Anybody Else Here Have Autism?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by VeganCannibal, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. AGenuineLover

    AGenuineLover Fapstronaut

    Heck it's nice chatting to people with such similar problems! And on NoFap too as other autism places I don't think that they'd necessarily. take too well too pornography being discussed.

    I can just about socialise, if people take things slowly, and I get something out of it, it is just the fallout afterwards, days of insomnia, pain and agitation. >.< so I have to be careful, and planning and being organised helps.

    I really struggle finding a partner though, I always think that I would love it, especially if I could find somebody willing to give karezza a try. I just can't meet people, I only realise that somebody is expressing interest like months or years later. :'(
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. My experience exactly!
  3. AGenuineLover

    AGenuineLover Fapstronaut

    So frustrating and a bit strange that people are sort of so socially fluent and smooth and enjoy all of their rough and tumble when I feel like everything needs to be spelt out and formal and all laid down very specifically like: 'Hello! I find you physically attractive! It would be quite nice - well very nice - if we could spend time together and develop and intimate relationship including a sexual element. WOULD YOU ALSO LIKE THAT AS WELL?'

    Very frustrating and I am very jealous of normal people who can live like that, and I feel sad and ashamed of being a weirdo and a freak, and sometimes people try to cheer me up but it is frustrating too, that I can't change and lots of people just don't seem to get it.

    Samara and Deleted Account like this.
  4. I can relate to that.
  5. Samara

    Samara Fapstronaut

    From where is the pain stemming, if you don't mind me asking? Have you done any occupational therapy?

    I went to a consultation after I was diagnosed on the spectrum last year and I could see how it would really help in a lot of ways.

    My biggest issue is I fall down, run into things a lot. When I'm over-stimulated I shut down. I used to have bad panic attacks too. I stayed away from anxiety meds and pain killers because I always have the absolute worst luck with side-effects. Overly-sensitive or something.

    Like most everyone on the spectrum, I have really poor sleep habits, so I have a sleep disorder that requires me to take medicine to stay awake, which often reacts really poorly to my diabetes medication.

    After switching meds a few times, I finally found a stimulant with only a few negative results/side-effects. Maybe try switching some meds. Check out not the side-effects, but specifically the side-effects for how your meds each react to each other. My doctor was supposed to check and he didn't, so when I tried to explain several of my symptoms, he didn't think it was related to the meds, however the effects when you mix them explained everything perfectly.

    I just went to a work doc over bronchitis and she prescribed me several pills. I asked her to please check and make sure they wouldn't interact negatively with my current pills. She came back in a panic thanking me for having her check, as the mix could have caused some serious damage.

    Hopefully this helped :)
  6. Samara

    Samara Fapstronaut

    Yeah, too real. I find hanging out with other Aspies really really helps though. Because, autistic people would have fit in really well like a few 100 years ago. Everyone had to state their intentions and go through proper channels. It was really formal...hanging out with other people definitely helps. I get it though with just like, everyday neurotypical's all, "I SAY MY DEAR FELLOW! WOULD YOU LIKE TO BEFRIEND ME AND OCCASIONALLY DO THE SEX?!" it's a lot different from like the, "hey gurl" approach...
  7. Samara

    Samara Fapstronaut

    I found this link really helpful. It's about Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) a really common condition comorbid with ASD. (It's how my ASD was ultimately diagnosed )

    I found it depressing and upsetting at first, but after a bit of reading came the realization that so many of the things I really struggle with are written down, explained, with actual solutions, it became really gratifying and almost empowering. Like...I'm not an idiot, I just have auditory processing disorder! (There's a delay in me hearing someone and then my brain processing when the audio is slightly behind on a video that keeps buffering and re-loading...if it's really bad, I know I need to remove myself from the conversation and schedule some alone time, and when it's just mild, every day annoyances, I know instead of immediately responding with a "Huh?" before I've let my brain process the information, I nod and let the words catch up with me...some really simple tips, but it's really helped my self-esteem.)
  8. RobinCoenBrosFan

    RobinCoenBrosFan Fapstronaut

    Aspergers. It makes me a bit socially slow.
  9. AGenuineLover

    AGenuineLover Fapstronaut

    Yes I finally got to see an autism specialist occupational therapist over the past few years who confirmed that pain may be the issue, rather than substance misuse. I have been trying all different medications and currently have reviews with my doctor every few weeks and also see a psychologist too.

    My sleep habits are also poor.

    Thank you for your kind enquiry/advice. :)
    Samara likes this.
  10. DarofDarmar

    DarofDarmar Fapstronaut

    Anyone still here? I just found this thread. I was like, I’m struggling with p and I have autism. So I decided to dust off my necromancy book and raise this from the dead!

    Does it seem impossible to get away from p for anyone else here with autism? I feel like a moron because it seems so simple. I think there’s some major disconnect due to my autism that I don’t understand though. I don’t think I quite understand why I do it and have a very hard time keeping the motivation to stop. I’m either very upset about it or feel nothing at all. Neither are productive. Anyone figure anything out? I’m probably not even explaining this right.

    Oh and someone mentioned pain. I’m in serious pain all the time. Most of it is stomach pain, but when I get more upset it’s everywhere. That’s probably half of my p problem. M helps with the pain. What did you cut out of your diet?
  11. I don't have pain like others say they have but due to extreme autism I have a ton of other stuff ranging from anxiety, depression, to severe sensory issues.

    What I've found somewhat helpful for me is cutting down on sugar as it raises my blood levels and cutting out caffine entirely, which both exacerbate my issues.

