Having a hell of a time getting started

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Locust360, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Locust360

    Locust360 Fapstronaut

    Hello folks,

    As the title says, I'm having a hell of a time getting started.

    Tried to stop PMO many, many times prior to stumbling across this site. I am finding alot of good resources to educate myself on the issue (e.g. Uncle Bob's Porn recovery site) and tons of encouraging and inspiring accounts from others on the forums.

    However, I sure as hell cant seem to make it through a day. Even reading about how porn affects the brain seems to bring me back to thinking about the feeling of edging during a PMO binge.

    I have definitely identified that I have an issue with PMO. Not sure what I am doing wrong here. I start with a very strong resolve to stop, and then...I'm looking back after doing it and saying "damnit!".

    If anyone else had a difficult time getting the ball rolling I am certainly open to suggestions. I think maybe once I can get going it may give me more confidence to fight the urges/cravings.

    I started a journal on the 3rd when I initially anticipated starting the challenge to reboot. http://http://www.nofap.org/forum/showthread.php?22551-Locust-360-Journal

    Any advice appreciated. This is pretty demoralizing.
  2. scotth4613

    scotth4613 Fapstronaut

    I delayed actually starting mine for about two weeks. You have to do something insane… I ate out every meal, and went to a movie just to make sure I wasn't home alone. Act as if you're already the person that you want to be… Just think about how important that is to you, and what would the successful version of you do. Because that will be your reality soon enough. Get one under your belt buddy! Fight like hell!
  3. Locust360

    Locust360 Fapstronaut

    That...is my biggest problem at the moment.

    In a divorce and just recently moved into an apartment set up for me and the kids. I don't have my kids yet so it's just me here. The silence, boredom and loneliness is devastating me.

    Advice taken. Only issue is that the divorce is also killing me financially. Too much going out and I'll be rubbing one out in a cardboard box:D.
  4. scotth4613

    scotth4613 Fapstronaut

    Haha, well hopefully you can find some way to get yourself out of the apartment for a day. Keep us posted! Let's see you get a day under your belt.