Shift in patterns (not necessarily for the better)

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by obsolete_23, May 16, 2017.

  1. obsolete_23

    obsolete_23 Fapstronaut


    I've been a member of noFap for sometime now and I think its fair to say I've beaten the porn addiction, I started this process in August last year I think. And refrained from porn use/ and masturbation for six months and continue to go without porn. I gave up porn because of a lack of control during sexual intercourse, always had PE or ED or a combination of both.
    Unfortunately, giving up porn hasn't miraculously changed things as I had hoped :)
    At this moment, I feel like I'm in quite a good place a lot more good days than bad. I work in a hostel which is very sociable and gives me a great opportunity to meet women. Its raised my confidence in speaking with women and I feel quite confident and happy with myself. I'm fairly successful and find a lot of girls want to go further, which is great.
    Basically I still have the same problem - I cum too early. The last few times its been within 30 seconds I can feel that first rush while I'm putting the Jonny on. Its embarrassing. Last time I said to the girl we can continue doing other stuff, and actually she cummed twice so she wasn't so bothered. But it still left me a little agitated with myself and I didn't even orgasm, I just cummed, no real feeling.
    I'm hoping anyone who might have some similar symptoms if they could give me a couple of pointers on how to improve my situation. I'm a bit lost with it, sometimes I think I'm passed it and other times it really has me boxed in. Anything you try and think during sex to prolong. Or routines before hand.
    Thanks noFap people
  2. Uruvug

    Uruvug Fapstronaut

    Are you now only experiencing PE or also the ED? I ask because I have suffered from exactly these same issues. However, since I stopped watching porn and masturbating, I've seen great improvement with the ED. I mean, now every time I have sex I get pretty hard erections, however I still have the PE issue. Sometimes I can feel myself approaching climax and I have to stop moving completely to try to last a bit longer, then if at this point the girl starts moving her hips too fast, then I can't hold it. I have to keep telling the girl to go really slow, and it just makes the whole experience less enjoyable.
  3. obsolete_23

    obsolete_23 Fapstronaut

    Ah it sounds like we're in exactly the same boat! Yes, the problem with ED has cleared up. But I remember when I was masturbatibg more frequently I was nervous I wouldn't get an erection so I use to try and cum as quick as possible. Which might be what I'm suffering from now, my bodies only response to stimulation is to release. It's difficult to really know what the problem is, or how to try and rectify it.
    Whether to just keep trying until something clicks. Or I dunno, try something else.
    Do you explain beforehand you want to go slow or during? What's best? I mean most of my recent encounters have been kind of intense which perhaps isn't helping.
  4. Uruvug

    Uruvug Fapstronaut

    I usually tell the girl during sex, when I feel I am getting close to that point. If the girl likes soft sex then it is better, but some girls like to go crazy with the movement, with those it is pretty hard to last.