Trying to fix my life, here for support

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by KnightsCore, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. KnightsCore

    KnightsCore Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone. Currently 12 days into my NoFap experience, found this forum just a couple of days ago, was shocked to see how many other people are suffering the same as me. Feels good to not feel alone.

    I kind of learned I had this problem about 4 years ago when I got my first real girlfriend. We often tried to have sex, but I had trouble maintaining an erection most of the time and we only had sex a few times over the year we were together. I just chalked it up to stress or anxiety or whatever and pushed it out of my mind. I kept masturbating.

    After she dumped me, that is when things got really bad. I ran into porn, away from my sadness, and it spiraled out of control. My viewing tastes ran wildly out of sync with my actual sexuality. I began watching gay porn, transgendered person porn, extremely violent porn, and so on and so forth. But it seemed so normal to me at the time.

    About a month ago, I got into another relationship. Predictably, I was unable to perform again and that is when I started doing research and stumbled upon PIED. I went to my doctor just to ensure there was nothing physically wrong with me, there isn't, so this was the obvious answer.

    I told my new girlfriend, she says she is supportive but has grown slightly distant. I am terrified every day that I will relapse if we break up, she has been my motivation thus far, but I try my best to be strong. I've enlisted a few close friends of mine to help me stay on track.

    So, yeah, kind of a long intro post, but its nice to let it all out there. I hope I find success, I hope you all find success, and I'm here to help if I can. Thanks!
    EthanSwank11 likes this.
  2. EthanSwank11

    EthanSwank11 Fapstronaut

    I have a similar problem, Ive been maturbating and watching porn since i was 12 and I am 18 now and i can't keep an erection for sex. I am gonna try Nofap. I am gonna not watch porn or masturbate and see if it helps my PIED. I hope you have success conquering PIED aswell.