11 months of NoFap...

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by frogg05, Nov 18, 2017.

  1. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys I never got to post about my 10 months experience on NoFap so since I just made 11 months I'll talk about how the past 30 days were.

    10th month was a very up and down month for me. When it was a good day it was Amazing! But when it was bad it was bad. And not bad like urges bad...i don't get those anymore. Good things were Some days I found myself remembering random things from my childhood. And the brain fog hasn't been back since, so I believe the flatlines are over now. Also I've began a new journey by becoming vegan for mental health benefits. When you stop watching P, you feel like you can give up anything that's bad for your health. I never thought it would be me going vegan. Also I'm taking this awesome anti-anxiety supplement from Gaia brand called adrenal health (daily support) it has really helped me out with my social life.

    As I said once before everyone is different everyone will have their own Journey with nofap I've been hooked on p*** since 2009
    and now I understand I've done so many years of damage to myself that I have to be patient, eventually that one day will come where everything will be just right! Heck, things are getting better for me now! I even got a better job and I know better people now.. but once my brain has completely healed that's when I'll know I've overcome this horrible addiction.
    Healing your brain is a slow process you will notice it some days and some days you wont but either way you must stay confident that you will get better and I understand that now and I know I will! good luck guys I'll tell you how the 11th month went in 29 days.
    Klenton, falafu, hakuin and 22 others like this.
  2. TheFlash123

    TheFlash123 Fapstronaut

    Awesome. That' great man.

    So, How much time your flat-line was there ?
    You said that 10 month was very up side down. What about other months ? Do feel great in between 2-10 month ? :D
    Deleted Account and frogg05 like this.
  3. Congratulations on your achievements @frogg05! Your words were very inspiring! Thank you for sharing!
    Deleted Account and frogg05 like this.
  4. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    The flatline started after 3 weeks and lasted off and on until i got to 8 months...long time!
  5. BradM6016

    BradM6016 Fapstronaut

    You're very inspiring. I relapsed after 25 days last night and reading your story motivates me. It's people like you that the world needs. Thank you.
  6. Weird question: did you notice any changes in your hair? Hair growth? No shedding?
    Deleted Account and frogg05 like this.
  7. BlueJoe

    BlueJoe Fapstronaut

    congratulations man
    Deleted Account and frogg05 like this.
  8. Iamworthit

    Iamworthit Fapstronaut

    Keep it up! 11 months is an incredible accomplishment.
    frogg05 likes this.
  9. Ocguy

    Ocguy Fapstronaut

    Congrats on your accomplishments
    If you stay vegan make sure u supplement with methyl b 12. Everybody i know that's vegan is anemic.
    Meat isnt bad for you per se', it's the antibiotics and hormones and filthy conditions that make it not so ideal. If you buy free range and organic or grass fed you can avoid the problems.
    in reality, our bodies run optimally when we eat a little bit of everything.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
    frogg05 likes this.
  10. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Thank you! And hey, you keep your head up On this great journey and never look back! You have the power to change.
  11. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Yes! My goatee set free thick i was very happy about that
  12. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    I meant my goatee grew very thick
  13. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Thanks I'll look into that!
  14. Hey man, I can very much relate to what you are saying.
    I was addicted to many things (smoking, gaming, eating unhealthy), and I discovered that eating meat was also an addiction for me, I ate a lot of it.
    I saw some vids on youtube, showing research that eating meat might not be as healthy as society makes us believe it is. I tried to abstain from it 1 week, and found it very hard in the beginning (same story with fapping). I wanted to overcome my urges, be the boss over my own cravings, and not a slave to it anymore.
    My 2 keystone lifestyle 'habits' now are vegan and nofap! I can recommend it highly to everyone, for me, I feel so much cleaner now.
    But of course everyone has to do their own research, just sharing what works for me.
    All the best guys
    frogg05 likes this.
  15. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Wow glad to know I'm not alone on my plant based diet. I know what you mean when you say control of cravings because i hate not being in control of things. Alot people including doctors try to scare you by telling you that you'll get sick being vegan but I did my research and I'm NEVER listening to society again.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. You're right bro, glad to hear you found that out also!! I'm 29, I just found out these things a few months ago, wished I knew earlier... but that goes for every age probably, but yeah I'm glad & thankful that I now know more of these things.. through some rough life experience.

    Same story with fapping, I didn't see it as an addiction at first, just something normal/healthy that every male 'has to do'.
    But when you think about it... fapping considered normal and healthy to 'cleanse toxins out', doesn't seem logic, cuz normally that would enter a woman's V... not a place to get rid of the toxins :p..

    And also the psychological effect of fapping.. objectifying women, sexualizing everything... I find it now making more sense the idea that seed is very potent life force energy, something ought not to be spilled for a little 'pleasure'... no way man never again!!

    Totally agreed, there is a whole lot of crap beliefs and ideas in mainstream society!!

    Also a lot of sensible ideas (I'm def. no flat earthist or something ridiculous)... people need to research things and have to use logics more I would think..
    frogg05 likes this.
  17. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Bro You took the words right out of my mouth. people don't want to do their own research so they go by what Dr. Palm says "fuck you the doctor says masturbation is normal and should be done twice a week" smh even when i was fapping i never believed that ...... society (Dr, therapists, nurses) needs money so they will give you horrible advice ANYTHING to keep you as a frequent patient! if only the world would wake up.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. KariusD

    KariusD Fapstronaut

    When the emotional numbness faded?
    frogg05 likes this.
  19. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Well I'd say for me, around 6 months but everyone is different you may heal faster than I did. I'm not 100 percent yet but I notice the difference from how I use to feel. I'm rooting for you buddy!
  20. Former_CD

    Former_CD Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! Keep up the good work.
    frogg05 likes this.