Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. Guys it is my 5th week on nofap.

    2 amazing things happened(considering not in flatline):

    1- Ejaculated 2 times in about 40 minutes and after the first ejaculation my penis stayed hard for two minutes and I continued for two minutes it was like all in my mind. I was like, “man how can I continue something is wrong”. I think I came to a point where I can control my penis with my brain

    2- After like 3 hours I went to gym and I was again assuming that I can not lift the same weights as the day before since I had sex 3 hours ago and both ejaculated and O’ed. But man, I was a beast. Not felt exhausted, my stamina was awesome, I even increased some weights.

    Guys this is happening.

    Hope you all experience such things.

    Stay motivated!
  2. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    congratulation u r experiencing positive benefits
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Birdie

    Birdie Fapstronaut

    Great work brother!! Very inspiring
    Douglas? and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Fallensoldier1

    Fallensoldier1 Fapstronaut

    Congrats! I noticed last night at the gym I lifted a little more weight than usual. But other than that. I’m feeling pretty crappy, very exhausted and very horny.
  5. Well I had the times when I felt crappy and exhausted and anxious etc. it was back in my flatline times.

    After I pushed myself with my goals, started making conversations with people etc. in short, pushed myself and made my brain be active with something and did not think about anything else but that moment, that was the time I started getting out of the flatline.

    So, according to my beleif pushing yourself is the key point here. For the crappy part I can suggest this.

    For feeling exhausted part, I am guessing that the feeling exhaustion after the gym. Well you can think in a positive way that you had a really good gym session and you used your all energy on lifting weights that is ok. But if you want to feel better after gym you can check out your nutrition. Are you eating enough food after(all the basic things carbs, proteins, fats) it? I can suggest supplements like multivitamins and zinc. And ofcourse a good night sleep.

    Feeling horny part, well again keeping your brain busy to think and do other things works pretty well. Just concentrate on other things. Yes meditation works yes coldshowers work these are the classic ways that are suggested by people here. But if you want an example working for your goals is pretty convenient, for example I am learning a programming language which keeps me busy the most of the day, I call my friends and talk to them, I work as a part time waiter, I have an ongoing process to be a pilot I am studying for their exams etc. so as you see I pretty much dont have time to think that I am horny :)

    Keep it up bro!
  6. Fallensoldier1

    Fallensoldier1 Fapstronaut

    Good work man! I am at the point to where the last week or so, since my last relapse. I am on day 11 I believe, I have been pretty tired for the last week or so. However I also do not sleep very well. Woke up several times last night, once in a pretty big panic. I have been feeling cold a lot. Even when it’s not that cold, stressed, Depressed, feeling lethargic, lonely, but also not wanting to talk to anyone, dry mouth, thirsty alot and I drink a lot of water.

    This kinda has come in waves. These things come and go at different times.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Awesome man , because often the penis controls the brain when you are a victim of PMO.

    So this was caused by an increase of testosterone and confidence due to no fapping whatsoever? Congratulations brother,that is inspiring and motivating. Thank you for writing this testimony. I enjoy reading you by the way. Good work.
    Nugget9 and Deleted Account like this.
  8. It’s ok. The things you are experiencing are normal because your brain was used to PMO. Now it is trying to heal itself. Think like this, you were fapping and you were addicted to it. So your brain needed that dopamine release after you fap.It was used to it. Now since you dont do it anymore, your body is giving responses which is ok.

    I used to M every single night before going to sleep. It was like my only way to go to sleep. Release of dopamine for 2 minutes and in that 2 minutes since I did not think about anything (not anxious, not depressed etc.) I could sleep. So after NoFap, I experienced similar things as you while going to sleep and I experienced it like for 2-3 weeks. Now I sleep pretty well and even I sleep like for 4-5 hours when I wake up I dont feel like I didnt get my sleep, I go straightly to take a cold shower and start my day.

    Drinking water a lot is also ok. It is very healthy unless you drink like 8-9 litres of water at one time :)
  9. Yeah I can say pretty much that it was caused by the increase of testosterone and confidence. The same day I chatted with the female trainer which I did not do it before and again chatted and enjoyed a conversation with my friend’s friend who is also female and bought a protein drink for her and we sat and had a chat like for 10-15 minutes in the nutrition bar of the gym :)
    Mirach and Woodcutter74 like this.
  10. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    And those are other benefits as well :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. GratifiedSlave

    GratifiedSlave Fapstronaut

    Good to know buddy! Keep up the good work!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Allright again a great thing happened today. First of all I am writing these in order to make you get motivated. I am not in a mood like “oh I am awesome everybody sucks, I am the best etc. etc.”. I don’t want to be egoist about myself. Just writing here in order to inspire you guys and writing here makes me feel good, to get in touch with the fapstronauts here.

