
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Totto123, Oct 12, 2017.

  1. Totto123

    Totto123 Fapstronaut

    just finished day 4 on a reboot, how do you deal with boners?, And after having one I sometimes get a slightest trickle of sperm when it goes down , I do not touch it or 'take care of it'. Is this a bad sign? And does it effect my nofap challenges? Thoughts?
  2. Totto123,

    NoFap's goal, as stated on the front page of the website:

    NoFap® is a comprehensive sexual health platform.
    We’re here to help you quit porn, improve your relationships, and reach your sexual health goals.
    Science-based, secular, and sex-positive.

    Nocturnal and morning erections are a normal part of being a healthy male. For me, I acknowledge that when I wake up with an erection. However, I don't grab my laptop and pmo just because I have morning wood.

    In fact I look at a nocturnal or morning erection as a sign that I'm returning to sexual health. Erections the produce precum (seminal fluid) are normal. That's the way nature intended an erection to work.

    Keep up with your program, understand that your body is rebooting along with your mind.

    I'm in my 50s and never have had a nocturnal emission (orgasm in my sleep), but even during a reboot, I'd thing this was biologically normal. NoFap is a science based and secular program. However, I also understand that some religions don't carve out an exception for nocturnal emissions - in which case some members do call in a relapse. But, from a science based viewpoint, it's healthy.

  3. Totto123

    Totto123 Fapstronaut

  4. WreckTangle

    WreckTangle Fapstronaut

    Boners are perfectly normal and do not affect your nofap challenge in any way. I also get a bit of a trickle when I have one for a bit. I consider that perfectly normal and no issue either for a challenge. As long as you don't PMO you're good. And the same goes for wet dreams.

    I don't really worry about dealing with boners in some way, I just do my best to ignore them until they subside and move on with my day. When I first started my nofap challenge urges to PMO were more of a concern to me. Sometimes a boner was part of that, but a lot of the time it was just the urge.

    You're doing great Totto!
    Power_to_Change likes this.
  5. Totto123

    Totto123 Fapstronaut
