30 years wasted

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by g2stop, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I have been PMO for 30 years. I have tried to stop many times and always failed. Coming to this forum has made me realise that it has really ruined the way I relate to women. I now want to find a nice girl to settle down with. I feel that if I don't stop PMO and reboot, this will never happen. Every time something goes wrong in my life I revert to PMO. I need to be stronger and am looking forward to this journey...
  2. waaz

    waaz New Fapstronaut

    Good luck g2stop
  3. Cojax

    Cojax Fapstronaut

    You have made it through the first step, awareness is key to succeed!
  4. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Thanks waaz
  5. psy001

    psy001 Fapstronaut

    good luck man,,, and i got to tell you that your title is wrong,,, nothing is wasted,, we all did mistakes,,, its in our hand to change
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
  6. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    During this last reset some things have came up that I normally would deal with through either PMO, gambling, or smoking... but I have chosen not to do these and continue with my recovery.

    At times my entire body has ached and I was emotionally drained and extremely depressed. I've continued to stick to my guns and things are getting better. Relapsing on any of these things will not make the problem go away, and in fact all three of them have undoubtedly caused the problem in the first place. That's motivation enough for me to not want to suffer any longer.

    Best of luck to you g2stop,

    You can do it. It's possible.

    - vM
  7. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys. It does feel better to be on this journey together. It is only day 2, and it's pretty tough. My mind is telling me about all possibilities beyond PMO and part of me wants to go back to PMO as it is less challenging and more predictable that the real world. I am however determined to persist and keep coming back here for inspiration.
  8. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Doing well, 4 days in...
  9. Tyler Heidelberg

    Tyler Heidelberg Fapstronaut

    Bro you got this! 4 days in...keep fighting for all us newbies out here!! I'm only one day in, encouraging to read these posts!
  10. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Thanks Tyler,

    Its getting pretty tough and I think I am getting sugar cravings also. It feels like my body is telling me if I continue to have a lot of sugar I will get diabetes and therefore I might as well PMO fore health reasons. I know this is just the addiction talking, but its tough
  11. unusualll

    unusualll Fapstronaut

    good luck,!
    (if its can help you, may be you should have a new activity, hobbies,sport, for motivate again your days,. )

  12. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Thanks Unusuall,

    Still holding strong. Urges come and go, and I plan to start running. My longest streak in the last 30yrs was 2 months and recently 2 weeks. I plan to keep going until I give it up for good. I am finding that I am replacing it with eating sugary foods and thats why I think running would help. I am finding it a little difficult to deal with the empty feelings I used to solve with PMO, thats the toughest part and the mind playing tricks. I feel that as my mind is playing tricks on me and as I exercise my will power against it, this is the actual work that will reboot my brain - this seems to give me more strength.
  13. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Was a close one yesterday, went to a website and just stopped myself before I did a search. Woke up this morning with a powerful erection but managed to wait till it went down. Feeling good after my run yesterday. I feel like my will power is stronger than it has been before which is a good feeling.
  14. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    10 days and still going strong. I am looking for other ways to cope with the empty feeling.
  15. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    11 days and i am begining to see that a lot of problems i had may have been due to PMO, and even if they werent, I will try and link them to PMO so that i can be free of it
  16. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Thanks yukon it was very helpful. Over half way to my 30 day goal and feeling good. Had some bad temptations and nearly slipped a couple of times. I was taught as a child that porn and masturbation were not a good thing, but I still did it. I wonder how it can be prevented for others.
  17. tune345

    tune345 Fapstronaut

    all the best .....
  18. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Day 17 and starting to struggle.Have got to this point before and ruined it by going back to PMO. This time I have held off, but I know that at any moment it could happen, so I have to be strong and keep coming on here instead.
  19. anthrope

    anthrope Fapstronaut

    You seem to be doing great so far g2stop! Keep up the vigilance.

    If you're not a meditator, I strongly recommend it. It has made all the difference for me in simply being alert when my mind starts moving towards PMO.

    Stay strong and vigilant!