An ethical problem (sort of)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Chris3000, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. Chris3000

    Chris3000 Fapstronaut

    Since I've started school in a new city I come across homeless people everyday, asking for money. I've always been very empathetic when it comes to this. I'm honestly very saddened whenever I see the hundreds (maybe thousands) of people that walk by the homeless in the city without even batting an eye to them. I'm reminded of Mj's words in Man in the Mirror -
    I see the kids in the street, with not enough to eat
    Who am I, to be blind? Pretending not to see their needs-

    With that being said, I like handing out whatever change I have on me at the time. I'm almost always given a sincere thank you full of gratitude. But what's occurred to be- as it's occurred to many, (or else there wouldn't be a stigma), is that I truly don't know what my money is being used for. Here comes the stigma that many of these homeless people are just using it for drugs. I've honestly never cared much for this idea, as I just wanna help in any way that I can.

    When thinking of other ways I could help, I'm reminded of organizations such as the Brown Paper Bag Movement. They go around giving food and clothes to homeless people.

    Now I ask you, what do you think about this dilemma? Do you provide food or clothes to those who need it? Or even more specific, have you been involved in movements such as BPB?
    Grøh, Mankrik, Gotham Outlaw and 2 others like this.
  2. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    I sometimes wonder the same thing, but I always stop to offer change when I can, I remember buying this homeless guy a pizza once. Change is easier because its always in your pocket.

    If you talk to them you'll realise how hard their situation is kinda like catch 22, very saddening.

    Gmork likes this.
  3. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Only the government has the power to get them out of dodge but sadly the government can't do anything unless its a woman who is homeless and pregnant and even then the likelihood is the child will be taken away into care and the woman will end up back on the streets.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
    Gmork likes this.
  4. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    It's tough. I've known a few homeless people, and by extension many others. They all had drug issues. As soon as they had five bucks it went to crack. I am not in any way saying all homeless are druggies. It was the area I lived in, it was bad for drugs, prostitution (I knew a few of those girls too. Many were nice people but again had drug issues), homeless and crime. Honestly, many were very nice people and had fallen on hard times. Some didn't start out as drug addicts, but it came with the homelessness and the people they hung around. I would also worry that some of those homeless really aren't. It's an easy way to make a quick buck, sadly. They make people hesitant to help the people that actually need it. IMO if I wanted to help I'd probably give them food, clothing or something else they could use. Get to know them a bit and if you are comfortable give them some money then.
    tweeby likes this.
  5. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    The cycle is homelessness -> drugs -> crime -> homelessness.

    I can see how and why they would turn to drugs. There's no way of knowing what they do with the money.
    Gmork likes this.
  6. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    No I agree there are many reasons why people end up in that situation what is frustrating is their lack of ways out. Money or food is a temporary fix.
    Gmork likes this.
  7. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    That is what ticks me off
    Gmork likes this.
  8. tiredofbeingtired

    tiredofbeingtired Fapstronaut

    Check what the city's department that deals with homelessness's official guidance is. Not sure if its the same as where you are but where I live the city is very actively trying to help the homeless and urges people not to give money to those in certain areas because they have access to many programs and services but refuse to use them because they are just trying to get money to fuel their substance addictions. We're all sympathetic to people on hard times but, as is often the case, these situations are more complicated than that. That's why its helpful to look to what people who's jobs it is to research the problem and find solutions recommend.
    Knighthawk likes this.
  9. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    Give regularly to a legit charity of your choice, this clears your conscience and does good for more people who are seeking it.

    If you feel inclined to give a handout do it. If you don't then don't feel bad because you know you're already doing good regularly.

    You never have to judge a person's history, intensions or character any more then they should judge your history, intentions or character when it comes to charity. It is not an ethical conundrum really.

