Hi Everyone

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ATCR Perce, May 10, 2018.

  1. ATCR Perce

    ATCR Perce Fapstronaut

    I've never posted on a thread before...
    I am doing this because I think might thoughts about women and relationship may be distorted by porn.
    It is also a huge waste of time in the mornings and at night.
    I think I have always deep down felt ashamed and I want to be fully honest and clean.
    I think my relationship with my girlfriend will be better and more honest if I stop PMO.
    Therefore, to have a better life, I need to stop PMO.
    Its day one and I hope I never go back to day zero.
    PMO addict likes this.
  2. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Hi ATCR Perce! Welcome to nofap. I can relate to the sentiment, I hope I never go back to day zero. I just want to keep going and going, seeing what comes up next as I stay clean :) It is always possible that a relapse could happen but if it does its just another learning experience. Hopefully it doesn't though.
    ATCR Perce likes this.
  3. benleen88

    benleen88 Fapstronaut

    Hello buddy! Nice to have a chat with you here. Welcome!
    ATCR Perce likes this.
  4. ATCR Perce

    ATCR Perce Fapstronaut

    Thanks PMO Addict, Great insight there!
    PMO addict likes this.
  5. Full ahead

    Full ahead Fapstronaut

    Well, you have said it all. You are right. PMO distorts our perception of others (men and women) and because of that addiction we tend to look at them as objects of sexual pleasure, or at least not as human beings but sex machines that additionally think or feel, when it is the opposite... men and women with gifts and flaws but not objects...Once here I learned to difference that and I am happy...now I can simply see persons and not the animal picture they had become to me.
    avyash likes this.
  6. p3rs0nal

    p3rs0nal Fapstronaut

    Good decision mate,

    It will be a hard challange but your reward will be huge. I'm currently on day 10 and the urges starting to get really annoying and strong.
    A tip from me: if you have those urges and you'r about to PMO, question yourself: Is it really worth throwing your streak away for a small O that last's a few second's? I learned that after a relapse because you'll feel shit after it. So keep going.

    Good luck
    ATCR Perce likes this.
  7. ATCR Perce

    ATCR Perce Fapstronaut

    Its been 5 days without PM, but 3 days since an O.
    Its the notorious chaser effect.
    The urge is strong. I feel it in my core and in my arms for some reason.
    Could it be the testosterone?
    I have also noticed a much greater fluency in my behaviour with society.
    When I am not feeling any urge, I think more about the person I interact with.
    Its great! I just need to fight off this urge.

    I need to find this emergency package and hold my hands to my heart when I feel this.