How do people survive on little sleep?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by LankyAssBoi, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. LankyAssBoi

    LankyAssBoi Fapstronaut

    so recently I've been really busy and I'm starting to get less sleep. Every morning I feel like shit and it just feels terrible. I wanna know if anyone can offer advice to me on how to not feel like shit as much when I don't get a bunch of sleep. And don't give me any of that coffee bullshit, coffee is terrible for you and insanely expensive.
    Sunshadow likes this.
  2. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    No one performs well when they have had little sleep - You need to figure out why you can't sleep and fix that - what's the reason/s?

    One reason I can't sleep is I always drink too much so need a piss at 4am.
  3. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Power through, maybe you’ll get used to it after a while.
  4. I have terrible insomnia. It's rare for me to sleep 7 hours straight. Lately been getting 4-5 hours. I find that I hate my life and the world when I'm sleep deprived. The one thing I've learned to do is to just get up and get moving in the morning. I have a physically demanding job, so I'm on the move from the moment I get up until I get home and finally plop down in my recliner. I couldn't imagine how tough it would be to sit at a desk all day after getting little to no sleep.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    There are cases where people can sleep for only a few hours and feel totally rested, but those are usually "disorders".

    Also, yeah, don't do caffeine; it'll only make the situation worse in the long run. Instead, I find exercise, after I wake up, helps me whenever I work grave shifts.
    HatePorn and LankyAssBoi like this.
  6. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    One thing to consider is that when you get proper exercise, you sleep more deeply. So if you sleep for 5 hours after getting no exercise during the day, you'll feel less rested than if you slept for 5 hours after having an hour of good exercise during the day. Sleep is crucially important for your health though, so I highly recommend adjusting your schedule however you can to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
  7. Carlossheen

    Carlossheen New Fapstronaut

    At first it's very hard, but then you get used to sleeping little. Then it becomes very hard to sleep a normal routine. Being sleep deprived is a kind of torture, since you feel awful and you can't sleep yet even though you really want to. Sleeping less than 4 hours a day can be dangerous on a long term, especially when you get older. Get organized and try to sleep well, trust me it is so worth it.

  8. LankyAssBoi

    LankyAssBoi Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all of the replies

    I suppose I will try exercising before going to sleep from now on.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  9. How I do this:
    Stopped drinking caffeine (you'll feel worse for a week but better after that)
    Take short power naps
  10. Sunshadow

    Sunshadow Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Power nap. A 15-30 minute nap in the early afternoon can do wonders for your energy levels. Also, if you're wondering, it's actually pretty normal for people to be sleep in the early afternoon, it's a low-energy period for most people! :)
  11. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    For 3 months or so I had insomnia, I was able to sleep only 2-3 hours per whenever I fell asleep. Ive been prescribed trazodone and melatonin, nothing worked, exercises work but I am not allowed to do it (yet). Then I got prescribed with.....weed pills....I am not encouraging to do it, but taking it once in 3 days kinda worked, now I dont feel that shity mood durring days. And it only if you feel its an extreme case.
  12. Yep, a good indica can work wonders for getting sleep. I also find Benadryl to be quite helpful, but I only take it if I haven't slept well for two or three consecutive nights.
  13. Jonathan House

    Jonathan House Fapstronaut

  14. Nick:3

    Nick:3 Fapstronaut

    5 min power naps, or sleep hypnosis usually helps, you can do this even on a bathroom break, also when i breathe in more oxygen then I need, i naturally feel more awake