I want to die.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Menta_Na, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. Menta_Na

    Menta_Na Fapstronaut

    i am 28 years old and pretty much at my wits end for how i will be anything in life at this point and time. I've been masturbating since before i could even ejaculate, and looking at porn for just as long thanks to some bad adult figures in my early childhood. i suffer from severe depression and anxiety, and have for my entire adult life. i have no friends, no family, or even contact with anyone in this world.

    i was going to college and in my second year of school, but i dropped out this semester as my inability to discipline myself and the extreme emotional turmoil i would go through on a daily basis caused me to crack and run for the hills. i was hospitalized for 2 months after a suicide attempt last winter, and seeing how i am jobless, cant pay my rent, or afford food, i see something to the same affect in my near future.

    I've been seeing psychologists for depression and anxiety, and been in rehab, on and off my entire life, and never before has anyone believed that my masturbating habit was a real issue or even entertained the idea that i could be damaging myself with in any other way than in terms my own moralistic belief set. quite literally the opposite, i have been made to believe that it was good and a healthy thing for me to do.

    at this point in time, as in most of my life, i am a ridiculously good looking hermit, terrified to leave my home. i literally only leave when its dark outside and am terrified of the public. i avoid any interaction with other people if at all possible, and the intense fear and anxiety that rises in me when interacting with others is unbearable. i have less than zero focus, literally its like my head is spinning and going a million light years an hour 24/7, even in my sleep, which is mostly all i do. i have zero drive, zero motivation, and everything i have ever loved i am completely apathetic towards. i don't feel there is any point to being alive, and have not for a long time the only reason i am here is the fear and pain involved with the act of taking my own life.

    i found nofap last year actually, but didn't pursue anything here, believing i could overcome this myself, and not being completely convinced i need to stop. i bought and read the book your brain on porn a few months ago, but after reading the entire thing it hasn't stopped my life from falling apart. not as if i had one to begin with.

    so yeah, here i be, hoping maybe being involved here can do something for me....
  2. BulletClub4Lyfe

    BulletClub4Lyfe Fapstronaut

    Good luck man. I am also new here and feel your pain. Lets hope some like mindedness and a little perseverance can help us through this journey
    Yanis likes this.
  3. OnThePathtoRight

    OnThePathtoRight Fapstronaut

    You are not alone in dealing with depression, social anxiety, low motivation, and any other issues you are experiencing. I am 36 years old and deal with the same things almost daily. I have an addictive personality. If something feels good I am guaranteed to abuse it. I joined this community yesterday and this is the first post I have made. I can relate to the feeling of not wanting to live and wanted to say DON'T GIVE UP. Realize that the small step you are taking by posting here is a step in the right direction, keep going. Believe that your life will improve.
  4. Max_Free

    Max_Free Fapstronaut

    Welcome to nofap Menta! I know how you feel because I'm currently going through similar circumstances. I recently had to quit a good job because of health problems and now my bills are stacking up. Since I don't have medical insurance, these doctor visits are just adding to the piles of bills. I've been slacking on my studies because of lack of motivation. My sister passed away earlier this year.

    Then I had a relationship fall apart as well. However, sometimes when we think that everything is falling a part. It could actually be falling into place. Sometimes we give up right before that miracle happens. So hang on, you sound like a good caring person. Admitting that you have an addiction and dropping your pride to seek help are actually great steps to recovery. You can always message me if you need to talk.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  5. Menta_Na

    Menta_Na Fapstronaut

    Moatasem, Buddhabro and Max_Free like this.
  6. Start small. Work on one thing, like quitting masturbation. Or taking walks at dusk instead of night.
  7. Yanis

    Yanis Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the Nofap community, Menta.
    At the age of 14 to 24 years I constantly wanted to leave this world. Thanks God I didn’t. There was a real change in my life and since many years I am appreciating very much to be alive.
    Few years ago I was active as a volunteer in a German speaking suicide forum. I read and commented thousands of postings like yours. And you know what was my first reaction reading your lines? It was: this guy is so much struggling for his life, there is so much hope that all will turn well in his life.

    Sure. It really touched me to read the other comments here. We are all in the same boat. This life is very, very precious and deep inside we all know it. Problems are in our head, nowhere else. And we always will have problems. But this is not the reason we came into this world. We came into this world because we wanted to be happy. And this is well possible. Never loose hope.

    Perfect answer. Thanks.

    GREAT! Just the right words.

