My name is Cookie!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ECookieTM, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. ECookieTM

    ECookieTM Fapstronaut

    'Sup World! My name is...well you can just call me Cookie. And I'm a dreamer who has a problem....I'm addicted to porn. And honestly i've always had this mental barrier in my mind that i could get by watching porn and i'd have no problem doing anything. But one day (That day actually being just recently) I looked up an article on men's hair, and how it should be kept trim. And I noticed an article that said "Top 10 reasons why you should stop watching online porn". Now i'll be real with you guys, I watch porn religiously. I watch lesbian porn, I watch regular porn, I watch hentai, I know over 20 pornstars, and I know where to get my lesbian porn from. Granted I dont have a gigantic stash of magazines & DVDs in my closet or something (Probably because everything's available on the internet), but I do watch ALOT of porn, the reason i'm saying this because recently, after some much needed research, I've decided that porn, is like a drug. It doesnt harm you physically however, it harms you mentally. It's like a mental drug that gets you addicted as soon as you even think about it, and the addiction needs to stop for me. That's why when I found out about NoFap, I took initative to join this forum site so i could abstain from Porn & Masturbating like a dirty pervert. My friends call me cookie, but they dont even know I do these things. The side-effects of porn are life-shattering and i'm beginning to think that porn plays a great part in why life sucks so much for me sometimes, so i'm going to kick my addiction and start living me REAL life now. This I pledge! Anyone wanna help this newbie Cookie Monster fapstronaut out with a few tips or something to help keep me away from porn?
  2. Grease Lightning

    Grease Lightning New Fapstronaut

    Cookie, I just got on here today as well. I've been on porn for a long time and its out of control. I started to try to kick it in September and lasted two weeks then relapsed pretty badly. Now, I'm 12 days in without it. I'm trying to reach 30 days. Do you want to be partners on this?
  3. ECookieTM

    ECookieTM Fapstronaut

    That would be cool yes.
  4. thatBrownGuy

    thatBrownGuy Fapstronaut

    Hey cookie monster,
    I uhm, didnt wanted to imagine cookie monster fapping but, thanks for the image anyway . :p

    So you are here, you made this account, you posted here that is a big step in itself.

    And you've did some reasearch that means you know the basics.

    I just want to share some things that I do to keep myself from pmo.

    > I am a regular here, I post about my day, writing about stuff helps, what you did, if you had urges, how you fight back. Its like telling your small success stories to yourself.
    > Be a regular in gym or some sport. Work out daily.
    > Plan your day ahead and stick to it.
    > Try to be busy for atleast the initial 10 days.
    > A trick.. tie a rubber band to your arm, and whenever you have the urge for PMO, just snap it. It will break your thought cycle and will help you to think clearly.

    You are not alone.
  5. eldish

    eldish Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, my signature list what I've been doing and my journal elaborates further. I suggest that you make a journal and keep logging into nofap. These are things I've found I must do because when I try to do things my way, I watch porn and relapse.
  6. ECookieTM

    ECookieTM Fapstronaut

    Cookie here again and I've recently discovered this new app called BrainBuddy. It has a complex, intricate program designed to not only kick porn addictions, but also help you be a better man. That's what I wish to get out of this situation, I want to be the best man that I can be while also pursuing my career of choice (Which is acting), My passions, and pursuing real sex instead of fapping to it on a computer. I want to go out there and live. So It's an awesome thing that i've found this app while laying out the groundwork for some of the problems that I face (And am constantly reminded of) On a daily basis. Once I get my bank account in order, I'll download the app and prepare to use it until the 90 days are up. Thanks you guys for repsonding to this post! I promise to keep you updated.
  7. ECookieTM

    ECookieTM Fapstronaut

    Hey everybody Cookie here again. I think I MAY have broken my streak of 6 days but i'm not sure. Last night while I was in bed I had a wet dream and I masturbated to it. Does this count for a reset? I only did it once. I'm hoping not. I initially resisted doing so but then I thought that I could use the practice for real sex. (Y'know to practice ejaculating) So I only did it once. Does that mean I have to reset my day counter again?
  8. ECookieTM

    ECookieTM Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone this is Cookie.....Unfortunately things havent been going so well for me over the past few months in terms of giving up the porn habit. I've at least PMO'ed 0ver a dozen times and had many relapses, wet dreams, and other sexual fantasies throughout the year. And i've gotten a part-time job recently, so I havent had the time to post anything on NoFap. And I apologize for that. The year started out very good for me, but now it's turned into a nightmare for my masturbation/ Porn habit......

    But recently, something happened to me that changed my perspective, as well as renewed my dedication to live a porn-free life. It happened during Easter Sunday this year. I was actually upstairs in my mom's apartment while most of my family were actually downstairs in my aunt's place. I was alone, so I actually decided to masturbate to Porn. But then , as soon as I opened Google up...I stopped. I didnt want to do it. It's the strangest thing I know, but I stopped myself from doing it, and instead I researched porn. It felt like a divine intervention from god on his sacred day. He directed my actions and opened my eyes about porn and all it's horrible fallacies. I've recently researched the effects of porn, excessive masturbation and orgasm on regular, single men. And I've found out that PMO'ing causes Erectile Dysfunction. Not only that but it also releases tons of a chemical in your brain called "Dopamine" that act on the pleasure centers in your brain. They feed it and the more it feeds, the more it wants. Kind of like an addiction to drugs. In that I realized....I'M DOING DRUGS! And I hate drugs, they only bring pain, suffering, bad behavior, health problems (Whether it be physical or mental), and especially, Misery. And then I looked even deeper into porn, Porn is also just another way to objectify and mistreat women. And i'm not just talking about the sex factor alone where we treat women like sex objects. Oh no. I'm talking about how directors and porn makers make their female actors do the things they want through human trafficking. Porn is basically a direct outlet for Human Trafficking, drug use, sexual abuse, and mistreatment of women. It's absolutely sickening knowing that I should, and WANT to be a gentleman, but i'm actually supporting and developing myself to become the very thing that I despise more than anything.

    That's why i'm actually happy to report that i'm back on NoFap, and I promise i'll keep myself up to date with everything that I do. I'm officially committing myself to a porn free life in order to achieve something better. I refuse to do drugs, I refuse to mistreat women, I refuse to approve of human trafficking, and I refuse to let this addiction control me. I admit I am addicted to porn, that's why i'm going to commit myself to re-wiring my brain so porn & sex arent the only things I think about. I'm starting my journey officially NOW.