New to NoFap, is this PIED?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by SnakePlisken, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. SnakePlisken

    SnakePlisken New Fapstronaut

    hello everyone,
    New member here, I have discovered NoFap roughly over a week ago and I'm very impressed by this movement and community. I need your advice.
    A little bit about myself: 28 y.o male, in a long term relation with my fiancé (over 8 years) and even longer with PM, over 11 years I guess. I have been PM during whole relation but not really that much and nothing really crazy, definitely did PM when she was away or on her period, we usually had a healthy sex 2-3 times a week. I did PM sometimes in between, due to this I had sometimes DE. Now in the last half a year during intercourse I have started to lose my erection and gained it back after some time. Last straw was last week, see below

    February 18: last Pm
    February 20: had sex, lost erection, did not finish
    February 21: had sex, barely finished, discovered NoFap, decided to try
    March 01: 10 days with no PM, tried to have sex, was barely hard, lost erection after 2 min, didn't finish, got strong erection while falling asleep 2 hours later
    March 02: today, relapsed 2x times to P on purpose, strong erection just from watching

    Also, during 10 days of NoFap I started to feel better, more confident, got aroussed just by looking at girls in the gym, also tried to watch a bit of P just to check if working properly, had a solid erection, had morning wood every 2nd day but not very strong.

    1. Is this PIED? Will nofap help cure it? Let's say 90 days? Should I have sex during reboot?
    2. What happened March 1, was it flatline?
    3. Should I better go to urologist and do some analyses?

    Looking forward to your input guys
  2. Usually, if you can get aroused to porn with no problems at all and you only have issues with real women, that's a pretty solid indicator of PIED. It doesn't hurt to see a urologist just in case you have some other issues going on but on the surface it sounds like PIED maybe.

    NoFap will definitely cure it, but you must absolutely stay away from porn. Some people have sex during the reboot, some don't. That's a personal preference, the only hard and fast rule is no porn, ever. Flatlines usually occur longer into the reboot period, 20 to 30 days in but results may vary.
  3. When you PM, sometimes you also lose libido and sexual response for a while. This is called a "flatline". That might explain some of your problems, even when you had stopped.
  4. SnakePlisken

    SnakePlisken New Fapstronaut

    Thanks You for your input guys