Intimacy Anorexia

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Deleted Account, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. My PA Husband recently identified himself as an “Intimacy Anorexic”. Once he shared with me the characteristics of it I no longer felt crazy for the feelings I’ve had about our relationship in my marriage for all these years. Here are some characteristics of an Intimacy Anorexic and videos for the spouses who feel Married and Alone...

    The 11 Characteristics of Intimacy Anorexia
    1. Busy
    Intimacy anorexics stay so busy that they have little time for their spouse.
    2. Blame
    The intimacy anorexic will blame their spouse for the problems in the marriage.
    3. Withholding Love
    The intimacy anorexic actively withholds love the way the spouse likes to be loved.
    4. Withholding Praise
    Intimacy anorexics do not regularly praise their spouse privately.
    5. Withholding Sex
    Not all intimacy anorexics withhold sex from their spouse. Most intimacy anorexics do withhold intimacy during sex, however.
    6. Withholding Spiritually
    Intimacy anorexics can be very religious or a spiritual leader. But at home they rarely connect spiritually with their spouse.
    7. Unable to Share Feelings
    The intimacy anorexic is someone who is unwilling or unable to share their feelings with their spouse.
    8. Criticism
    Ongoing or ungrounded criticism toward their spouse is another characteristic of intimacy anorexia.
    9. Anger/Silence
    An intimacy anorexic can use anger or silence to control their spouse.
    10. Money
    This is the least common feature of intimacy anorexia but when it’s present it is really strong. The intimacy anorexic will use money to control or shame the spouse.
    11. Roommate
    The spouse of the intimacy anorexic feels as if they are a roommate rather than a spouse.

    If any of you are interested:
    @phuck-porn! @Thor god of thunder @Rachie @Kenzi @AnonymousAnnaXOXO @TryingHard2Change
  2. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    Interesting how this also falls under emotional unavailability too. This was my hubby for a long time, thankfully this is changing.
    GG2002 and Deleted Account like this.
  3. It’s the same thing I believe. This is just a formal term for it. I personally believe a lot of marriages suffer from this. It’s nice to have the resources and information to understand and do something about it though!
    Jennica likes this.
  4. phuck-porn!

    phuck-porn! Fapstronaut

    Absolutely. I've listened to everything I could get by Dr Weiss. Great stuff all.

    Life changing.
  5. Have you shared any information w your wife?
  6. Rock_Star

    Rock_Star Fapstronaut

    @I_won't_back_down here are some resources on intimacy anorexia. hope this helps you.
  7. Great thanks!