Slightly unusual case but I'm in!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by SamFZ, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. SamFZ

    SamFZ Fapstronaut

    Hey! Good to be here.

    I'm a 32 year-old full-time self employed game dev based in the UK. It's quite possible you've played games I've made, but I don't want to make my identity too public so I'm not going to say what they are. If you end up doing detective work please don't doxx me or post elsewhere about me being here! Heh.

    I'm a slightly unusual case, I don't really have a porn addiction, I can get off just fine without it and often do, but I do get off a whole lot and I want to reboot for my wellbeing and my relationship. I have, for a very long time, had a little bit of the "death grip" problem, so sex and foreplay can be quite unfulfilling and it puts a lot of pressure on my wife. She has a lower sex drive than me and some mental health issues which mean sometimes her drive is extremely low, which leads me to use porn instead of inconveniencing her. Though while I don't believe I am addicted to porn itself, it does seem like the more frequent I get, the more I start to need to use it, and the more I do that, the weirder the porn gets. I've come to rely on that instant gratification, which also spills out into other parts of life, like bingeing on sugar and soda, and not having patience for the kind of stuff that takes time to see results of, like working out.

    Occasionally, I have abstained for a while in the past, 2 weeks max. Every time I've done it I've felt different, even from those short periods, and as soon as I get back into sexual activity it feels SO MUCH BETTER, like a completely different experience, but I quickly go back into the habit. When I heard about this site I felt like having a name for it, a challenge, a community, a counter, is exactly what I need to stand between me and going back to the habit. I want to be a better me, I want that discipline, I want my wife to be able to 'get me there' without wearing herself out, I want to stop feeling the urge every time I see anything even remotely resembling a female body (and sometimes even male!).

    I'm going for PM, because if my wife wants me I'm not going to refuse, but she is going through some treatment for a mental health thing at the moment which makes sex the last thing on her mind, so it's probably going to end up being PMO for a few months anyway.

    Good to meet you all.
    Custody and JoePineapples like this.
  2. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    Good luck mate, welcome aboard. I'm not much of a gamer, so your identity is safe with me.
    SamFZ likes this.
  3. SamFZ

    SamFZ Fapstronaut

    Thanks very much! Actually I notice you're form the UK too so instead I'm gonna say cheers!
    JoePineapples likes this.
  4. Custody

    Custody New Fapstronaut

    Oh, welcome.
    I'm new in the forums as well, but I've been posting around in the subreddit for around 3-4 months now.

    I don't feel like I'm really addicted to porn tbh, but I feel like it's good to cut it off now while it still isn't as big of a problem.
    Trying to do No PM(O) for around 365 days. No idea if I'll O, since I'm only 15 with no gf atm. Doubt

    Good luck on your journey :p
    SamFZ likes this.
  5. SamFZ

    SamFZ Fapstronaut

    Good to meet you!

    I lurked around the subreddit a little (I love Reddit!), but I chose to come here instead for relative anonymity, since a Reddit user's posts all appear on their profile, and I use an account related to my game development!

    Thanks for the vibes, and good luck to you too!
    JoePineapples likes this.
  6. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    Exactly my path to here... I love Reddit, probably too much, can find hours going by on there if you get caught up in something though!
  7. forairports

    forairports Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the introduction!

    I feel the snowball effect just as well. What I keep thinking is: I can't wait to live my life without porn. I'm looking forward to it being a lighter, more enjoyable experience, in and out of the bedroom. If you want to join me in that perspective, feel free!

    Good luck.
    SamFZ likes this.
  8. SamFZ

    SamFZ Fapstronaut

    Good call, man. It’s always so much better when it can be a passing thing you can take or leave, and simple nudes once in a while can be satisfying, if even that!