
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Pragmatic person, May 15, 2018.

  1. Pragmatic person

    Pragmatic person New Fapstronaut

    I like much of what is in the Satanic bible, like respecting peoples' houses and stuff
    What do you all think of it?
  2. A41:14A

    A41:14A Fapstronaut

    It's just a dumb book. There's nothing satanic with it, grow up.
  3. Pragmatic person

    Pragmatic person New Fapstronaut

  4. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Thanks for inspiration, I always like to have very broad perspective, try to look at things from both sides of barricade and make my own opinions.
    So I read a summary of the book and afterwards I quickly scan through with the book.

    To my surprise, although I never read the book before or heard about its content I actually agree on many things from it and live by them. For example:
    1. Rejects the idea of prayer, instead urging to take action to fix a situation instead of asking and waiting for a solution.
    2. Religion is criticized as a man-made construct, and the reader is urged to question everything and destroy any lies that he or she uncovers.
    Long-standing lies that are believed to be irrefutable truths are identified as the most dangerous.
    (We all know one long-standing lie - masturbation is good for your health - how it can be dangerous when you grow up with it).
    3. Each person is considered to be his or her own god.
    4. Controlled selfishness - 100% agree with this life philosophy.
    5. Martyrdom and non-personalized heroism is to be associated not with integrity, but with stupidity.
    6. Try to get the best from this life as much as you can.

    The Satanic bible (particularly 2nd book - Book of Lucifer) contains lot of self-development stuff found in many well-recognized and well-accepted self development books.
    So it can empower you, it can help you be better person, more happy person, understand the things you were doing wrong or the things you have been incorrectly taught for example by society. But there is also a but (or a catch).

    The catch is, like many other religious texts, it contains self-development knowledge that can be really helpful and valuable for person, but it is delivered together with lot of other bullshit, that makes no sense what so ever (for example rituals). Since unaware person read first self-development stuff and find it useful, he/she is then more likely to believe also the following bullshit, since author already showed he was right or helpful previously.

    I reminds me same model as uses Scientology - at first they give you self-development knowledge that is valid, empowering, good for you and when you start to trust that it is good for you, then they add lot of bullshit that makes no sense and help them control you. But since you trust them already, you eat it all -> the helpful knowledge together with the bullshit.
    Last edited: May 15, 2018
    Jennica and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Pragmatic person

    Pragmatic person New Fapstronaut

    I could not agree more with you, except for the thing that masturbation is bad, I think it's just as dangerous as reading fiction (you can get back pain, neck pain, dive too much in fantasy, forget your life etc., but it's not if you do it, it's how you do it).
    (Not saying you get back pain from marturbarting, just that it can be bad too).
  6. :emoji_grey_question:

    What part of the OP indicates she's being childish?
  7. I haven't read it but it sounds interesting although it appears the title misrepresents what the book is.

    JustinX likes this.
  8. I dont care whats in the book. Anything titled the satanic bible isnt getting a second glance from me.
    Hitto and Deleted Account like this.
  9. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    I read the Satanic Bible by Lavey when I was about 18 years of age (10 years ago). I was curious. It doesn't really have anything to do with demonic forces, but is rather a self-help guide with a spooky title. I was entertained by it and it has a lot of good points and interesting arguments for how one can conduct one's life.
    I am also a strong advocate of researching things instead of forming a biased opinion, and that is why I read the book in the first place.
    Deleted Account and Headspace like this.
  10. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    I listened to some satanic music in my metalhead times, but never ventured further into it. In black metal, most bands are only using it as a gimmick anyway, I believe. But also in general, when satanism is not really about satan, I don't get why they use the icon of satan at all, except for appearing edgy, controversial and provocative (i.e. like teenagers in puberty). I also remember watching this video:

    The satanist said that satanism is more about being "in unity with nature and self", but to me, this sounds more like new age than satanism :p

    So yeah... I guess it's mainly a gimmick for people who feel the need to put an edgy label on themselves. There might be some good points in literature, may be some bad ones, who knows. I like provocative ideas, but they really have to be that way to their core and not require this teenage attitude.

    I'm so annoyed by satanism right now that I need some satanic music:
  11. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    If that's what the satanic bible is about, my main concern would be that it's incredibly boring. May be that would be my main accusal. This guy strips satanism of satan and then says it's a form of epicureanism, which was already an incredibly boring and pointless life philosophy back in ancient greece, and is basically the "live your life" and "follow your dreams" we read on instagram nowadays. So ist that what satanism is about? :rolleyes: Satanism would be a lot more interesting to me if there were actually people worshipping demons and having sex rituals with the blood of sacrificed goats. So a proper satanist isn't even allowed to rape someone? I'm out. The way that guy makes it look I'll rather invest my time into studying the bible.

