New beginnings after 2-3 years of trying to quit

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by crowlet, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. crowlet

    crowlet Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,
    This is my first time on the forums although I've been part of the NoFap over on Reddit for a good time, although it's been on and off and this is a new start. Since I felt this is kind of long I highlighted in blue the main reasons I need to quit.

    I'm a 17 year old male from the U.S. and I want to say I started masturbating/viewing pornography around the age of 11 or 12. I don't remember all the details of how it started but I just remember one day I started looking up pictures of attractive females on my Wii (I didn't have a computer or smartphone) and soon after that started I began masturbating after reading online that it was "one of the best feelings you'll ever experience". Of course as an impressionable pre-teen yet to experience many things this seemed like an awesome discovery and couldn't wait to try it out. Anyways from then on this became a frequent activity as you could expect. Through most of my years since I started I don't remember ever making it a habit to masturbate 3+ times everyday. I can remember plenty of times where I've done it more than once but if my memory isn't failing me I usually just got my fix and was done with it.

    A couple years ago or so I came upon the NoFap subreddit just by hitting the random button on Reddit and I jumped on, and I've never seriously doubted that masturbation is a problem in my life, however I have lost sight of my goal and forgotten about how it effects me, such as the slump I've been in now for a while. I've had periods in my life where I was in track and consistently at least increasing my streaks each time, and the most I remember going is a little more than 14 days, but I have been masturbating 1-2 times nearly everyday the past month or two.

    Starting maybe 3 years ago I started noticing having heart palpatations which freaked me out at the time but now it's just become normal to me. And also I've gotten progressively weaker and more fatigued and it's to the point where it's hard for me to function normally.

    Now a big part of these physical problems is due to a heart problem that I have(mitral valve prolapse, aortic dilation)caused by a genetic defect, but I can most definetly tell that masturbating is exasperbating this problem much more and I'm seriously afraid that my heart can't take it much more.

    I have mild-moderate social anxiety although I have plenty of friends and I'm in a good relationship. I really want to start my journey to an life free from this addiction for my health, my personal development and motivation, and for my relationships. I want to go big places in life but masturbation is really hurting my health and I need my energy and vigor back as well as my drive.

    I don't want to make this any longer than it already is, but I look forward to posting a journal entry on the forum each day to keep me focused, and I hope I can garner some support. Also I'll just put it out there that I'd love to have an accountability partner.

    Thank you ^^

    Here is my journal.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2017
  2. bike-wrench

    bike-wrench Fapstronaut

    Good start. The journal and the partner are a good way to begin.

    Get some information. There's a lot in this forum, on the rest of this site, and on the Your Brain on Porn site, for starters.

    You might want to think about what your triggers are that get you going, and make some plans how to deal with them. Even just knowing what they are is a start.

    Keep in touch. There's help available here.
    Gone Airbourne likes this.
  3. Yanis

    Yanis Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the Nofap-community.
    The No-PMO-journey is not easy but worth the effort.
    The community will support you.

    I can’t give any comments to your physical problems. But I remember that doctors told me a lot of bullshit when I was in your age, even the director of a German hospital. Just relax - everything will turn alright.

    Going to big places in life? Any idea what might be those big places? I travelled to 40 countries in this world and saw a lot of „big places“. The biggest place was and still is my heart, the heart the poets are talking about. There is a divine spark inside of you, a place where you can feel love and joy. Focus on this place.

    Generally M does not hurt the health but if you consider it as an addiction it’s the right time to get rid of addiction. That’s why most of us are here. There is much more to experience in this life than watching porn and fapping. Follow your heart and enjoy this journey.
    Gone Airbourne likes this.
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    When you create your journal, please copy/ paste a link here so that we may follow you and encourage you along your journey.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
  5. crowlet

    crowlet Fapstronaut

    I have linked the journal in the original post :)
  6. Gone Airbourne

    Gone Airbourne Fapstronaut

    When I found out about this movement... It took me by surprise realizing that addictions toward porn/masterbation and such just how damaging it can be. Looking at myself throughout the years... and hearing other people's testimonies about how it's affected their lives I quickly realized now this something about myself I honestly want to change and live for the better.

    I hope the very best to you in your pursuits towards your goal.
  7. crowlet

    crowlet Fapstronaut

    I think masturbation objectively isn't helping me because with my heart condition even what would normally be considered normal exercise (like jogging, or sports)can be detrimental as I can't exurt myself too much. When I masturbate(especially if it's frequent) my heart rate and blood pressure skyrockets and I get fatigued afterwards so those are the health concerns specifically to me.

    As far as the going places part, I don't have it planned it too much but I want to get as good of an education as I can without going into debt and play trombone professionally. So that would most likely mean moving to a bigger city like Chicago or New York. I'd also like to travel abroad and have a family once I'm ready but those are a bit farther off.

    Great to hear it. This may very well be the hardest thing you've ever done but it's definetly worth it, and there's a multitude of people backing you. Thanks for your support :)