This may be offensive, (Christians Welcome)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Bignat_o_c, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. Bignat_o_c

    Bignat_o_c Fapstronaut

    Hello, I am joining nofap because I am a 26 year old male who's been addicted to masturbation for nearly twenty years, and have watched pornography since I was maybe 11 or 12 (maybe sooner). But under the circumstances I find myself, it is imperative that I break this addiction.

    My goals? I have no significant other, so I will be doing this hard mode until I am married. I don't want this to be for a month, for three months, for a year; I want this to be a permanent lifestyle change for me. My motivations are such:

    (Be warned, you may find this a bit offensive. I apologize in advanced, this is just my life.)

    I am a homosexual whom God has called into prophecy. I know for most who read their bible and believe it, that statement is completely contradictory, which is why I'm grateful to God all the time, because He has called me from one extreme to another. And I know deliverance from homosexuality is possible. I know people who have been delivered and I have heard many many testimonies, so I know it's real, especially since it's something God has promised me.

    At the same time, God has promised me a wife (I know who she is), but there is no way I am entering into a marriage with this kind of addiction over me. So for her sake, I want to be free from fapping, and homosexuality. I am determined to have a happy marriage.

    Also, while God has been merciful enough to encourage and cause my spiritual growth in the midst of my downfall, I know for sure that fapping is holding me back from many many things that God wants to accomplish in and through me for myself and other people. So I really want to commit to this, so I can see everything through, and really see my homosexual tendencies diminish more and more.

    I know they can because the linger I go without fapping, the weaker the urges toward the same sex becomes. I have experienced that time and time again. The longest I've been able to go fap-free is a month. I want to go farther than I've ever gone and eventually have changed my entire lifestyle completely.

    I know some may think I'm not serious… I am .
    I know some will find what I have posted offensive… I'm sorry. This is not about them, this is about my own life, my own conscience, and my own life goals and convictions.
    I know some will try to feel sorry for me, please don't. Thank you.

    This is why I have joined NoFap, and I'm glad to be here.
  2. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    Welcome man!, thanks for sharing and stay on course!, i dont feel offended by the way
  3. Clean

    Clean Fapstronaut

    This is really interesting. I'm definitely not offended at all! :p

    I can relate to you in that I've also been caught up in PMO since I was very young... I know it's even harder to get rid of something that's been around since your earlier years.

    I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

  4. quitter

    quitter Fapstronaut

    Bring it bro! Let's begin the journey! Your goals have been clearly stated, now go for them! We're here to support you! :)