Are you dating your physical type?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by SheMonk, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    I always find it interesting what type of people others say they are attracted to PHYSICALLY, and whether or not their partner actually looks like that.

    ¤ Do you have a type - if so, describe them.

    ¤ Do you go for a specific type of aesthetic that compliments your own (style, clothes, tattoos, etc)?

    ¤ Do you find your type changes over time (for example, resembling whatever your previous partner looked like)?

    ¤ If you have a current partner, do they match with your supposed type? If not, how so?

    ¤ Have you ever dated someone who told you that you weren't initially what they'd normally go for?

    ¤ Anything else you'd like to add?
  2. I noticed that I'm into independent (mature) girls that have a kinda happy personality. I also like girls who are kinda thrill seekers, that's a turn on for me. Like doing something reckless/illegal and they kinda have a side that likes that, idk.

    Physically, tall-ish with a nice butt if we're being honest. Ive dated all different hair colors. I prefer brunette, blonde is cool too though, and long hair style, typically not curly.

    Clothing style, same as me. Simple but it looks dope/cool. Prefer not high mantainence, but to an extent is fine

    I've dated girls that look different from eachother. Most important would be how easy they are to talk to and have the convo not forced or awkward.
  3. *I'll be more clear. Blonde is definitely cool. But I just prefer brunette a little more, possibly bc I'm brunette? idk
  4. I have a few different types I guess, but when it comes to physically, I generally like a guy who is taller than me but not by a lot and who is a bit stocky, not skinny and not necessarily super muscular. In general, I like guys who look like they could be out working in the yard or something. That type of build.

    My husband is different than the type I usually go for. He's pretty tall, about 6'3'' and pretty muscular as well. Which isn't exactly NOT my type, but typically I would go for someone shorter probably and less muscular.

    I also had a long term boyfriend years ago who was tall and thin, although he did have some muscle but he was a naturally skinny guy. That was also not my typical type at all. I would say my husband is closer to my type than he was.

    Also, I like brunettes or black hair. I have very rarely been attracted to blondes or redheads. Also not a huge beard fan, unless they have the whole mountain man vibe going on, which is very much my type.
  5. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    I should probably answer this myself. :D

    ¤ Do you have a type - if so, describe them.

    I've always thought I had a type, but my type throughout my life has changed (and keeps changing). I used to be very attracted to chubby guys as a teen. That was like the main feature I found attractive, until I got my first real boyfriend who was super tall and skinny with long dreads. After him, my type changed to that for years and to some degree still applies, it seems. I guess it's a question about familiarity?

    But at the same time, I have always been very attracted to / preferred dark / black hair, darker skin and features - but now that I think about it, all my boyfriends have been blonde with blue eyes. Like, ALL of them. I am currently dating someone who dyes his hair jet black, but I learned that underneath he is super blonde as well. It's really odd. :'D

    I've also noticed that the guys I've ended up dating, I didn't find overly attractive to begin with, but the attraction grew immensely when I got to know them, and then eventually I found them to be the hottest person on the planet.

    ¤ Do you go for a specific type of aesthetic that compliments your own (style, clothes, tattoos, etc)?

    I suppose I like the "alternative" look a lot, but that can mean anything, really. I like men who stand out in a crowd.

    ¤ Do you find your type changes over time (for example, resembling whatever your previous partner looked like)?

    Yes. Very much so. But apparently they all look similar in the end, it seems. :')

    ¤ Have you ever dated someone who told you that you weren't initially what they'd normally go for?

    Yes. And even if they did not tell me, it's obvious when it's a thing. I could not be more opposite my current guy's previous girlfriends (tall-ish, super blonde, Caucasians - I am short and dark skin. I find that super funny, for some reason).
  6. Tamás

    Tamás Fapstronaut


    My type is around 170-180cm in height. I don't have a hair color preference, brunette, blonde, red, black, each can fit. I might say cute>hot, but if there's a priority, its a small margin.
    My body type is somewhat average (i weight 80kgs), I'd prefer around the same body type or slightly skinnier (I've started working on losing fat also).
    I don't like too much makeup, I'm more of a natural beauty fan.

    Having a tight butt is everyone's dream I assume, I'm not different. I like different kinds of breasts, can't give a specific answer to that, from B to D roughly.

    Im a 25 year old guy.

    Btw Castielle, I totally thought you were a dude. :D
    u376 likes this.
  7. My type:
    • Breathing.
    • Great attitude.
    • Funny.
    Other than that I’m pretty open/flexible. I do it this way because I used to have “types” but those always changed in terms of physical attraction based on the above 3 qualities.
  8. SilentJay313

    SilentJay313 Fapstronaut

    1. Now that I think about, i guess someone who is into/interested in some of same things i like: Music(mostly rock/metal, electronic/techno, classic rock, blues, funk, and older/underground rap music. But not just listening to it, but if she plays an instrument that is a big bonus.), video games, art, anime/comics, skateboarding, etc.

    Maybe to add to this, the personality type I'd say would have to be someone who is very kind and caring, and is enjoyable to be around. Someone who we can both help each other become better people. Someone who won't take their anger out on me, but knows how to push me in the right direction when I need it.

    As far as body type, i guess average or athletic is fine. I just wouldn't want to date someone who looks like a Ms Olympia contest winner. If the girl is a bit on overweight side, i wouldn't mind it as long as she has a good personality.

