Drawing porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by snibbe, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. snibbe

    snibbe Fapstronaut

    Warning: May contain triggers!

    Hey guys!

    As a cause of one of my relapses, I started to draw porn. I actually found myself being surprisingly good at it and now, I'm on a 16 day streak and I miss it intensely. Strangely enough, if I draw other things but porn, they don't turn out nearly as well. I guess that's because my patience is lower then. However, I miss the creativity and if i stay away from this for my whole life, I'm afraid I'm gonna miss an excellent opportunity to get good at drawing. Recently, I have been questioning how bad it could really be for me, and it has become increasingly harder to stay away from it, but I think that's probably just a horny brain trying to trick me.

    What should I do? Any thoughts?
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
  2. Rob_B_

    Rob_B_ Fapstronaut

    Depends. What do you do once you've drawn something? Move on to other things? Or go and tug it out? If the latter, then you're just using it as a substitute (actually, not even that - pretty much the actual thing!), in which case you should probably stay away. I've just destroyed my collection of 30 or so short stories. I've no illusions about being a master story-teller, I used them purely and simply as stimulus for you-know-what.

    If you want to become good at drawing, any other subject matter ought to do it, no need to draw images of... oops, better not go there. ;)
  3. snibbe

    snibbe Fapstronaut

    Yeah... It is hard to move on to other things, but I have managed to do that more often than not. However, not without strong willpower. So you are probably right -- I should destroy what I have and don't go back.

    Thanks for the advice!
  4. black_coyote

    black_coyote Fapstronaut

    @snibble. I faced similar situation. I was very good at drawing porn comic strips. The stimulation was similar to that of browsing porn. Also I used to edge on my pictures. Overall it was totally unhealthy for me. So, I burned down all the crap. It was tough, but absolutely worth it!

    Ultimately, its your call. Do what suits best for you!

    Good Luck!
    Rob_B_ likes this.
  5. snibbe

    snibbe Fapstronaut

    Yeah, you are both right! It's probably best to destroy them! It will be hard, but probably worth it!

    Thanks for the advice and nice to see two people in a similar situation with 40+ streaks!
  6. Interesting, i've never heard of people drawing their own content before in relation to porn, but i guess it makes sense if you are good at it to try and re-create images if you are still craving that dopamine hit. I can do stick men and that's about it, not bad at drawing trees either, but people i'm terrible at it and it's probably a good thing too! I wouldn't shy away from making art if were you but i think its important to understand why you are drawing what you are and possibly explore other subject matters? You could still relate it to people but maybe something more along the lines of super heroe's etc where there isn't a pornographic undertone.
  7. snibbe

    snibbe Fapstronaut

    Yeah, you have lots of good points, thorwrath32. The problem is that I have tried drawing other things, and I'm not nearly as good at it for some reason, so I lose patience pretty quickly. I suck at just drawing normal people with clothes on.
  8. Iguana

    Iguana Fapstronaut

    make it a goal to do those things even better, this could be a big tool in your way to recovery, finding something fulfilling and wholesome to do instead of PMO is a great thing and will help you lots in your rebooting, drawing P is not easy and if you feel that you do it well then you have the talent to draw other things well, so get on drawing and get good at it!

    I would recommend finding something you wish you could draw and do your best to get good at it!