masturbation/weed excess..depression. NEW guy

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by jayojonnyy11888, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. jayojonnyy11888

    jayojonnyy11888 New Fapstronaut

    hey all. i have recently seen some kind gentleman telling their stories on youtube about how they felt about not masturbating. i want to try it. i smoke alot of weed and masturbate and its taking alot out of me. depressing me. iremember the days when i was younger and played sports and didnt think about all this crap... when everything was pure and right and fun. i THINK its from masturbating and smoking weed and its messing up my system/ robbing me of powerful nutrients my body is making. i keep getting floaters in my eyes/ very tired. what do you guys think? it has to be the masturbation and weed. can anyone else identify with me? i have had alot of things happen to me life hasnt been easy. any encouraging words?also im confused with what happends when i get a girlfriend again and have sex..wont it be extra fast form not having an orgasm in a very long time?
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
  2. FapHappyNOmore

    FapHappyNOmore Fapstronaut

    I also used to score weed JUST to get high and jack it -ever increasingly disturbing porn to get off- spent hundreds of hours of my life pisssing it away stoned with my hand on my dick - this is no way to live - at all

    You can do it - I know you can!
  3. jayojonnyy11888

    jayojonnyy11888 New Fapstronaut

    did the masturbation cause eeye floaters???
  4. FapHappyNOmore

    FapHappyNOmore Fapstronaut

    I have had eye floaters and still though but I am clean and sober - also failing eyesight -never made that connection before though - Hmmmmmm - quite possible

    are you experiencing those?