Red Pill Report

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Nucleus, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    If we all remember the movie “Matrix” and the scene where Orpheus offers Neo the choice between a red and a blue pill, you will remember too what it meant...

    blue meant going back to sleep - the zero consciousness of everyday folk.

    red meant waking up to reality, albeit an ugly one.


    So some years ago the “Red-Pill” community was born. It grew originally from the pick-up artists from the late 1990’s and early 200’s (and I was one of them). It sought to unlock the code to understanding male/female dynamics. The original idea of the pick-up artists was this: Understanding women means being able to get more of them into bed... and it worked... sometimes. This later evolved into having its own identity quite apart from the seduction guys. So to understand it, here is the “Matrix” as it were - the comfy lie in which we live. It goes a little something like this:

    • Women are good righteous beings. We should count ourselves lucky to be honored by their company.
    • Men are generally bad beings. We “manspain”, there’s the wage-gap, glass ceilings, rape culture, and toxic masculinity in general.
    • Women are made victims by our culture. After years on near slavery to men, they need constant help in the form of financial aid and legal bias, simply because the balance of power must be redrawn.
    • Women have the right to say “no” to sex... even retroactively. If you question this, you are a rapist.
    • Women have the right to dress how they want and do what they want and men don’t have the right to look or to have an opinion that dares stray from “you go girl”
    • Women can have all the sex they want, all the abortions they want. Men should approve of this.
    • Men are violent and women are made of sugar
    And on and on and on it goes.

    This is the current politically correct narrative that there’s hell to pay if you question. The red-pillars come along and claim all of this to be fruit of a modern mindset that in no way represents reality.

    The red pill asserts that humans, divided into male and female, have what they call “sexual strategies”

    Men follow “the male imperative”

    Women follow "*************"

    Not hard so far eh? It simply states that years of evolution have formed certain behaviors which are typical in men, and other typical in women. We want, after all, to pass on our genes, and a strategy is required to ensure the survival of the line. Men, as we know, have the spray and pray strategy. The basic biological urge of men is to impregnate the greatest number of females. Quantity over quality is key. Now... we CAN be faithful to a woman, but it requires either a lot of social pressure (As with old fashioned Christian societies) or indeed loyalty to a woman who is of high enough quality to want to keep... you love her... mother material.

    Well that’s men.

    Quality over quantity. Remember this is her biology speaking. Her biological imperative is to find sperm from a man with the best possible genes... but it doesn’t stop there. Her game (unlike ours) doesn’t end with pregnancy. She also needs a provider to protect her and children. It matters not one jot if the provider is the same man who impregnated her. This means there are two types of guys for her: Alpha fucks (The chad... sexy bad boy who is HARD to make stick around) and Beta bucks (the guy who will pay for everything). Her biology says “Get the sperm of the alpha, and have mr beta pay” and she will lie and manipulate to bring that reality about. If you are Mr Beta, her loyalty to you will be total... until she’s drunk at a party and some Alpha comes along... and when she meets another beta who’s a better paid sucker than you, off she goes, and you just sit there like a chump.
    Better still, the legal system will ALWAYS side with her and have you keep paying even if she dumped you for another guy. She could always say you hit her or raped her... off you go to prison. She’s always on the lookout for a better deal. This is “hypergamy”.

    Sounds pretty black pill doesn’t it. Just as men don’t HAVE to follow the biological imperative, neither do women. A man can be conscious and act out of love and loyalty rather than genetically propelled lust... so can a woman.

    But look how our society celebrates “female empowerment” which is the *********writ large.

    The key is to be conscious. A man must be conscious enough to be able to select a woman who isn’t living the tinder fueled cock-carousel lifestyle. In MGTOW (Men going their own way), they refer to these women as “unicorns” because as nice as they are, they don’t exist. To deserve this woman, you need to rise above the male imperative yourself.

    I know they do exist. Biology knows nothing of love. Biology is unfaithful. The male AND the ************ are both pretty nasty. Our whole society would go right down the tubes if that’s all we were. It isn’t. These imperatives are a biological blueprint but we humans are spiritual and elevated... sometimes.

    Follow the crowd and you drown in the same flood as they do. Be unaware of *********and you will sink like a rock, but don’t fall into the black pilled negative trap of thinking the ********** is all women are.

    Tinder is hell. Stay off tinder.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2020
  2. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    Well, I agree with this at least.
  3. BlindSisyphus

    BlindSisyphus Fapstronaut

    I kind of like your perspective here, assuming I understand you correctly. What I'm getting from you is "MGTOW knows some stuff but is way too angry at women". I generally agree. Once monogamy was broken up in the west, women went about trying to establish matriarchy, and men went about trying to become sexual conquerors.

    In the end, most men don't become sexual conquerors, and despite the biological imperatives of women, many of them still find the current state of male-female relations to be shit, because the alphas of tinder have absolutely no motive to stay with a girl.

    Mgtow is imo the male equivalent to extreme feminism. Both have rejected the stability monogamy used to provide through compromiss and have developed a winner takes all mentality in the realm of sexual relations. Mgtows will always fight for less state intervention in the world of sex so it is easier to dominate women, and feminists will always fight for more state intervention in the world of sex so the resources men provide is just delivered to them by the state and they don't need to be loyal to any man to be provided for.

