New frenchie

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by woody, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. woody

    woody Fapstronaut

    Hi !

    Sorry if my english is a little bit incorrect, I'm french.:D

    I'm getting tired of this shit. P is an horrible thing that have built around me a wall.
    I've discovered M at 12, searching then for pic, see P then at around 13, and it begin like a daily obsession.
    Even when I have school travel, or a week of pilgrimage, I still take some pics or videos on my smartphone :(
    There, I have achieve 7 days without O, but edging a lot and viewing P ... it was only for me way to have better shots ... :( , not a better life. Of course I was praying.

    But now I feel more and more guilty. I have to stop seeing P and reduce M+O because I have started my first relationship with a girl.
    It's been 3 months we are together, and we are waiting for our first time.

    I'm afraid about my fantasies, about my tastes about sex.
    Because of years of P, I'm getting used that it is normal to cum on my girlfriend body, or to expect from her a blowjob ... and backdoor.
    These kind of desires should come in mind only after lots and lots time with her.
    But P have made me expecting it too early.

    I want a sweet guy, a gentleman and a good friend.
    Moreover, because lots of my best friends are girls, I must not have dirty mind about women, because I'm afraid it will leads me to fantasize about friends.

    Before saying all my love to my girlfriend, I have already done a 10 days without M and O.
    I don't remember if I have seen P, or maybe I was only edging ?

    I know I can do it.

    Yesterday, I have deleted all my explicit content, and install some plugins to block my favorite P websites, and even blog or magazine about couple/seducing/sexo advices. I don't need it, since I believe that discussion is what we need between us.

    I have to be on control, because I don't want to be a monster expecting of my girlfriend sex and sex every day, a lot of times a week, or worse making blackmail for getting sex =(

    She knows my problem, so she will help me.

    My first goal is to stop PMO for 10 days.
    My second goal will be 30 days.

    I don't know if I will stop for 90 days, but I want to reduce my daily needs for a weekly or twice a month needs.
  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

  3. woody

    woody Fapstronaut

    I wasn't aware that edging was that bad.

    Thanks for the sharing.

    Yes, no more porn, no more bikini pics.