    Sorry for ranting.
  12. Yes, it is bizarre. It's a bit like if this site was called YesPorn
    Headspace likes this.
  13. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Hahaha :D

    By the way, I am studying Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan for university at the moment, and some things he is saying are what I suppose satanism could be if it wanted to. He states that by nature alone, man has perfect freedom and the right to do everything he wants. This includes murder, rape and torture - he doesn't say so explicitly, but he says that man even has the right for another human's body. This goes for everybody. All morals, law and justice only have pragmatic character and are made for the purpose to have a more wealthy and secure life.

    This is a provocative idea, and what's even more fascinating is that Hobbes wrote his book almost 400 years ago.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. natejasper

    natejasper New Fapstronaut

  15. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Great vid Wave Surfer, he sumarize it pretty good based on what I read sofar.

    And I agree, choosing name Satanism for that life philosophy was very bad idea, particularly due to massive Christian negative advertising.

    In contrary with Christianity which believe that Satan exist, LaVeyan Satanist bible do even not believe that Satan exist. It is closer to atheistic belief than to any religion. It is more about everything you need is already in you, you are god of your life and you have all the power to change it, so unlock your true potential, if you have problems, take action and fix them now, dont wait praying for a miracle for somebody else to fix your life for you, dont sacrifice your life/needs/wants for some bullshit, try to enjoy all you can and make maximum from time/life without hurting anybody who dont deserve it, treat everybody as they treat you - if they threat to good then treat them good as well, if they threat you bad dont let anybody fuck with you, etc.

    As I already said lot of valid self-development stuff found in many other selfhelp books. If the author chose different name it would be better imho. But I read somewhere that he wanted it to be accepted as a religion and to use previous interest in this topic so he mixed everything together.
    Last edited: May 16, 2018
  16. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    These are just empty phrases. I believe they will work for you as long as your life is working anyway, but as soon as you struggle with depression, as soon as your family dies or as you get almost stabbed to death by some drugged lowlife, you will realize that they are completely bloodless. They will only work as long as they are not needed.
  17. Anything that encourages any of these things should not be titled "Satanic." Satan does not want you to win. He does not want you to control your selfishness, fix situations, and he DEFINITELY doesn't want you to stop believing lies. He's the master of lies. That's pretty much all he ever does, and he relishes in watching humans believe those lies and destroy themselves. Calling a book like this the "Satanic Bible" is so utterly insane and blasphemous. It perpetuates a lie all on its own by merely existing, and that is the lie that anything related to Satan can be a positive thing for humans. Idiotic.
    MLMVSS, Roady and Hitto like this.
  18. Controlled selfishness is an oxymoron.
    MLMVSS and Hitto like this.
  19. If this is true then it rejects the false notion of the nature and purpose of prayer. Prayer isn't for raining down miracles or prosperity; neither is it a tool to excuse obligation to act. The purpose of prayer is to keep oneself in a constant communication with God and His grace so that you will be able to accept and carry out His will. This is why if people are to ever ask for something from God in prayer, they likewise should be asking for the grace to be detached from their "need" to have it and to continue on when they do not get what they want.

    The scientific method was also man made, but for a specific reason. It was made to explain truths which are observable in nature. Things within physical reality that can be measured. Religion deals with revealed truths. Ones man cannot come to understand on his own because these things deal with spiritual subjects which cannot be measured. This precisely why the question of God is a matter for religion not science because science could never measure an eternal spiritual being. Anyone looking toward science to provide proof of a God is just as ridiculous as the person who doesn't believe in God because of a lack of proof from science.

    The irony here is this truth of self-control and prudent self-denial has been stated by Christanity while the opposite has been encouraged by satanism. LeVay satanism beleives that self-indulgence leads to knowledge which leads to power. Well, everyone on this site knows from experience that this is a lie since self-indulgence has lead us to useless knowledge and ultimate slavery in addiction and compulsion.

    I used to think like this until i realized there is very little I can control ot influence. I cannot will myself into existence nor can I guarantee the outcome of anything in this life. I can act, train, study, fight, etc all I want but at the end of the day there is an outside force that determines the conclusion.

    A person who is selfish lack control, that is the very thing which makes them selfish.

    This beleif is why our world is the way it is, and that is because no one is willing to sacrifice themselves for truth. A person who dies in order to uphold truth is someone who has the highest integrity because they have thought of future generations of people and their wellbeing.

    This site has showed us that through a reboot and self-control, where we don't indulge in every desire that comes into our minds, is the sure way to a happier life and inner peace. The same message a little Jewish carpenter told us 2000 years ago.

    MLMVSS, Hitto and Headspace like this.
  20. Soberhopeful

    Soberhopeful Fapstronaut

    You are welcome to read whatever you want, but as for me, if I want to stay sober, I need to help others, and it is hard to help others when you bring that book up. That is why I try to not bring up my faith because there are people that have been severely hurt by religion and I want to help not hurt others. For a time I sponsored a Russian Jewish person who had a different faith than me and I never pushed my faith on him. He had a breakthrough on his inventory. But again, it's your choice on what to read.
    Hitto likes this.