Yesterday it have been really hard

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by The man is a stair, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. Yesterday it have been so hard i feel the most big hurges ever because i received a mail of a girl who wanna chat, it was a girl from a "porn" chat.
    It was really hard to resist but i did it, i go to this stupid website and click on "delete account".
    I feel no remorse, I would never have been able to do that again some time ago.
    I am still determined not to fall back into my bad habits.
    Believe in yourself, be strong, even when your past reappears, don't let it invade your present.
    henry3526 and RightEffort like this.
  2. awesome great job

    What i like to do when i feel tempted is to go on a fast for 24 hours , or take a day of silence or do something that is totally new and makes you very uncomfortable, this way the mind knows who is the boss ;)
  3. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    welcome and good luck. Joining Nofapp and posting are about the best first steps you could take.

    Can I ask a question that might help you deal with the first week?

    When an urge/craving starts to form in your mind, what does the inner voice conversation in your head sound like?

    in case that is not clear, your inner voice is that subconscious part of your mind that wanders around without any effort on your part and has thoughts, ask questions to your self, etc etc
  4. SquareWaveform

    SquareWaveform Fapstronaut

    The inner voice typically says "Oh that's a craving!" then "I am not going to do this! Not again!" then "What's one look?"
  5. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    the fact that you can recall the voice and what it said is a good sign, and will make taking control of it easier.

    The first step to managing the urge is to take control of your inner voice.

    When an urge starts the urge/craving is like a movie that plays in your head and you are in the audience just watching. Problem is movie always has the same ending (porn).

    With some simple steps you can change the movie in your mind , which will change the ending (something besides porn). First step is you learning basics about biochemistry and porn addiction.

    If you haven;t already seen this 5 min video please watch it and see if any of that resonates with you. If so write back your thoughts on it as it relates to you. Then if you want I can give you a simple 3-4 minutes exercise that will teach you to control the movie, thus you will be able to control the urge

    - The urge is not bad (its just a biochemical storm kicked off in your brain. a little trick the porn industry played on you)
    - You are not the urge
    - You are not bad
    - Change your relationship with the urge and you can control it vs it controlling you.