    So, I had this interview today for the masters degree in a very popular college here in my country. I felt a little bit anxious before like 15 minutes before the start. Just all the thoughts were running through my mind I was like going crazy I was thinking 10 things at the same time. But I stopped thinking for a moment closed my eyes and started breathing like meditating. Guys it helped a lot I meditated for like until they call out my name.

    Then the interview started. They were like three sour face interviewers who were sitting infront of me. And guys I could not beleive myself. I was like a wolf. Only one of them was asking the questions, but while I was answering I looked straight into their eyes with my confident thick voice. I experienced many interviews till now, honestly I was like a meowing cat :) In the end of this interview those 3 sour faces were smiling.

    Even if I dont get accepted. I feel like I accomplished a great job in there. I feel very satisfied. From now on it does not matter if I get accepted or not. Will continue with my journey :)

    Love you guys.
    MasterGamer, gaaroth, Nugget9 and 4 others like this.
  13. I hate it_I love it

    I hate it_I love it Fapstronaut

    I can see that you have a great personality! The way you make me realize that I could do that one day.
  14. GoldenGod15

    GoldenGod15 Fapstronaut

    Amazing news bro. Congrats!!

    When did you leave the flatline? What were the immediate signs it was over?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. GoldenGod15

    GoldenGod15 Fapstronaut

    Bro you are describing my EXACT journey as well. I have literally every one of those symptoms, at 18 days in. We are flatlining and will get through this.
    Fallensoldier1 likes this.
  16. I had a 1 week flatline I guess. Was very anxious, depressed and had an anxiety about the future etc. wasn’t feeling happy and I was very nervous and angry to everything happening around me :)

    Anyways, immediate sign was like when I was working for my goals and I could not think anything but my goals and even I achieve something very very very small about it that makes me happy. And the very very very small amount of achievement on anything you are interested in can boost a very very very big amount of confidence. And with the boost of that confidence you can experience some improvements in other areas of your life. When you think and see the positive results, you start getting out from the flatline. And when you see that you are starting getting out of the flatline, suddenly you will want more of it and give your best about it and then you are totally free from flatline.

    I guess now I am kind of in a flatline because had a sex yesterday which I did not want that much and I kind of feel a regret about it. My morale is not that good. But I will push myself to get out from this situation. Will go to gym today and do some other things to get out from my comfort zone.

    Remember getting out from comfort zone is the best cure for the flatline. This is my advice and suggestion for you :)

    Dont just sit and overthink about negative situations that you are in.

    Keep it up bro.
    Nugget9, spaces and Deleted Account like this.
  17. GoldenGod15

    GoldenGod15 Fapstronaut

    Amazing advice. Thanks so much man, will do my best to follow
  18. Allright guys another experience today :) I am in a flatline about a week from now. Feeling anxious, a little bit not happy, a little tired etc.

    Anyways, went to gym today and there is this female trainer. I was feeling like shit since I am in a flatline but was always pushing myself and trying to get out from my comfort zone. Noticed that she was looking at me while I was training. And then I went to ask her about a move. After my training I was sitting in the nutrition bar and she came along and sat just across me and started to talk about horoscopes. So we had fun I guessed her horoscope because she told me that her birthday is tomorrow. I told her that I know your horoscope because my girlfriend is just born after the day she was born. Even though I told her about my girlfriend etc. she continued with the flirty conversation. She started saying like do you think we have the same behaviours, attitudes etc. with your girlfriend. I don’t know maybe she just wants to be friends but I could say it was flirty definitely.

    By the way I went out from the gym to sit on the couches outside of the gym since the weather was beautiful. She came there also trying to start a conversation. Maybe I am starting to get out from my flatline who knows :)
    Man08989 and MasterGamer like this.
  19. Oh by the way, did not sleep last night even a minute.

    But felt not that bad the whole day the reason is I think was keeping myself busy all the time.

    In the evening when I was in gym. I had a very slight performance dropdown but still managed to lift the heavy weights.

    Now going to take a cold shower and have a very good night sleep.

    Excited for it :)
    gaaroth likes this.