    It's all just really shitty and toxic, on both sides. No offence to you if you were a MGTOW in the past, I totally understand why you would want to be.
  4. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    I was a pick-up nutjob, but never a MGTOW.
    BlindSisyphus likes this.
  5. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for bringing up this interesting topic.
    I thought MGTOW isn't toxic, they just try to get out of the system completely.
  6. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    That’s why I brought it up. MGTOW is redpill guys who pull out of the dating game partly or completely.

    if they become cynical complaining assholes, they are said to be “black-pilled”

    Both are variations of MGTOW
  7. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

  8. Phew, that's messed up.

    The answer to this nonsense is education. People starting from school age need to be educated on the realities of relationships, and the differences between men and women (much of which is cultural, not innate).

    The problem is that very few people understand the realities. Those people are definitely not the "red pill" or "black pill" people. We know this because they are men who are singularly unsuccessful at finding loyal girlfriends.

    It's good that schools (in enlightened countries at least) are educating people on the need for tolerance and the fact that there are multiple genders. It's not good that the PC world has polluted the discussion so that much of what needs to be openly discussed is forbidden. It's not that openly discussing automatically means that someone is right, but that the only way to discover what is right is to discuss the various ideas and hypotheses, raise them to awareness, and then research them to find out what's really going on.

    The way forward is not to spread poison, as the "pill" community does.

    The way forward is to take people who are genuinely successful at fulfilled relationships, and let these successful people teach the rest of us. We need to include not only straight cis men and women, but also people of other genders and sexual orientation.

    The current situation is untenable.
  9. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut


    I like this bit
  10. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    I think you contradict yourself, we need to listen to everyone (redpill or feminist) and make open discussion happen.

    Good idea, but problem is more complex. If there are governmental laws (actions) that favors women (or men) they must be canceled to solve this problem (and I think there are).
  11. You are correct, thank you.
    Again, correct. Changing laws will happen when people are better educated. Unfortunately, the job of a politician is to win power and hold onto power, not to do the right thing for people or the planet, so that's always a serious problem in trying to change laws for the better.
  12. Why can't this movie just be left alone as it is and not be used in a manner of how one lives their life?

    The people who come up with this shit have ruined the movie's name and concept of it for many people because people take the meaning way too seriously.
    What if they presented two types of toasts instead of pills?
    A toast covered in marmite and butter wakes you up to reality and exposes the truth
    A toast covered in peanut butter puts you back to sleep.

    Do you see how ridiculous this sounds? Red/Black/Blue/Purple/Rainbow pill is nothing but a movie concept, not real life bullshit to justify ones way of living.
    I can't even watch the movie without cringing because of this.
  13. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    I think movie came after the concept (so that’s why it was named after the concept, I see no problem with this) and I find this movie really interesting, an example of open discussion with no hatred towards each over. That’s what is really needed, because we all (men and women) are in the same boat - any inequalities given by external forces (laws etc.) in big perspective will damage both sides (exaggerated example like slaves and their owners), that’s what happens (or will happen) with men and women.
  14. The movie makes references to nihilism and existentialism, the Wachowski's were heavily influenced by Ghost In The Shell. The red pill and blue pill bullshit is just a made up concept from the movie itself that people who made the "movement" (aka people who spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME on the internet) more serious so they can justify the way they live life and identify as such because apparently being a misogynistic asshole actually represents what the actual color stands for.
    scottb likes this.
  15. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    I think your being a little harsh. Red-pill doesn’t equate to misogyny.

    some of them are, of course.
  16. I didn't say red-pill equated to misogyny, I said that the red-pill means absolutely nothing except a movie reference, it isn't real.
    People who act like misogynistic assholes tend to hide behind the "red pill" label or as to what they actually are, incels. I understand the whole meaning that "you see the world for the way it is" is what it tries to imply but there are also two words for it for what it actually really is, common sense.

    I'm not being harsh, if I wanted to be harsh I probably would've gone more in-depth.
    It's just a fictitious concept, it's just a fancy way to say that you're starting to realize how the world actually works.
    The 4th movie is coming out apparently, can't wait until that's been dissected and meme'd to oblivion.
  17. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    Good movies though.

    I find the terms (pills) quite useful, as the meaning is very clear.

    seeing the reality of female sexual strategy is a good thing. Hating women and resentment towards reality is a bad thing.

    Common sense is hard to come by in this world of misinformation and PC censorship.

    I work in a school. I’m marking essays right now (between posts) and the teens virtually ALL have exactly the same opinions... blue pill reality I’m afraid.

    “Yeah Yeah... the patriarchy blah blah blah” (yawn) “abortion’s are super cool... blah” (yawn) “white people are evil and trans-women are women” (big yawn)
    Metis07 likes this.
  18. There is no blue pill/red pill reality lol
    An individual's reality is what they create with the decisions they make and what comes out of those decisions. If they think that abortion isn't cool then they think it isn't cool, doesn't mean they have blue pilled opinions, it just means abortion doesn't sit right with their moral values, that's all it is.

    This is why I am saying the entire concept of red/blue pills is nothing but bullshit and should've just stayed as a movie reference, nothing more.

    You don't grow common sense by seeking information and PC censorship, you grow common sense by experiencing life and observing/feeling what happens in the moment.

    The internet isn't the best place for "information" about real life, the best place to gain information about real life is experiencing it as you live through each moment. Every individuals experience is different.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    I was saying that PC blocks common sense. PC is the blue pill. Those kids are not making any decisions of their own. They repeat the crap they are fed and any questioning of that “truth” is met with condemnation.
    Sounds kinda blue pillified to me.
    Metis07 likes this.
  20. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    @MangoDude i misunderstood your first post, thought you are talking about ‘the red pill movie’ lol, now I see.