    I find it hard because I fixate on things, and I think I've mainly been using P for all these years to help cope with my anxiety and was a "cure" for boredom back then. But then I feel like I just do it for no reason whatsoever, so I really don't know how my autism works around that but I just have a feeling it makes it 100 times harder.
  12. DarofDarmar

    DarofDarmar Fapstronaut

    Thanks for replying. I get very depressed and anxious as well. I used to take a bunch of pills for it, but I never really felt better. I think P helped me deal with anxiety back in high school. Maybe my mind just goes to it now out of habit. I have been drinking a ton of caffeine lately. I’m also having a worse time with P than usual. Maybe they are connected. I’ll give it up for awhile to see if that helps.

    Thanks a lot. I’m very excited to talk to another person with autism about this subject. Sorry if that sounds weird. I only know a few people with autism, and I don’t feel comfortable asking them about their P viewing habits. lol. Anyone else I talk to about my P addiction just say things like, you have to hate P more than you like it. That sounds so simple and makes me feel like a total loser when I still end up looking at it. Anyway, I really hope we both succeed. If you need anything please let me know.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. I think my autism makes it harder to quit but easier to go without for long stretches... I can fixate on something else for months... until I have a bad day, like today when one of my teeth broke (one of my biggest fears).

    I don't consume dairy, wheat, refined sugars, alcohol, or caffeine. I have a harder time avoiding P after eating something high in sugar. Caffeine and sugar both exacerbate my sensory issues.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. I feel my Aspergers only makes my PMO worse due to social isolation and social awkwardness.

    Being on a Facebook support group for autism, I discovered a lot of traits that I share with others and some I don't. Such as, I know a lot of them are mortified to drive a car, but not me. In fact, I work on them. Don't really talk much, but when it's a topic I love, somebody better shut me up.

    And I have an extremely low pain threshold. I can't even get a tooth extraction without groaning with every tug.
  15. I'm too blind to pick up signs of interest from the girls. I've had dates, but I rushed into them out of desperation and loneliness, sadly. Even been kissed, though it was very anticlimactic.
  16. I would stop the caffeine slowly (so the withdraws if you have any aren't so bad) and see if you improve or end up the same as before, it's worth doing a trial and error on various things like that and sugar to see if it affects you in some way. I think I mainly do it because PMO is unfortunately a bloody effective pain killer as well as giving the illusion of decreasing my anxiety, so throughout the years I may have subconsciously done it to get some sort of relief, which now I know better yet it's so hard to stay away from. I think having any kind of disorder such as ADD/ADHD and things like Autism make it that much harder to quit, I mean I already have problems to do with mine including lack of control and discipline so I give up way easier and doesn't take much... Pills didn't help me one bit and actually made me ill and more depressed, but that's all the bloody useless doctors tried to give me before I finally told them enough, it's sad they don't want to actually help or even care about your issues. Before I was finally put on disability I had to go through 9 different bottles of pills before I could get on it. lol

    No problem mate, it's not weird to me especially being on this forum at least most don't care or judge too much. Autism is a tricky thing where some people can be in pain mentally/physically and others such as myself can have severe issues with sensory and impacted mental functioning, heck some even have all those combined! I don't know of anybody with Autism outside of this site, and honestly people view me daftly or like I'm some straight up nutter, I really hate going out. But it is nice to see others with my issues as I know they go through and feel exactly the same things I do, which reassures me I'm not alone, and honestly if I didn't have my partner I have no clue what I would do or have done to get by before in this world.

    So hang in there mate, you're definitely not a loser at all, and while I don't know how you get by personally or how severe your Autism is I do know folks with these disorders are definitely strong, and with determination and courage we can still somehow rise above most things that come our way. I hope we all get rid of this rubbish addiction in our lives, it truly makes it that much harder to be our true/happier selves.

    Too right mate, I have the same issues. Personally I can have sugar if it's spread out throughout the day and not one big sitting, but I can't have caffeine at all other wise it's like you say with the sensory issues, as tasty things can be with caffeine it really isn't worth the added problems in my opinion.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. iPhone user

    iPhone user Fapstronaut

  18. DarofDarmar

    DarofDarmar Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the replies. It’s nice to see so many of us trying so hard. I’ll have to try that diet. Dairy and wheat sounds pretty hard. If it helps with my pain though it will probably be much easier. I’ll talk to my wife and see what kind of stuff we can come up with.

    I can relate to your experience with medication Sarah. You seem like you caught on much quicker than me. For seven years I took pills. They changed them constantly. I would never act any better; only different. I probably did it because I was scared that they would take my disability away. My wife and I decided a few years ago to stop and I’ve at least been consistent.

    It is very interesting how similar and yet different we all are. I’ve been thinking that maybe it has something to do with how we grew up. Most of us probably didn’t fit in well as children. I think we each developed different qualities and interests that helped us through it. It’s funny that, despite not understanding emotions or cues at all, I actually developed very good social skills. I still remember being a kid and wanting so bad to have friends. So I studied all of the other children in school. I learned all about how they acted. I would go home and think for hours about things I said to the other kids and how I could seem less weird tomorrow. I slowly got more and more friends. I actually have a lot of real life friends as an adult. It’s still very exhausting and I can’t be social all the time. Also if I get upset because of my surroundings I can’t think and all that I learned goes out the window. I’m sure while I was doing all of that the rest of you were doing other things like music, working on cars, education, or something else. Now we just need to figure out this whole P addiction and we will be doing great right? =)