    Very good. Always look for the tiny little step you feel able to do. And then do it.
    Committing suicide is not a solution for anything. This is the time to do our little effort in the right direction. This life is very precious and it can be absolutely worth-living. That today I can write these words to me is a kind of miracle, believe me.
  8. Max_Free

    Max_Free Fapstronaut

    Definitely agree with what you said which brings me to this quote:

    “No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs.”
    — John Spence
    Buddhabro, Deleted Account and Yanis like this.
  9. R2Day

    R2Day Guest

    Like OnThePathToRight, I just joined yesterday. I have been where you are, and sometimes still am. I joined because I too am at my wits end. In the little bits of abstention I've had over the years, I've found the fog clears after some time (sometimes days, sometimes a couple of weeks). When I'm actively engaged in PMO, my anxiety is so bad that it's crippling, panic attacks, the whole 9 yards. Depression so bad that I sometimes play a game with myself to think about the best way to kill myself. I have also attempted suicide, thankfully didn't succeed. When the fog clears, I feel peaceful. Sometimes sad, sometimes more confident, but no matter what, I feel peaceful and I crave that more than anything else.

    I don't know much about this community yet, but it has been welcoming and there are people I see here with success, so I'm encouraged. I pray for the same for you. Don't give up.
    Menta_Na, Yanis and Max_Free like this.
  10. The Dustbin

    The Dustbin Fapstronaut

    Welcome man!

    First i want to say thank you for signing up here. Sining upbwas something i put off for yearererrs so I understand. I am around the same age as you (well 25) and i know how freaking bad it can get.

    I too had yearrrrsss of depression and even a suicide attempt. But it didn’t help. Even after my attempt, I couldn’t shake my porn addiction. I was terriblly depressed for years and i just wanted to die. I was told for years that masterbating and porn were normal and healthy, and i just need to keep going through life.

    That is NO way to live.

    I really believe you can find help here man! Just remember it wont be easy, but i really think it can help!!

    Porn is something that will destory you. It is really bad for us as people and can really mess up your mindset.

    I wanted to give you some resources and quoted, that hopefully can help you. If one does help than just move on to the next.

    First a quote from the Bible.

    The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.

    Its true man. Porn might come and look sexy and what not, but it kills you on the inside.

    Second a quote from Slim

    Cause sometimes you just feel tired, feel weak
    And when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up
    But you gotta search within you
    And gotta find that inner strength
    And just pull that shit out of you
    And get that motivation to not give up
    And not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face, and collapse

    Third, here are some videos about how porn effects you and what an addiction really is

    And last is a blog post by the first person i met on here. This is reallllyyyy hellful for starting to get your game plan together


    Stay strong man,

    - The Dustbin
    Menta_Na likes this.
  11. Hey man, I feel your pain. I have been anxious and depressed for about 30 years now and also contemplated suicide frequently in the past. You probably don't feel that way at the moment, but you are a special, worthwhile person. I would feel very sad if you decided to leave the world. I only started yesterday. Let's give this a shot together - who knows how we will feel in a year's time.
    Be well and good luck
    Menta_Na likes this.
  12. I can relate to the anxiety and depression that causes fear to the point you don't want to even go outside. Stay strong brother, i believe you can do it. start by recognizing everything that triggers you to watch porn and do everything to avoid them. Keep yourself occupied with some good positive activities and you will see some progress.
  13. Welcome here buddy.
    I know all about it. Addiction, depression, anxiety.
    Fortunately I know also a life without depression or anxiety.

    You definitely don't want to die.
    Everybody wants to live!
    Porn makes you want dying.
    Let's kill the enemy together!
  14. Menta_Na

    Menta_Na Fapstronaut

    worst advice ever. i always suspected it was an issue but all my peers, all the professionals i sought help from, if i even bring up the idea that its a problem to anyone i know they look at me like it's the most ridiculous thing they have ever heard of, and i'm just some weak willed deficient idiot. it makes me very angry. i know im not the strongest willed person out there, but i feel so capable, and its like whatever i'm supposed to have in me to see these things through just isnt there. i know my mental resources arent the only thing holding me back.
  15. We all die anyway why kill yourself early just live out your life it may get better trust the process
    Buddhabro and Deleted Account like this.
  16. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Without reading everything, I can already tell you're suffering from some serious brain fog. Quit jacking off and I promise you your life will get better.
  17. Yes it is true brain fog is real I had it a week ago but it gets better
    Runtilmylegsdropoff likes this.
  18. You got to meditation and find your happy place relax drink water and listen to smooth music
    Menta_Na likes this.
  19. Fuck porn kill it at the door
    I Am that I Am and Roady like this.
  20. aussieguy

    aussieguy Fapstronaut

    Good luck brother.
    We're here for u.