    Peace be with you.
  10. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    A couple people I know started keeping gift cards on them. The homeless person could use it to buy food, but not drugs.
  11. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    They can easily either sell the gift card to someone or trade it for drugs. I've seen it happen. There really is no easy or right answer.
  12. I do not give money to people on the street asking for money. There have, unfortunately, been wayyyy too many cases of people who are not homeless or in need pretending to be, to get money. There are also a lot of people, particularly in my town I believe, who are sort of "homeless by choice." In other words, they have found that panhandling is easy money, so they choose to do that and bum around for the rest of the day, because it's easier than getting a job and being a responsible adult. This isn't just my opinion, either. This is a real thing, especially among those pesky millenials. A lot of people choose to live a sort of nomadic life, and then expect to have everything handed to them by those of us who work hard for what we have, which makes me distrust anyone out there begging for change.

    That all may sound heartless, but I'm definitely not without comparison for those who are actually in need. I donate, I've served food to the homeless on the streets and through our local rescue mission several times, and I've done lots of other volunteer work to help those in need. But I do not give money, unless i directly feel God is calling me to do so in a specific situation.

    I will, however, give people food if they ask. I don't feel right about denying someone food. If I offer food and they don't want it because they want money, then sorry.

    I think it also depends on the area of where you live and what kind of services are available in your area. I know from experience of working with them that our local rescue mission is really great and has loads of services available to those in need, to help them get back on their feet and get jobs and become financially independent again. So when I see people holding up signs, I just can't see why they wouldn't be at the mission if they really needed help. And there have been several cases in my town of people proving, with photo evidence, that some of the people we typically see out with signs are actually quite wealthy and totally faking it. So unfortunately, due to those scumbags I just don't ever feel comfortable giving money to panhandlers. Especially when I know what great resources are available to people who are actually in need in our town.
    tweeby, Kenzi and Chris3000 like this.
  13. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    I've always lived in the city and have had this happen countless times. I don't give money any more though. I need my money and I don't want to just give it away to people. There are some exceptions but this just happens too often for me to try to help every time. It's a pessimistic view and I'm reluctant to admit this, but there's too many that need help and giving out my money is just pissing in the wind so I might as well hang onto it. Again there are exceptions and I believe helping those in need is a righteous and worthwhile cause. I have also just had a lot of people who are clear addicts or whatever ask me for money and become hostile which has really turned me off the whole concept of giving my money to people. When I think the person genuinely needs it I do still give on occasion but it's usually just to make me feel good. This might make me sound bad but it's the truth at least haha.
  14. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Props for admitting that, if I'm being honest I guess that's why I do it as well, to feel good about myself. Although primarily I feel bad for them.
  15. MellowFellow

    MellowFellow Fapstronaut

    I don't mind giving a small amount of money to a homeless person even if they spend it on drink or drugs, because if I were them I'd want to block out the physical and mental pain of homelessness too. They're still human beings who can make their own choices and it's also good to speak to them as people if you can. On the other hand, it's better to donate to a relevant charities in the long-run. The choices they make aren't exactly free because of their circumstances and it can be difficult to speak to them because you might feel unsafe. You could also vote/campaign for political parties who want to redistribute wealth more evenly.
  16. If you have to sleep outside in the cold on concrete, I'm not going to fault you for buying drugs with the $3 dollars I give you.
    Saskia Simone likes this.
  17. todaysresolution

    todaysresolution Fapstronaut

    try talking to the person about why theyre homeless if they dont mind and what you could do to help, try giving them food or clothes instead of money if you fear its used for drugs (probably isnt)
  18. Grøh

    Grøh Fapstronaut

    I feel your concern.

    I have asked this as my friend reproached me once for giving money to a homeless person.

    We discussed it with someone of far greater ethics than either of us and it was explained not to do so in the future.

    As you discussed there are more skillful means of helping the homeless without risk of fueling their drug or alcohol habit which is most likely why they want money. They do need to eat and have other means of taking care of themselves but the harsh truth is many are boozers and junkies and crackies.
  19. Grøh

    Grøh Fapstronaut

    I actually mentioned on an Instagram page that was handing out supplies to homeless people in a post once they would address the underlying personal causes of homelessness better by handing out copies of this book, not to subtract from the value of their committed humanitarian aid:

  20. I only give money to animal charities.

    This world has a great shortage of man-eating tigers.