17 y/o trans male here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by AcidGreen, Aug 10, 2018.

  1. AcidGreen

    AcidGreen Fapstronaut

    hi! i'm vlad. i've been lurking on here without an account every once in awhile, and i've been meaning to participate, but everytime i thought about it i always talked myself out of it. like, ''fuck it, who cares, why stop now?''

    but, i'm here now! heres a little bit of background.

    i wouldn't say i have a complete addiction to porn, but i know i do have an addiction to masturbation in a sense. that being i use it as my primary source of happiness. and, when i am watching porn, its always hentai, which is something i really do not want to get addicted to.

    i just moved into a new house, one where i finally have my own room and great internet service, this also meaning i have pretty much infinite opportunities to PMO. i'm hoping having this support system will help me learn some self control before things can get out of hand, you feel me?

    anyway, that's all really! (without being too tmi.) thanks for reading, im excited to get to know some of the people here as well, you all seem very friendly and helpful! ^_^
  2. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome! I live alone with good internet, so I know the temptation very well. I'm now over 40 days without hard porn, and the first week was definitely the hardest. At first, I was missing porn, but not masturbation. Now, I rarely have urges for porn, but masturbation is a near constant temptation. Good luck man!
    P-Free likes this.
  3. AcidGreen

    AcidGreen Fapstronaut

    thanks so much! good luck to you as well! :)
  4. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    Hello, welcome to the community. By being a member you have more chances to succeed...
    AcidGreen likes this.
  5. Becoming Jasmine

    Becoming Jasmine Fapstronaut

    Glad to have you here! It’s a lot easier with other people supporting you. You might want to think about finding an activity to replace PMO. since you rely on it for the fun in your life, it won’t be easy to just quit it and keep everything the same. That would probably end in relapse after no fun for days.
  6. TheProcedure

    TheProcedure Fapstronaut

    @AcidGreen Glad you're here. Welcome to the community! That temptation is a son of a gun when you have privacy and access like that.

    best piece of advice i've been learning along the way is to fight the initial thought rather than the urge. of course we should fight the urges if they come, but we have much less urges to deal with when we fight that initial bad/dangerous thought that might seem harmless in the beginning but can snowball into a hard-to-beat urge.

    Best of wishes to you, we can do this thing! One day at a time.