Please help me

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Helpme15, Sep 23, 2018.

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  1. Helpme15

    Helpme15 Fapstronaut


    I am addicted to this habit for 5 years please help me motivate me and help me get rid of this monster it has wasted a lot of my time and energy. I am too much addicted to porn also I am a little bit lonely iIdon't have many girls in my life I feel to shy neither am I able to start a conversation well my entire self confidence and motivation.
    Please people out here help me get over it I really don't want to waste mt life for this monstrous habit .
    I also feel my body is deatrdest from inside as all these years I have been wasting my body nutrient's.
    I don't have anyone who I can talk to regarding this issue. Please help me those who have been successfully been able to remove this monsterous habit out of your life .
    I fewl like a peice of garbage and alaa too low about myself.
    Please people help me out.My hands are shaking as I am writing this out.

    May God help show us some mercy.
    Please reply and help me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2018
  2. Mpa020204

    Mpa020204 New Fapstronaut

    You can bro, im passing for that to, i know how you feel.

    YOU CAN.
    The Lone Ranger likes this.
  3. Helpme15

    Helpme15 Fapstronaut

    Please tell how to resist the urge I have at most done it for 2 days.
  4. jarias

    jarias New Fapstronaut

    Please keep going, don't you feel you are doing this alone, we are many going through the same struggle. Your efforts help others, please keep going
    The Lone Ranger likes this.
  5. Hey there. You've recognized that you are addicted to porn, that's a good thing. However, apparently you lack connections. Being isolated fuels urges and any addiction, so that will hinder your recovery. I advice you listen to the "recovered man" podcast, specially episode and In those episodes he talks about setting up a proper plan on how to go about this, he also explains the 5 main steps in recovery. I've also made a summary over in pastbin, check it out here:

    In other words, you do need a clear method. Having connections, e.g. accountability partners is crucial.
    jarias and The Lone Ranger like this.
  6. Pyara31

    Pyara31 Fapstronaut

    First of all it's okay to feel scared, hopeless, disappointed, regret, guilt and all these emotions that you are feeling right now. It's okay. I know it's dark and I have been there myself, we all have been there. But there's no reason to feel that you are alone, you have all these amazing brothers and sisters here, who are fighting alongside you the same problem. You can come here anytime and talk to someone your heart out and they will listen and help you. It's a great community. Second, you realise that you are addicted and you want to change, that's a big step towards success knowing that you do have a problem and you need to fix it. Third, find out your reason, why do you want to go through this? Is it because you want to be a better person, you are doing this for someone special or you want to change your life as a whole? It could be all three or something else depneds on you. 'Know "why" you are doing this and you will automatically figure out the "how" '. I am not here to tell you that its going to be easy going through this, it's going to get rough, there are going to be times where you are going to be feelings all those emotions again and again but let me tell you it's worth it. I have been doing nofap for almost 2 years and I feel like a completely different person now, I know who I am today and I am discovering so much more. Nofap has changed my life for the better ofcourse. Do you want it to change yours too? The answer lies with you.
    (Also don't take nofap as the cure to all problems however it will help you to cure them, basically it's a great catalyst). May God bless you with hope and determination my friend.
  7. iWantToGoTheDistance

    iWantToGoTheDistance Fapstronaut

    It's ok, you did the right thing by joining this community . You are now going to take control of this and stop. Start your NoFap. many people here in the same situation as you or even worse . We hate this evil but there is good news . You can stop today and keep us up todate with your progress . If you relapse or fail it doesn't matter you keep going forward. Enough is enough now , your a man , your body has rights over you. So endure the urge and be patient on keeping away from this , listen to me you can do this !
    OrangeJuice13 likes this.
  8. Helpme15

    Helpme15 Fapstronaut

    It is my first day feeling better with 16 hours of no fapping and porn thanks to this community god bless all the founders please give me some tips to control this urge
    OrangeJuice13 likes this.
  9. OrangeJuice13

    OrangeJuice13 Fapstronaut

    Hey Helpme15, great decision joining this community. You'll soon find out that it is perhaps the greatest thing in the world. You should create a journal. Decide on some goals, i.e. no PMO for 30 days, and then write about your thoughts each day. It's one of the most helpful things you can find. Post a link to your journal here!
  10. Helpme15

    Helpme15 Fapstronaut

    Where to write a journal on this website I am a bit new please tell.
    I am so happy 20 hrs without fapp
    I am so in love with nofap.
    May god help us all win over this monster.
    OrangeJuice13 likes this.
  11. OrangeJuice13

    OrangeJuice13 Fapstronaut

    You go onto the forums page, scroll down to find your age group, and there is an option in the top right corner to post new thread.