NoFap = happiness

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Aauaro, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Aauaro

    Aauaro New Fapstronaut

    Hello, guys! I just reached 21 days of NoFap today, and I feel obligated to post a report, since these last 3 weeks have been just amazing!
    I think the best way to organize this report is by listing all the things that have been bothering me for a few years (the very things that led me to the NoFap), and then summarize, for each of those things, the benefits I've achieved so far. So let's do it!
    Those things i just talked about are: social anxiety, depression, girls, insomnia, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, irritable bowel syndrome.

    Before: this social anxiety problem started a few years ago, and it was growing a lot lately. It reached a point that i would avoid any social interaction at all! I would just wake up late, go to work, pray that nobody would talk to me, cause if someone did, i would just get really nervous and flush really bad (the bad thing about flushing is that everyone notice it; as soon as people talked to me, I would get really red, and then they would say I had turned red, so that made me even more anxious, and so on...). Because of this, I tried to stay the whole day sitting at my desk alone. I would even avoid having lunch, because, to do that, I would have to sit around other people, which would make me anxious and flushed. In meetings, I would be quiet the whole time and pray for nobody to ask my opinion about anything, just to avoid the same anxiety. So, basically, I was just giving up living, hoping not to get embarrassed.
    Now: the social anxiety is progressively disappearing! :) Talking to people just feels normal, now. Sometimes i still get anxious and flush a little bit, but i have been able to have long conversations with people and it just feels good. I am making new friends, and I am talking more with my few old friends. Yesterday I just sat with two co-workers to have lunch, and I was able to have a chat with them for the whole time, without getting too anxious and flushed! I know that for regular people this might sound awkward, but for me this is a BIG progress. Those with social anxiety will probably understand what I'm talking about.

    Before: the depression had been going hand to hand with the social anxiety for me. It led me to quit college, lose my friends, and be alone all the time at home. I tried antidepressants before (more than a few), but they didn't help much. I just lost interest in basically everything. I didn't have the motivation to do nothing.
    Now: I am a lot more motivated to do things. I got back to college, got more productive at work, and I am genuinely happy! Little things have a profound impact (for the good side) on my happiness now. I noticed that people are starting more conversations with me now (maybe because of body language?). I am telling jokes and laughing a lot.

    3) GIRLS
    Before: I was afraid of them! :( Because of my social anxiety (it was even more intense with girls) I avoided talking to them like the plague. Also, something important was happening: in my thoughts, no girl was good enough for me. This was getting really strange, cause I was always finding flaws in their characters or bodies. And I remember, as a child, that I had A LOT of crushes (i used to fall in love at least three times per day!:cool:).
    Now: I think the best way to describe what is happening to me concerning this topic is that it feels like my primitive brain is gaining its power back. When I see a girl, it feels like a lion seeing a prey. I get really excited and desperate to approach her, talk to her, kiss her, and so on... :) Every little thing about them makes me feel like that. Every little thing makes it feel like they are worth it. The way they talk, laugh, play with their hair, and so on. I just can't stop making strong, solid eye contact.

    Before: I was getting a lot of pimples and flaky, inflamed skin (seborrheic dermatitis). This was getting progressively worse (I am 25 now), no matter how well my diet was (I've experimented with basically every diet on the planet - and, in that aspect, I am always VERY disciplined).
    Now: I guess it's still too early to talk about this topic (don't want to create false hopes), but I think it's getting a little bit better. I think it my have something to do with zinc loss trough ejaculation. I know that the average loss of zinc trough semen is very little (about 0.561 mg), but, when watching porn, I used to do the "edging" technique (which means getting really close to orgasm and holding back, then repeating it several times). The thing is that, when "edging", I notice that my semen volume is A LOT bigger compared to the "non edging" ejaculation. So I think I might lose a lot more than 0.561 mg of zinc with which orgasm. I think I will have stronger evidence for this topic as my NoFap adventure goes on... And I will sure tell you about it!

    Before: this was probably the first symptom that I felt. It started quite a few years ago, and it had been getting very annoying. I was basically doing a calorie restriction diet, cause I couldn't eat more than 1 or 2 small meals a day. If I ate too much, I would have extreme painful gas for the whole day! Sometimes, I would have to get out of my office, go to my car, lay down, and wait about 20, 30 minutes too pass all that gas trapped inside of me. It was painful!
    Now: I am gaining weight, eating 3 solid meals a day. I have almost zero flatulence now. But, to keep on the safe side, like the skin problem, I feel it's too early to draw any conclusion about it. But I will post more information as my NoFap streak goes on.

