1st try

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by fappulous, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. fappulous

    fappulous Fapstronaut

    Saw the Ted talk yesterday and decided that I should change my habits. I do have a lack of energy and concentration. Progrestination is my middle name. Also changing of pr0n genres makes me worry. I don't want to be addicted to anything, so this is a test for me to prove myself to myself! 200GB pr0n erased yesterday also. Let's hope for the best :) I'm mid 30 and married with kids. Luckely I still enjoy sex with my wife, so hopefully I'm not too addicted yet...
  2. know_a_bit

    know_a_bit Fapstronaut

    Hi Fappulous:
    There may be a subset you and I belong to. I've never not enjoyed sex either. Nevertheless as you say regarding the other issues, I think you are wise to give p up.

    Coming on this community daily and making comments on others posts is one of the most helpful things for me. Somehow it is preventative and gives me an extra 'power' when will power alone may fail. All good things to you as you embark on this path of empowerment!
  3. fappulous

    fappulous Fapstronaut

    Thanks know a bit! So far so good! I did not have to many urges, hope it stays this way!