There goes that life-style...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Gray Solidor, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. Gray Solidor

    Gray Solidor Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I'm 18, nearly 19 and I've been addicted to PMO since I was 11. For the past year I've I've done a lot more PMO than I'd done previously, sometimes even wasting whole afternoons on it; I want to get out of those habits. I started looking into various ways of improving myself, such as reading, exercising, etc, and I discovered this about a month ago. I've tried twice since then; my first try, I failed on day 16; my second try, I failed on day 12.

    Since I finished high school my social life has somewhat diminished and I've only got a few friends I hang out with now. I don't mind not having many friends as the ones I have, I thoroughly enjoy hanging out with. But I do want to get out a bit more and make more friends. I'm not the best at socialising though, as it usually takes me a couple of days for me to really connect with new people. I blame any kind of social awkwardness on PMO and I'm confident that this will help me get over it.

    After my last relapse, I started thinking that it would be a bit easier if I created a profile; this way I'll be a bit more motivated to succeed. I'm adamant that I'll make it to 120 days this time, and maybe get rid of it my addiction completely.

    Thanks for reading, guys. Wish me luck. :D
  2. One Punch Luc

    One Punch Luc Fapstronaut

    Good luck Gray Solidor! I know how you feel, MO has really weakened my social confidence. I couldn't even connect with some of my friends anymore it had gotten so bad. So far I'm on day three and already I feel more confident, so I'm sure you will too.
    Best of luck to you, and lets fight this together!
  3. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    120 days is a great goal to set. You'll have the benefit of a 90-day reboot and then some.

    I relapsed after 18 days attempting this 90-day reboot. I'm confident that I'll get there though. I learned a lot after my relapse and I added a lot more tools to my recovery process.

    A few things that I've implemented since joining this site are:

    1) Set my homepage to
    2) I'm keeping my door open at all times to make it hard to PMO. I live with two female roommates.
    3) Bookmarked - it works best if you don't keep hitting refresh but take what you need from it and move on.
    4) I'm taking cold showers.
    5) I did some research on and watched the Ted talks videos there.
    6) I'm reading/posting as much as I can on this forum.
    7) I'm keeping a daily journal and created a counter to track my progress.
    8) I wear a rubber band on my wrist that I snap whenever I have a sexual thought or become aroused.
    9) I flex all of my muscles rhythmically whenever I feel like I'm going to get an erection to direct blood flow away from it.
    10) I've watched "Sacred Sexuality" videos on YouTube.

    Best of luck to you!

    God bless.

    - vM
  4. Gray Solidor

    Gray Solidor Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys. Looking forward to the new experience. ^^

    I'm sure that advice will come in pretty handy later on, Vanilla, cheers. :)