The Opposite of Addiction is Connection (840 days of freedom)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by acceptance&surrender, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. SkyFallBack

    SkyFallBack Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the reply. It's immensely helpful.

    I will learn to be more like you as in being more present (even if it contradicts with my goal) and accept the pain in order to become the person I want to be.
    acceptance&surrender likes this.
  2. Arohanui

    Arohanui Fapstronaut


    Hey there,

    thank you for sharing your amazing story and insights with us. :) I´ve been experiencing exactly the same as you are right now. After a few failed attempts i was finnaly able to reaach 90+ days of noFap while travelling the world. I noticed huge improvements in every area of my life, but most importantly of all i felt so real, like i finally knew who i was. This connection you´re talking about is the most beautiful thing i experienced during that time, just truthfully being yourself in every situation and thus reaching the hidden true self in others. I was so happy and positive, took responsibility and felt like i had positive impact on everyone around me. I was amazed by everyone, I learnt new things each day and I knew that I´ve found wwhat life is really about. As you described it: It was like living without any filters, I was real and thus I saw the world and other people how they really are as well. It was all so beautiful.

    Then something I still don´t understand happened and i lost touch to all that positivy and my connection to myself and basically everything just faded. I was getting depressed and relapsed after maybe 150ish days. Since then I´m living with depersonalisation and derealisation. I don´t know if you´ve heard of this before, it is basically the exact opposite of connection. Way worse than ususal depression. You just don´t feel like a human anymore, you don´t recognise yourself anymore, you look at your hand and it doesn´t feel like yours. The whole world around you seems unreal, things and people you knew very well seem strange and all this is super frightening. It´s a neverending feeling of fear and anxiety. It´s like I once knew who i was and now i don´t exist anymore, moreover sometimes i question wether i ever existed. Well anyways, its the same as the feelings you´re describing in this post, words are not enough.

    For me it feels like i felt pure light/enlightenment (basically what you are experiencing right now) and then i´ve been to rock bottom. I can´t imagine anything being worse to experience as a human being than dp/dr. I nearly lost hope in between and was close to hurting myself.

    Now to come to the point that i wanted to get to all along :D Thank you, Thank you so much for giving me some more hope, it felt like my old self was speaking to me through your post and I know that i will feel like this again in some time.

    I assume that you are very clear and sharp with your mind at the moment, so maybe if you have an impulsive idea, to why My experience of life changed so dramatically or what it´s all about please share that :)

    Have a wounderful day, you are indeed a great human being.

    Lots of Love
  3. This so heartwarming to hear... all of you are amazing people! You have no idea how this is gives me strength in my struggle to overcome this thing on daily basis.
    It makes me remember of being kid, pure and peace.
    I can't describe of How I want to experience this in my life..
    May God gives you all of you the strength and happiness in your life buddy! :)
  4. 5zenses

    5zenses New Fapstronaut

    Congrats brother, well written.
    The ordinary person sees everything through the filter of his or her desires, memories, prejudices and wants; the enlightened person `sees things as they really are'.
    falafu likes this.