I broke up and feeling horrible

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by BlueMan91, Mar 17, 2018.

  1. BlueMan91

    BlueMan91 Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone!

    I recently broke up with my gf. I cared so much about her and loved her so much. But it wasn’t going to work out because of many differences between us and our families. We had way too many arguments.

    But I hate the way it ended. She doesn’t talk want to talk to me. She makes it seem like I betrayed her (she broke up with me 4 times during our one year together and I still got back with her). In a way I feel that she wants to live in the “break up” experience with allots tragedy. The problem is that I’m rrally hurt. I never meant to hurt her and I really did nothing to hurt her.

    I saw her yesterday randomnly at an event and she just looked at me like I’m a piece of shit and looked away.

    Why is she doing this? Why can’t we end our relationship and still keep the respect between us?

    All this sadness inside of me pushes me to PMO. I’m actually doing much better these days but I know that feeling lonely and sad are triggers.
    Citadelle and Vulkan like this.
  2. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Just move on. Take it one day at a time. Get shitfaced drunk at home if you have to, but don't resort to PMO.
    There's life after bad breakups. I have been through this once myself.
  3. I know this is a case of do as I say, not as I do, but I'll ask you this; Did she take a kidney? A cornea? Remove a finger or two? Nope? Good. You're still mostly whole. The emotional pain you're feeling about the end of things is real, and you don't want it, but you're strong enough to get through this without PMO. How can I make such a blanket statement? You're already a member of this forum, trying to make a better you.

    Toast the end of your relationship, get up tomorrow and get on with doing other things. Anything.

    You've got this.
    xeon1993, Buddhabro and BlueMan91 like this.
  4. BlueMan91

    BlueMan91 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support guys.. I’m feeling slightly better but I still get moments where I feel lonely as hell
  5. Beekay148

    Beekay148 Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure if it helps, but what i did on my end is that i deleted her pictures and conversations and stayed out of the social media and kept myself busy by engaging in my own activities and hanging out with my close friends till i'm okay. I basically tell myself that if i lose one, its okay, there are millions of other girls out there which i can re-create the same memories i had with the previous.
    BlueMan91 and xeon1993 like this.
  6. Having a lot of arguments is a big red flags. No one is perfect but if your always getting after each other its time to move on, As far as her giving you the cold shoulder at events look at it this way your a free agent now find someone you can get along with without arguments all the time someone more balanced that likes you as you are and if you find the traits of your old girlfriend showing up in the women you meet move on if someone is mad all the time why be around them I THINK YOU CAN DO BETTER
  7. the promise

    the promise Fapstronaut

    Im gona be a little rude someone has to fuk it get the hell up sop crryong like a baby already stop trhowing yourself in the floor for somone who dint even care toblook back stop ge..t up already life is not gona wait for nobody and ure no exeption love u bro
    BlueMan91 likes this.
  8. Lonewolfpt

    Lonewolfpt Fapstronaut

    I recommend you medication like for anxiety.

    I am in the same situation as you and it really helped me.
    BlueMan91 likes this.
  9. Nil1991

    Nil1991 Fapstronaut

    Well, just move on.. try not think about that much and fix your life. it will hurt for some time, but soon you will be fine.
    BlueMan91 likes this.