Trying to turn my life around

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Bean43, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. Bean43

    Bean43 Fapstronaut

    I am 20 years old and have been ravaged by porn since i was 12 years. Ever since I hit puberty and began to masturbate, porn has been a part of my life. Through porn I have wasted valuable time and energy, and lost touch with key people in my life. I have become very socially anxious and have a hard to in real life social settings. This leads to a lot of depression and loneliness and only drives me closer and closer to porn. The frustrating thing is that I feel like I am so close to crushing it in life. I am an athletic, smart, good looking kid and to many people on the outside i appear as just this. I am very good at hiding my anguish, and if you were to ask most people who know me they would have no clue of the struggles that i am going through, but deep inside I feel as if I slowly rotting away and wasting the best years of my life. I feel as if I have all the potential in the world, I really do, and that I just need to find better ways to cope with the angst and anxiety that I feel.

    Porn is something that has been with me since the 7th grade, and in all honesty all of my sexual experience has come through the screen of an ipod, iphone, or ipad. I am tired of living like this, and I want to get out and experience these things in the real world. I am trying NoFap as a last ditch effort to finally become the man that I know I can be.
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  2. I read your words and I can honestly say man, you came to the rite place:emoji_slight_smile:. Best advice I can give is to begin focusing on the core emotional reasons you feel your subconscious has you locked into continuing excessive PMO (porn, masturbation and orgasm) also be sure to read detailed info on why the excessive practices can cause harm overtime to the male body. With all that said man I'll leave you a link I was gracious given to start my journey. I wish you the best man in overcoming this!:emoji_thumbsup:
    Bean43 and 2525 like this.
  3. Bean43

    Bean43 Fapstronaut

    ayy thanks for the support man!
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