Keep Pushing You Can Defeat It

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Reezy351, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. Reezy351

    Reezy351 New Fapstronaut

    My energy has increased and I do feel better overall. I still do get urges. I almost just fell back into the trap while scrolling through Reddit. I shut it off and walked away. I want my life to change for the better. The process is not easy. It’s tough for me because I’m in between jobs and just moved to a new state.
    I look at women now like they are the best thing god created. I feel more attractive. I’ve been getting a lot of looks my way lately. I am more excited about life in general. I want to encourage someone like me that maybe walking down this same path. You are not alone. YOU CAN BEAT IT. YOUR MIND IS STRONGER THAN YOU THINK.
    PMO had become a bad habit for me and I felt that it was holding back in life. My goal is to be rid of the desires completely and to reset my brain. I depend on God to help me get through, but you have to make up in your mind that you don’t want to go back to that lifestyle. I compiled a small list of some of things I have been doing to not give into PMO

    1.)This might sound crazy, this is from my experience, but I recommend not focusing so much on preventing yourself from giving into PMO. When you think about preventing and come up with elaborate plans to stop you in turn are thinking about PMO. You do not want to be thinking about PMO at ALL.
    2.) Don’t let your mind be idle. If you find yourself idle get up and move from that area. Do some other positive activity.
    3.) What you put in your mind is what you get out. Seek positivity. Limit intake of all suggestive sexual media. Limit watching movies with sex scenes or playing video games with sexual content. Sex is everywhere do your best to limit what you hear and see.
    4.) Walking this life without believing in something must hard. I do not want to down play anyone’s religion. I find it imperative to seek spiritual help when trying to defeat PMO. Mediation and prayer can go a long way. This goes along with number 3. You want to seek positivity. Visit a church. Hear some inspirational words. Listen to a sermon.
    I believe in god I believe that when you except god into your life. Sin has no hold over you. You are under gods grace. You do not have to give into PMO. PMO has no hold on you. If you resist temptations of PMO, those temptations will fade. Until you don’t even have the desire to watch those things. Your mind will no longer think about PMO.
    5.) Do not be afraid of the process YOU CAN BEAT IT. Urges will come but each time you say no you will become stronger.

    I hope I can encourage someone to keep fighting and until the battle is won. You are not alone. WE CAN BEAT IT.
    leon1971, Eleanor, EPN and 11 others like this.
  2. Lampard21

    Lampard21 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the tips, I hope I'll be able to make it.
  3. Abmu

    Abmu Fapstronaut

    Bro thank you so much and congrats
  4. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    Good post... the religious angle does not always get covered on this forum. Well done
  5. Ossyblaz9

    Ossyblaz9 Fapstronaut

    I thanks for this motivational words God will See us through
  6. Siddarth Shetty S

    Siddarth Shetty S New Fapstronaut

    Your post is inspiring.even I do feel the same that if we keep on thinking about leaving something we end up doing it's better we avoid those thoughts..everytime you think something bad pull back yourself and say your have control over your mind and I don't want to think like that
  7. emeka71

    emeka71 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this
  8. EPN

    EPN Fapstronaut

    Appreciate this a lot. I couldn't agree more with your second point. I love to chill and do nothing on the weekends and when I'm not working but it often leads to PMO. I've started reading more and exercising during time off which has really helped. Great post!
    FX-05 likes this.