    2. Not really. I just don't want to be with someone that is considered to be high maintenance. I would be more likely to walk up to someone who's wearing a shirt with a band i like on it, or something anime/comic/video game related on it. Then again, this can be troubling since i noticed some people will wear something and not know what they are wearing. I ran into a few girls wearing anime related shirts, certain band shirts (like Slayer, Iron Maiden, Sublime, Metallic, Operation Ivy, Messhuggah, and oddly enough a Cannibal Corpse shirt), and skateboarding related clothing (Thrasher hoodies/shirts, and certain board company shirts like Element Birdhouse, Plan B, Almost, etc.) and they would not know what the hell they are wearing. Basically i would hear them say "Oh i just liked the shirt/though it was cute/it's trendy." and it just makes me confused. So I'm not sure about using I can't really give a straight answer for this.

    3. I guess so.

    4. I never really had a girlfriend so I can't answer this question.

    5. Same answer as #4.

    6. Not sure if could really add anything.
  9. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Nope, never did. I’ve dated people of all different shapes & sizes. I know it sounds cliché, but I’m attracted to a good personality and a sense of humor.
  10. I find the question of why are we attracted to who we're attracted to interesting. I think maybe it all has to do with how we think about certain people. I think it's possible to make yourself be attracted to those you find unattractive if you really want to. We choose who we're attracted. I've found my type change when my attitude and interests have changed. It also changed with different experiences.

    All my ex's were actually Asian. I still find Asian women slightly attractive but because of my experience with my ex's were pretty bad I find them less attractive. I think it's unlikely I'll ever get in a relationship with one ever again.

    I did have this dream girl but my ex's didn't look like her. I didn't think her up, I saw in a store when I was a teenager. I still remember her and what she was wearing. If I saw her again I would probably ask her out if I was single but if I was with someone I wouldn't leave her to be with my dream girl.

    I do think physical attraction is important but I find attractiveness isn't very limited since I find all colours and races attractive. Personality and character are more important though. When I was young I went for women who I thought were more exotic but now I'm not so fussed. She has to be pretty but prettiness comes in all different ways and looks - and of course pretty is what pretty does.

    Having said that while I find all races and colours attractive I wouldn't go for someone from a different culture now. My ex's were from a different culture and they had expectations of me that I couldn't fulfil - they were wanting me to be someone who I was not.

    Oh, I don't like tattoos on a woman, I don't mind two or three tattoos but imo a woman with an armful of tattoos is unattractive. But having said that I probably could make myself find it attractive if I really wanted to.
  11. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all your replies! Some really interesting answers here. Also - as so many others - I also find personality to be the deciding factor in my attraction to someone. But this thread is purely meant to address the importance (or unimportance) of physical attraction. :3

    I used to believe this too, until I dated someone about a year and a half ago, and found it to be untrue for me. Like, I was super attracted to his personality and we dated for about 5 months (long distance) based on that attraction. But I was not at all attracted to his physical appearance. Not even the slightest, despite him actually having physical attributes I usually find attractive. He was objectively good looking and lots of women found him very attractive. But I just did not. I tried convincing myself the attraction would build over time, but it didn't. It was even so severe that kissing him repulsed me in the end, and I still cannot explain to you why, because he is objectively not a bad looking person. I really, really, REALLY wanted to feel physically attracted to him, as I was emotionally attracted to him. But it just didn't happen. This convinced me that physical attraction works in mysterious ways. :/
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. john27

    john27 Fapstronaut

    I prefer shorter women, I just find them adorable. I have fond memories of carrying my ex on my back.
  13. You know i heard physical attraction only lasts a certin amount (6-10 weeks, i think) and if youre still w/ that person after that you're emotionally depenedent on that person.
  14. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    My type would be women who are nerdy/intellectual. Physically speaking I like black hair and a curvy figure.
    SilentJay313 likes this.
  15. A petite, athletic, long dark hair, artsy, intellectual, granola-yoga, compassionate
    type girl. Even better if she plays musical instrument and loves the outdoors.
  16. StrivingMan

    StrivingMan Fapstronaut

    ¤ Do you have a type - if so, describe them.

    I like bearish type guys. Typically hair. Fit with a little bit of pudge. So some that can keep up with me on a run but extra skin for cuddles. As for of the lost boys from neverland. We will stay young together forever. Doing dumb shit like sky diving and rock climbing and getting in trouble doing things we probably shouldn’t.

    ¤ Do you go for a specific type of aesthetic that compliments your own (style, clothes, tattoos, etc)?

    I don’t focus on this too much. tattoos are sexy sometimes. I like guys with that wear outdoorsy clothes or like well fitted pants with a in tucked button down. Hard to pin point what style you’d call that.

    ¤ Do you find your type changes over time (for example, resembling whatever your previous partner looked like)?

    Sorta kinda. I feel as I’ve gotten older and desired someone who can keep up with my active pass the attraction to over weight guys as diminished

    ¤ If you have a current partner, do they match with your supposed type? If not, how so?

    To an extent but style no. Body type yes. As I’ve gotten older not as much but I’m still only attracted to what I’m attracted to. For instance, I’m gay. If a man is not my type it might as well be a girl because I’m not attracted to them either. All I see is friend material.

    ¤ Have you ever dated someone who told you that you weren't initially what they'd normally go for?

    No but I told that to the guy I am with. He got was sorta bad but I reassured him. He wasn’t what I normally go for in the since my Ex was so different and my type has changed and developed.

    ¤ Anything else you'd like to add?

    I’m going to take an Advil and go to sleep. I’m tired.