A little advice and support please bros

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by fastlife123, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. fastlife123

    fastlife123 New Fapstronaut

    I am currently 22 and started viewing porn at the age of 12. As growing up I started fapping but did not watch a lot of porn. Took on boxing at 15 and boxed for couple of years. I then decided to take a short break which ruined my life. Access to a computer was 24 hours soI started viewing pornography and did not realise how it affected me. I became lazy, unmotivated, gained weight, angry, have mood swings, did not want to socialise, could not concentrate on exams, became week. I was with my girlfriedn for a 3 years who I have lost now because of my mood swings and just being a complete fuckin weirdo. My life is going downhill and people have started to look down on me. I have lost loved ones and many friends. I did not expect my life to be like this at the age of 22. I need help with this because this is ruining my life. Please help me :(:(
  2. yankeefan13

    yankeefan13 New Fapstronaut

    I can't say I have a lot of success in avoiding porn and masterbation (right before my wedding I stopped for around a month) but I can say as an addict of many others things that I have been free of for years now I have hope this last and worst vice can be conquered also, and if I can do it so can you. I'm not tryingto make excuses, just trying to provide insight. The world we live in and the things we are subjected is fuckin wierd, not you. Don't hate on yourself. From a young age we are taught porn and masterbation from one source or another is ok. Well its not ok it destroys lives and relationships (men and women) I didn't know that until I saw it first hand in my life. The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one. Welcome to day one of real change.
  3. kevinator

    kevinator Fapstronaut

    Hy fastlife123 and welcome to the nofap comunity.

    I can relate to your story, I also feel that porn and fapping have made me lazy and unmotivated. I also gained some weight. In fact the things that I did manage to achieve in my life where achieved because I have always had someone to push me to do things, mainly my parents and now my girlfriend. I also decided that I needed to change this.

    I don't know if I can give you advice, as I am also struggling with PMO, but I can tell you what has helped me.
    First thing is to stop looking at porn, it will be hard but it's not impossible.
    Then you should avoid spending too much time on your computer, or phone. Or spending too much time doing nothing, as being bored is a major cause of relapsing.

    I personally go 4 times a week to the gym. It has helped me a lot, if I fap I don't have enough energy to lift weights, so it's another motivation not to do it.
    When I'm bored and feel the need to fap or watch porn, I go jogging, or do something that requires me to get out of the house.

    You can set up a timer, just click on mine and set yours up. Start with small goals, and then move to bigger ones. You can also start a journal and track your progress. I wish you the best of luck !
  4. fastlife123

    fastlife123 New Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys for the advice. Im trying to stay strong. And I will start gym and try keeping myself busy. Just want to be happy again :(