Base Camp

Overcoming your personal Everest.

  1. Happy Gnome

    Happy Gnome Guest

    Placeholder stuff here
  2. John2202

    John2202 Fapstronaut

    Finally, I decided not to watch porn again and started my countdown.
    Ran-man likes this.
  3. Started here 9 days ago. (July 14, 2017)
    Ran-man likes this.
  4. Ran-man

    Ran-man Fapstronaut

    Day 4 and climbing !! How many days does each level take ! I am assuming I am on base camp with only 4 days. Is that correct ??
  5. mp101

    mp101 New Fapstronaut

    I am here to start today.
  6. day one on everest challenge....basecamp looks good ,but im here for the Summit :)
    boldludo likes this.
  7. boldludo

    boldludo Fapstronaut

    I didn't fap since the 4th Dec. 2017. Yet as I joined the community yesterday, today is my day 1. In fact I joined the community because I was about to PMO few hours ago. thanks I retain my urge... Let's Climb!
  8. hakuin

    hakuin Fapstronaut

    anyone know whether the counter goes back to zero if you change pm to pmo?

    don't want to lose my hard-earned days!
  9. Chronix

    Chronix New Fapstronaut

    I want to end my transgressions.
  10. Uizui

    Uizui Fapstronaut

    Here I am, I want to start!
  11. TheButler

    TheButler Fapstronaut

    I am a little late to the ride. Almost to day 3.
    Moon Shot likes this.
  12. Moon Shot

    Moon Shot Fapstronaut

    I joined here on Day 7. :)
  13. I like this idea. It seems that nobody is announcing which random challenge has been selected, though.
  14. Kur0Yuk1

    Kur0Yuk1 Fapstronaut

    How do i organise my journey?
  15. bulldawg1970

    bulldawg1970 Fapstronaut

    Day 1 of everest climb of base, what random challenge and how to? going for a year if that's what you mean