Is there any hope left for the human race?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ub3rT1m3, Jul 22, 2018.

  1. Ub3rT1m3

    Ub3rT1m3 Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2018

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    The murderers, paedophilia supporters, violent and intolerant people aren’t as common in the world as the media make them out to be. Get out of their world and explore your own.
  3. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    People have been saying "sin" was going to wipe us all out for over a thousand years. It wasn't true back then, and I don't see any reason it would be true now. The media likes to tell us all the negative things going on because people who consume media are (for the most part) addicted to negative news, and every negative article they read gives them a little squirt of dopamine (much like PMO).

    The only real rule in evolution is to simply survive. That's it. Everything else is optional. The simple truth is that our species had already been here over a million years before we got into societies and started inventing other 'rules'.
  4. I sink very low when I hear I what some people do but lately I start to think of Mr. Rogers and what he said, and I'm paraphrasing here which is, "Always look for the helpers." It sort of helps me when I feel like there is only 2% of humanity left in this world.
  5. Of-course not mate. But why would it upset you? They warned us for centuries that it would be at it's worse before it ended. You don't owe humanity anything. This sinking ships demise is inevitable. I am blessed that I get to live in the end times and experience the last chapter. It's not our fight. A short life and a merry one.
  6. Ub3rT1m3

    Ub3rT1m3 Fapstronaut

    I don't see how people can choose to procreate in these times we live in. Almost seems like cruelty to me.
  7. Ub3rT1m3

    Ub3rT1m3 Fapstronaut

  8. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    You can focus on the negatives all you like, or you can focus on the positives. And what exactly are the positives? Here are just a few:

    1. Humans are living longer now than at any other time in the entire history of the species. That is just a statistical fact. There are fewer newborns dying (as a percentage of total births) than ever before.

    2 Humans, on average, are more materially weathly today than at any other time in the entire history of the species. You think you're a broke college student? You probably still own possessions that Kings of 1,000 years ago couldn't even dream of.

    3. Humans, on average, have more opportunities than ever before. Think about it. You think you're poor or broke? You just need to come up with some kind of cute content for youtube that people like, and you'll be out of the poverty cycle immediately. It's not easy, but it's less difficult than at any other prior period of human existence.

    Dude, here's my invitation to you. Stop following "news", most of which is just opinion designed to grab attention anyway. I actually think it's WORSE than PMO. Go full monk mode for six months, and see if you still feel depressed.