admit anyway lol).

    As for your case, it still might seem like PMO in a sense since you're still pretty much satisfying yourself to something/someone that's only on the other side of the screen, but I'm not entirely sure. Someone else may also be able to shed some light on this, it's a confusing case for me really :/
    dawa_tashi likes this.
  3. dawa_tashi

    dawa_tashi Fapstronaut

    Yes, I've talked with my brother about it and he says, "no way, she's you're girlfriend!" , but that was until I said that I'm afraid it elicits the same dopamine response since it's pixels on the screen even though we're doing it together. I'm thinking that I'll treat it the same way as she's very supportive of my doing this.
    Aaayron likes this.
  4. Aaayron

    Aaayron Fapstronaut

    Really good to hear that she's supportive about the whole thing man :) I'm sure that could inspire you even more! I wish you luck on your journey!

    Also kinda hoping that someone else with better experience and explaining skills can help you answer this question properly too lol :p
    dawa_tashi likes this.