Worth it to get tested for HIV?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by GripStrength, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    Simple question: would you consider getting tested for HIV if you knew that if you had it, you would 100 percent kill yourself? And you don’t have sex, so there’s no risk of hurting anyone else. Would it be worth it to find out? Or would you just let it kill you slowly and get a few extra years out of life?
  2. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    a lot of people lives with HIV. So finding out shouldn’t be a reason to kill yourself. We all have a limited time on earth anyway.
    As scary as it is, I think it’s better to know than spending the rest of your life wondering every time you have some health issue.
    GripStrength likes this.
  3. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    I’m just saying. If you knew you would kill yourself 100 percent. Would you do it?
  4. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    You give me the choice between instant death or maybe no death/slow death. I choose the latter.
  5. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    Ya, that’s what I think too. But if you make it a real life scenario, I suppose there’s a possibility you wouldn’t kill yourself.
  6. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    To be honest, it’s a question about me. And I already was planning on doing it before because of loneliness. And I know I’m really fragile. And the only thing I want in life is my own family. And if I already get like that without HIV, I’m pretty afraid that will be a 100 percent no go. I would not be able to handle that.
  7. popefiction

    popefiction Fapstronaut

    In this modern age HIV is liveable and even when you have it and you are taking medicine and your viral load is undetectable (happens when you regularly your meds) you are unable to transmit it. And this is proven. So even when you have HIV you kinda dont have HIV or cant pass it on. Newly infected people can also be treated and it will be gone after like 6 months of treatment i think. so if you think you have hiv get tested asapp
  8. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    Ya I know, but I don’t think anyone understand how fragile I am. I’m nervous, because I know myself. And that has a very very high likelihood of putting me over the edge
  9. popefiction

    popefiction Fapstronaut

    Well if you dont get it checked out thats when HIV will be at its worse. It will literally kill you and you would be able to transmit it. if you get checked out and you have it you can be treated meaning you can have a family and have as much sex as you want as long as you take your meds. if you recently got HIV these best thing is to get it checked because you can actually cure it in early stages.
    CodeTalker likes this.
  10. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    It would be from a year or two ago... honestly just thought about it. And I might as well get tested. My life is fucking shit anyways. I don’t even care anymore. What’s the point of wandering on for a few extra years worrying.
  11. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Everything you've said is correct except for this part.

    I understand that a functional cure (viral load less than 50 copies/ml) is talked about, but to date only 1 man has been cured of HIV; that too by a rather radical approach which cannot work in most cases, at least with the current limitations of medicine.

    All HIV infections make a rebound sooner or later. Latency depends both on luck and regular medication; even so, the virus finds a way to mutate. In fact, if left untreated, it mutates up to 12 times per hour.

    Even with proactive treatment, only a single copy needs to mutate for it to become unaffected by medication.

    I don't mean to scare anybody reading this, but as a medical student, I cannot stand to see semi-knowledgeable people treat something like HIV so lightly. It is still very much a purge on society.
    popefiction likes this.
  12. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Definitely get yourself tested. Do not allow yourself to become a vector for death for someone else. If not for yourself, do it for the people you have sex with, even if they may be prostitutes.

    Also, you should definitely see a therapist. As the other person stated, you can cure yourself from HIV if you treat it fast enough.

    However, he was incorrect in stating it can be done up to 6 months after infection. 72 hours is your deadline; the treatment itself lasts months and has around a 94% success rate.
    Deleted Account and popefiction like this.
  13. popefiction

    popefiction Fapstronaut

    I apologise for my inaccuracy and thank you for clearing it up more. Now I know more than I did so I thank you.
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  14. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Hey man, no problem. I'm glad you're such an open-minded person. The world lacks people like you.
    popefiction likes this.
  15. popefiction

    popefiction Fapstronaut

    The world lacks a lot of things ahaha, but seriously thanks for clearing it up I hope we have helped @GripStrength in some way. i hope you all have a wonderful day, stay strong homies
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  16. This shouldn't even be a question... Everyone should get tested for it, whenever they have reason enough to have any such doubts. It's no laughing matter, and nothing should be left to chance or feelings, when it comes to such grave issues. (Just my opinion!)
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  17. If you do get tested, theres clinics that do it for free instead of paying $100.

    I got my testing done within the hour with no wait and free. You just have to look around