Can´t stop feeling lonely

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Petros Santos, Feb 4, 2018.

  1. Petros Santos

    Petros Santos Fapstronaut

    I drop out of college 3 times because I couldn´t concentrate and study. I was always thiniking about sex and looking for ways to scape reality. I couldn´t study in home with my computer, because I was always looking for pictures and porn. I was masturbating to porn several times a day, just to not feel lonely. Someday I started going to prostitutes and spent almost all my money in them.... . Going to prostitutes was a ilusory way to feel intimacy with a woman. I always wanted to have a girlfriend or a female friend, but never was well succeed. Now I´m leading with this obsession also and I already steal money from my parents just to go to prostitutes. This is like a drug and as much as I go to them and feed my fantasies I feel empy inside and a need to go to new sex adventures. I feel like a weirdo or a freak, but I need to share this with somebody. I also feel that, I´m destined to be lonely and unhappy forever. I have been trying to get a job, but because I have no experience and qualifications I can´t get one. I´m 2 months unemployed. I´m trying to figure out ways to occupy my mind, meet people and make money, but it´s have been very hard. When I compare myself with other I feel a big difference, like I´m a looser and also success in the world belongs to them. I see people meeting other people, going out, getting jobs, graduating, having intimacy, while I got rejected by girls, seem like a weirdo and awkward person by other people, stand at home most of the time and almost have no friends or someday to have intimacy.
    I have been lonely for 8 years of my life, since I´m 13 years old. it´s like I´m loosing my life... . Need some help or advice, I don´t know.
    Little kitty likes this.
  2. Change state of your mind is really only advice for this situation, all this negative talk well girls kinda feel this shit..
    PornFreeMe and PedroCalrissian like this.
  3. now the above is just a false story you tell yourself . Don't compare yourself to others and don't tell yourself your a looser that is a werido and awkward person . You have to relize not every women you ask out is going to like you trying to change who you are to get people to like you is a long road to frustration find women that like you as you not someone else
  4. Yanis

    Yanis Fapstronaut

    It's possible to block special websites and it's your choice to study or not to study. You are not a victim but the person who is able to make the right decisions.

    Obsession, addicition - get rid of it. That's why you registered and posted here. Instead of stealing money from your parents you should try to talk with them about your problems.

    It's up to you to stop bad habits. There is no need to do anything. Choos joy - accept yourself, like yourself, love yourself. You are not alone.

    The NO PMO journey is not easy but worth the effort. You already made a 16-days-NO PMO. Great! You have the capacity to change your life. And yes - you should accomplish your studies and get a degree.
    HopeFaith likes this.
  5. PornFreeMe

    PornFreeMe Fapstronaut

    1 urge, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week at a time. It's easy to see what you want at the end, the masterpiece you've told yourself you need, want, deserve. That painting is the culmination of thousands and thousands of brush strokes. You need to start painting your life masterpiece. Thinking it doesn't bring it about, channel all your energy and pain into a new you. One step at a time.

    Life is a mathematical function. F(x) but it's really the F(u). Your outputs are dependent on your inputs. Start your new life today! You're never too old.
  6. I went through a hooker phase. I can relate a bit. I just got tired of it.

    Man, I'm not a meat head. I'm 5'11, 175 lbs. Decent shape is the best I'll get.

    I know guys who are trained in martial arts and spend lots of time lifting weights. They have a level of confidence and self esteem I can only.dream.of.

    So guys, how many of us are confident that they could win a bar fight?

    You've time.if you're not working buddy. How about a gym.membership?
  7. Petros Santos

    Petros Santos Fapstronaut

    Today I iniate a course and met some new people. Today things went well and feel grateful for that. Felt much less lonely, but when I have free time I have to occupy my mind with stuff to not get bored and think negatively.

    Waylare, I´m in gym and I have good physique, but I´m short 5´7. I think the most difficult thing to do is smile to girls and show interest.

    MR.W1881, I know but it´s not that easy.

    I´m already got clinic help also and I start to help myself more.
  8. Girls apparently find men more attractive when they don't smile! Figure that one out lol.

    I'm guilty of this too, but us guys are very insecure. We worry about insignificant things alot.
    Whether you're smiling or not, you can always try and strike up a conversation. If she doesnt like you or isn't in to it? Nextttt
  9. Petros Santos

    Petros Santos Fapstronaut

    I have been talking to a girl in my course and smiling to her is making her smiling too. I began to talk her and I found her very interesting and pretty and I didn´t get insecure. We talk more than 30 minutes. I used to say just some words... . I will try to not seem needy and nice, because it´s also always my problem, but I have been talking to some girls in the last days or at least trying.
    I used to do PMO, because I´m afraid of talking to girls.