Masturbation and ejaculation is dangerous be careful of how much you masturbate

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mewqmist, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    Take it from me just read my other forum I posted on the forums here:

    I'm just here to warn you guys of the dangers of masturbation and ejaculation if you do it so much it will not make you become older which is really dangerous. I went through with this for 2 years and I'll tell you it's one of the most heart wrenching experiences ever. Now I wouldn't ever be able to experience what its like to become older, cuz I missed already 5-7 stages. You see your friends become older before your own eyes it hurts. People say they always want to become younger and not become older trust me, you'd rather just become older. You'll regret it.

    No research has ever been done on what I've gone through or maybe there has but just here to warn you to be careful and masturbate the normal amount of times you're suppose to. Now this wouldn't happen to everyone it only happens to a few people but who knows, it might happen to you so I warn you for the love of god be careful!!!

    There's a lot of other stuff that masturbation does to you as well such as fuck with ur pre frontal cortex (decision-making) you likely all know that, and the prefrontal cortex> amygdala. I always get really uncontrollable anger because of my masturbation addiction.

    FYI I'm not really sure if this is masturbation and ejculation's doing but it could be possible. Sperm contains a lot of stuff so it's possible for sperm (the more you shoot it out) to unage you. And this could be a hormonal problem if I'm right.

    And one last thing contact me on the forums if anyone you know has gone through this and tell them to tell me what is going on with me.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
  2. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    I recomended you to see ur doctor like asap

    And stop watchin porn

    If u knew that porn destroy then stop it
  3. LeHso

    LeHso Fapstronaut

    Actually what I know is the opposite

    the more you masturbate, the more you look older, weaker, paly, bad voice talker, a lot of "ah" during talking
  4. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    Would like that actaully. The older part. But not like old man old.
  5. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    Forgot to mention if there is any girls out there pfft... which I hardly doubt who has the samething I have contact me about it too. Even though this problem has to do with sperm probably and for it to happen to girls is impossible. I just wish I was a girl wouldn't have to go through this age stuff.
  6. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    I believe my dad has something to do with this we are both DNA-related he is somewhat affected by this too but mostly me. Just to let you know my dad didn't cause this on me I did cause it to him I'm the source of this problem of why he is affected. He looks mostly like a man you'd probably wouldn't even see anything wrong with him however if you look closely you can see something is off. He looks 90 percent man and 10 percent looks like me when he was that age. Like we did a body transfer. I notice this doesn't affect my little brother he can age and is becoming almost as old as I am we are 6 years younger and he is 2 years behind me in age now.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
  7. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    Aaaand this is exactly why I'm disregarding this post...
  8. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    So there has been research done on what I'm going through? What do you mean you are disregarding this post?
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
  9. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    My will power is weak. These symptoms too are preventing me from ending this to make it worse. I try seeing a doctor but masturbation makes you have a lack of motivation. I do try though but doesn't work.
    u376 likes this.
  10. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    No, I'm saying that if there isn't any research (or other kinds of concrete evidence), then there's no reason to believe anything you're saying. And I don't believe you. I don't believe that masturbation prevents you from getting older. That's silly.
    Amon goeth likes this.
  11. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    There's rare conditions out there so ofc there hasn't been research done on this. Scientist probably haven't discovered this yet. I'm not blind I see what I see with my own very eyes I've even made sure what I see was right and not my imagination as you think. I can even prove to you that what I go through is true. Even though I'll have to do that with pictures and I would rather not. I don't expect you to believe me I wouldn't believe you either if you said the exact samething believe what you want to believe until one day there is research done on this. And the only way to become older like I said in my other thread is to stop masturbation. I'd have to wait a week before all these symptoms atleast 20-30 of them to go away.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
  12. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    Two questions:
    If it's such a rare condition then why should anyone else think that it will happen to them?
    Why do you think masturbation is causing you to look the way you look, and not other factors such as your diet, exercise, sleep schedule, or your genetic makeup?

    Ugh, I'm starting to regret replying to this post. You know what? Go right ahead. I don't really have the time to engage in a debate with you about whether or not masturbation prevents you from growing older. I'm obviously not going to convince you over the internet that masturbation doesn't affect the way you look, and you're not going to convince me that it does either. This is a waste of both of our time. The only reason I replied in the first place is because there are people on this forum who come here for legitimate help. A lot of users are desperate and will do anything to deal with their addiction. When you spew out falsehoods like this, you end up confusing those people and making it harder for them to recover quickly.

    I'm not claiming that you're blind. I'm not claiming that what you see in the mirror is all in your imagination. I'm not even claiming that you don't really believe what you're saying. I'm just saying that you're misguided, and that I think masturbation is a red herring here. Yes, masturbation can be very damaging in the life of a porn addict, but it's not going to prevent you from aging for god's sake.

    I'm done here. I hate to walk away from a discussion, but it's just really not worth my time.
    Woodcutter74 and Asgardian36 like this.
  13. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    I'm not even sure if this is masturbation tbh I already did say that. But for now I'm figuring out what it is. Anyways cya. I'm gonna just go take pictures of myself and show the doctor trust me he'll say yes and you would too. I really wish I can show you guys the prove too bad I can't. And I know what you're gonna tell me "because you don't" no it's because I do but I'm a shy person. I'm not gonna post here anymore for now until I figure out the problem. Then I'll show you guys and maybe you'll believe me.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
  14. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    As I said before, I'm not doubting that you look young or anything. I'm not doubting what you're seeing in the mirror. I'm just doubting that masturbation is the cause. Simple as that.
  15. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    i dont know whether masturbation makes us old or not
    but @Mewqmist ........with all my experience..........just dont do it
    both porn and masturbation are equally harmful
    if you are avoiding masturbation .....good..........if you are avoiding both porn and masturbation......better
    WesternWolf likes this.
  16. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    Fuck this shit. No one fucking believes me ofc. I'm truly cursed. So upset no one believes me. I mean why can others become older it's not fair. 1,000 people or maybe less goes through what I'm going through looking at people my age just makes me want to go grab a knife and stab myself in the neck not to mention I actaully did attempted to cut myself even though it was a kitchen knife so it didn't work and I didn't try hard enough. I mean the longer I don't end this porn addiction the more I will loose more and more stages theirs only one more stage of body growth before I become an adult and if I miss one more stage I swear to god I'll just keep telling myself I don't want to live anymore and I would feel I don't want to live anymore. I mention about females cuz I hate being a male I realized that this might only be a male problem and I would rather just be a female.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2018
  17. Please do not self harm yourself, no matter how hard it gets please looks for alternatives to release your stress. I am a person who has self harmed and I wouldn't wish that on anybody. Please reach for different goals each day as to not fall into depression, I know this is a thing that is easier said than done.
    u376 likes this.
  18. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    How can I have a second chance then? I mean it sucks I can't kill myself so how can I have a second chance? Why do girls have it so easy? And why should I care about what you say about not wanting to kill myself it's not fair.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2018
  19. We must work hard towards our second chances I don't think women have it any easier than men, not by a long shot. They're after all human too...
  20. Mewqmist

    Mewqmist Banned

    ... But I don't have a second chance. It's forever gone for the rest of my life. Didn't you read my post? I wanted to kill myself because you only have one life and the second chance is forever gone for the rest of my life. I won't be able to experience growing older while everyone else can. The 5-7 stages and I'll say this for the last time if I don't masturbate for a week or 2 I'll be able to experience those stages but for 1-2 weeks compared to 2 years of which I missed. So, I'll be rapidly changing growth wise within that time frame anyways like I said I don't want to talk anymore so end of discussion.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2018