INTRO! Ens2010.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ens2010, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Ens2010

    Ens2010 Fapstronaut

    My name is Eddie, and I have had a problem with pornography as long as I can remember. Growing up in a Christian home only helped me realize it was wrong, but didn't help much in quitting it. It started as innocently as it could. I'm not sure exactly how old when my first run in with porn happened, but I believe I was 9. I was simply curious what a girl looked like naked. Well I found out, and I immediately felt what I was doing was wrong, and for a year or two, I never went back to it. However once hormones started kicking in, my innocent curiosity became lust, and that one innocent incident turned into an addiction that would rule my life. I became expert in hiding it. Beginning with learning how to clear browsing history, search history, and more. I have tried countless times to quit pornography, but with varying levels of success. After discovering this community, I hope that I will be able to succeed. In all my attempts to quit pornography, I have never attempted to also quit masturbation. I always saw it as an okay alternative to pornography, and thus used it as an outlet when trying to quit. Today, I have been married over a year, and up to now, have still struggled with pornography. On December 4th 2013 I read an article about Nofap put out by "The Blaze" on facebook and decided to become a fapstronaut.I am excited, and I really believe joining this community will be my way out of this addiction that has permeated most of my young life.

    Now, some non fap related things about me. I love watching anime, as well as playing Video Games like skyrim, fallout, minecraft, etc. I own a minecraft server also, so if anyone is interested message me for the details.
  2. jewishboy

    jewishboy Fapstronaut

    Hello! I too grew in a quite tight, traditional and religious family. Everytime I do it I feel guilty and ashamed of myself. But my savior Yahshua never gave up on me, so I too really want to change. I'm a newbie here too.