    I didn't talk about my insomnia, but it's too late and I am almost sleeping here at my desk (no pun intended). As soon as I have some free time, I will talk about it.
    I really hope this might be able to help someone. The biggest benefit I am feeling now is my happiness, and I would really like that this post might inspire someone to do NoFap and become happier and more alive! Depression sucks big time!!! I will never fap or watch porn again!!! Welcome new life
    Dream Syllabus and Con Troll2019 like this.
  2. Die Hard

    Die Hard Fapstronaut

  3. Cojax

    Cojax Fapstronaut

    Huge progress! Keep it up!
  4. jwfinch

    jwfinch Fapstronaut

    Success stories really help motivate others so thanks for posting. Stay strong in your own endeavours.
  5. ADC

    ADC Fapstronaut

    Congratulations ! I'm exactly on the same day as you, hope that we will make it together at the same time :) I can relate to what you say about motivation, girls and social anxiety even though for me, there are days where I feel like a king, and days where I feel normal or a bit depressed... Meanwhile your three weeks seem to have been happy everytime as you say "amazing", lucky you ! ;)
  6. This is a great thread.
    Love your motivation man!
    It clear some thoughts.
  7. bmw4real

    bmw4real Fapstronaut

    Great Post. Keep it up and lets do this guys. Peace
  8. AddictTheOne

    AddictTheOne Fapstronaut

    Epic improvement , GG bro
  9. Aauaro

    Aauaro New Fapstronaut

    WOW, this forum is great! So much feedback and support, already!
    Thanks for the messages, guys.
    The best thing I felt about posting my report here is that now it feels like it's bigger than me, like I'm doing it for the whole community. And I feel really happy about that.

    Just to finish my post, I will talk a little bit about my insomnia problem.
    Before: I was having a hard time getting into sleep. I was waking up late (at about 12 p.m.) and going to sleep at about 4 a.m. My sleep quality sucked, and I was always feeling tired.
    Now: I am sleeping about 6 and 1/2 hours a day, and I feel much better than before. Like I mentioned, I got back to college this semester, so I am really busy with college and work. I am getting up at 6 a.m. and going to sleep at about 11:30 p.m. Now I am able to start sleeping within 15 minutes or so after I lay down.

    I will post update reports as my NoFap marathon continues (hoping things will keep getting better :)).

    For those who are having trouble with relapses, my biggest advice is to get busy. Just occupy yourself with something (preferably with other people involved, so you won't be alone with your computer). By doing that you simply will not have that much free time to think about porn.

    Thanks for the support. See ya.
  10. kumar123456

    kumar123456 Fapstronaut

    superb bro.
    its realy motivating.
    after how many days,did u start experiencing few of these benifits or improvement?
  11. great post bro I hope to reach the same happiness as you!
  12. Wow, very motivating update!
  13. Aauaro

    Aauaro New Fapstronaut

    kumar123456, I started to see really solid improvements in my third week.
    I am still going strong, and will post an update soon.
    Thank you all for the feedback.
  14. Monk mode

    Monk mode Fapstronaut

    ur post is so exciting and enthusiastic
  15. hopepeacelove

    hopepeacelove Fapstronaut

    i have the same problems that you used to have. i feel like i can really relate to you! thanks for the post!
  16. Heelhook

    Heelhook Fapstronaut

    I know how good it is bro. i went 21 days then i relapsed then 18 days again then had a rough period with 4 days nothing then relapse again , but im back and this story inspired me thank you very much! :)
  17. galaxim

    galaxim Fapstronaut

    Aauaro: first of all, congratulations and great, inspiring story!
    Second: have you considered printing your accomplishments and carrying them with you? I know it doesn't seem possible right now, but sometimes time passes and we tend to forget the many benefits that this wonderful journey gives us.
  18. jmark

    jmark Banned

    Good job!! All around a better man now!
  19. simpleman42

    simpleman42 Fapstronaut

    Wow, what a motivating post! So glad to hear about your success. Keep it up! (I know you will) For your IBS, have you ever tried any of Heather's products? Just google Heather's IBS.
  20. Nice to hear those words of hope from you bro...all the best!