44 y/o Male Fed Up

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Foxtrot Yankee Papa, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Foxtrot Yankee Papa

    Foxtrot Yankee Papa Fapstronaut

    Hi All. Just stumbled across this site last night after watching a youtube on adrenal fatigue that mentioned masturbation being a stressor to the body. I have plenty already from working at home with my wife so I don't need any more. I'm almost positive that adrenal fatigue is an issue for me. I've been trying to clean up my diet and starting to exercise for the last month or two and I think it's time for a reboot. I would have never expected the benefits that have been reported. I've been tired most of the time since high school, also dealing with depression.

    I started masturbating around age 12, first time was in the shower by accident. Didn't even realize that I had ejaculated until later that night when I decided to do it again in bed since it felt so good. That was all it took, went years without missing a day masturbating. In the span of 30+ years I've had a few times when I went a couple of days with the longest streak being about a week. Generally 2x a day, before bed and after waking up. Porn was almost always involved, starting with magazines around 14 and changing to vhs and internet.

    Masturbation used to be 15 min or so, now there are days where I'm sure I've spent 3+ hours in a day. I've come to the realization within the past year that I'm wasting so much time and have been trying to figure out what to do. I'm self employed so it's also hurting my business and also putting me more behind which only adds to my stress levels. I've spent well over 8 hours since last night reading all of the great information on this site. It has me coming to the conclusion that a 90 day reboot is in order. Shooting for no PMO since my wife and I haven't had sex since I don't remember when, last year maybe? I'm sure some of that has to do with me not initiating it due to P and M and also not being very pleasant to be around so I can't blame her. For right now I'm going to leave the O as an option in case she does want to have sex. I don't need any more problems caused by turning her down.

    Since I found this site before masturbating last night I'm already one day in. Here's to 89 more!!
    JohnICT and Torn like this.
  2. JohnICT

    JohnICT Fapstronaut

    Welcome Foxtrot to nofap, Glad you are here, This is the first time I know about Adrenal Fatigue which I will read more about it, I hope you mate all the best in journey, Keep us informing.

    Foxtrot Yankee Papa likes this.
  3. Foxtrot Yankee Papa

    Foxtrot Yankee Papa Fapstronaut

    Thank you, adrenal fatigue seems to be a very common problem which can get worse over time. Stress, poor diet, lack of exercise are common causes. I'm still working on trying treatments but I'm hoping that I've finally found the cause of tiredness and depression that's been going on for over 20 years.
    JohnICT likes this.
  4. MerseyPhoenix

    MerseyPhoenix Fapstronaut

    Good luck on your journey. I find it helps to keep a journal.
    Foxtrot Yankee Papa likes this.
  5. Foxtrot Yankee Papa

    Foxtrot Yankee Papa Fapstronaut

    Thank you, same to you. I'm definitely going to try to keep it going.

    Day 2: slept a lot better than on day 1, still woke up several times thinking about this journey. Luckily not much for urges to push aside. Those seem to be stronger when going to bed due to decades of the ritual. Plugged my phone in across the room as it's a major distraction, seemed to help. On the exercise bike as I type this, going to try to keep up with at least 5 days a week on it. Nothing too crazy so recovery time is not really an issue, just something to get the body moving like it should be. Looking forward to this week being one of the most productive ones in years, I'll have over 15 hours extra time that I plan to put to good use.
  6. David Q

    David Q Fapstronaut

    3 hours a day is nothing. I can go 12 and still want more. Makes me realize how bad I've really got it.
    MerseyPhoenix likes this.
  7. MerseyPhoenix

    MerseyPhoenix Fapstronaut

    David, I can relate to that, particularly during the dial-up days.
  8. Foxtrot Yankee Papa

    Foxtrot Yankee Papa Fapstronaut

    Well, another pretty uneventful day. Have really noticed how much seeing a woman on TV or social media gets the mind going in the wrong direction. Doesn't even matter if their fully dressed. Looking forward to losing that habit in the near future.
  9. Greg Roshon

    Greg Roshon Fapstronaut

    Everything is a potential trigger for me, women that come into my business, suggestive posts on social media, etc. Although I was introduced at an earlier age, our stories are similar. I would not spend so much time masturbating, as I would looking for the perfect material to masturbate to. While I had a ton of sex with my wife, I spent more time looking at porn, than I ever did trying to rev the wife up for a real encounter. I wanted it to be like porn, positionally, attitude from her etc. I wanted her to be like the fantasy on screen. It led us in so many bad directions (threesomes, swinging, me chasing other women, who I perceived as more "slutty" than my wife) And it hurt our relationship badly. I am now trying to rectify it, going to a 12 step mens group, and coming here.
  10. Greg Roshon

    Greg Roshon Fapstronaut

    I am 47 by the way, been married for 23 years.