
Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by sphere2, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. sphere2

    sphere2 Fapstronaut

    Wholy moly - I'm only on day 4 and am noticing increased social anxiety and ED. When I was masturbating excessively before starting NoFap I did not have ED problems often.

    I didn't even know what flatline was until today when I looked it up. I guess this is it? It's probably going to get worse I imagine. If anyone has experience with this; how long it lasts?; is it common to feel it this early in the Nofap journey?; Should I look at this as a good or bad thing?; Your insight would be appreciated. Thanks, and stay strong!
  2. kayesem

    kayesem Fapstronaut

    Don't Panic.

    Yeh it's a funny thing. I used to find myself going in and out of them, sometimes it would last 2 - 3 weeks. I found them to be a relief and hey, you don't have to fight any urges so they are like a free pass of sorts, while going along your path. Totally normal and nothing to worry about.

    Remember being a kid?
  3. sphere2

    sphere2 Fapstronaut

    Ok, thank you. I still feel some urge to M, but my dick just feels numb. Hopefully yes though, greater ease combating urges should be an upside of this. Thanks for sharing.
  4. kayesem

    kayesem Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you have what some people call dead dick syndrome. Sucks to be you, but do some searching and read up, with a bit of luck you can recover in a matter of no time. Otherwise, just gotta grind it out man.
  5. OntheSurf4ce

    OntheSurf4ce Fapstronaut

    Currently been going in and out of flatline for about a 2 weeks now man. It really sucks, especially when in a relationship. Some days i'm okay, and other days, my emotions feel like they are non existent. One good thing to remember is that it is only temporary and to not give in to the thought process of "Well a little bit of PMO won't hurt, i just want to see if it works that's all." It's your brain trapping you. I've fallen for that in the past, and it leads you right back to square 1.

    Keep strong and active with extra curricular activities that are not based around technology. The flatline comes in waves, but is only temporary friend.

    Stay strong and fight!
  6. sphere2

    sphere2 Fapstronaut

    you too, man! thanks for the advice
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