Cheated on Accountability - Fessing-up

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by piggy.d, Oct 12, 2018.

What is a reasonable account restriction to put on someone who was dishonest?

  1. Mature Teen (16+) for 1month

    4 vote(s)
  2. Mature Teen (16+) for 3months

    1 vote(s)
  3. Young Teen (12-15) for upto 1month

    0 vote(s)
  4. Young Teen (12-15) for upto 3months

    1 vote(s)
  5. Child (under 10) for upto 1month

    1 vote(s)
  6. Child (under 10) for upto 3months

    8 vote(s)
  1. piggy.d

    piggy.d Fapstronaut

    Background: I accidentally hacked my APs admin account, and was going in there and turning off the settings - using porn - then going back and restoring everything. I have been doing this for a few months now. However at the encouragment of this site, I know i need to stop this, and fess up. Some have suggested I voluntarily ask my AP to add strict filters controls to my account (ie accept child account) as a kind of punishment so I dont do it again. I can see this is a good idea, but I dont want it to be too harsh. What do you think is reasonable?
  2. piggy.d

    piggy.d Fapstronaut

    Also does anyone think a week or two would be sufficient? I was told categorically "no"...but just asking.
  3. Yukesguy

    Yukesguy Fapstronaut

  4. Katrina Rose

    Katrina Rose Fapstronaut

    I'd put you on child mode for 90 days. Not only were you dishonest, but you did it continually knowing you were in the wrong. Sounds to me like you don't need internet period until you have a little self control and respect.
    Xhiddy and Deleted Account like this.
  5. nef

    nef Fapstronaut

    you need to be hard sometimes
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. piggy.d

    piggy.d Fapstronaut

    Thank you both. Its interesting that when my AP called me about this (I did email him), he didnt really care about the porn...he was most upset with exactly as Katrina wrote - "the dishonesty and lack of respect". I hadnt really thought about it this way, until he mentioned it, and then seeing it again here. At the time, it just seemed "Taking a sneak peak, just this once"..but I can see it was alot more than that. He said each of the 10-12 times I broke in, was an opportunity to come clean, but also every day for the 4months I had access (whether I used it or not, isnt the point) in between too, I was really lying and being childish.
    Kenzi and Jennica like this.
  7. piggy.d

    piggy.d Fapstronaut

    Thanks Ghost,

    All great points. To be clear I probably used the wrong word. Consequences is more accurate.
  8. Yukesguy

    Yukesguy Fapstronaut

    Probably better to go really strict for a while until you can build up trust again

    Tampering with filter is childish behaviour and should have consequences, so maybe being treated like a child until Trust is re-established will help you.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
    Katrina Rose likes this.
  9. piggy.d

    piggy.d Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I see a theme emerging here.
    Jennica likes this.
  10. piggy.d

    piggy.d Fapstronaut

    So I have actually been getting quiet a few pms, asking how this ended up. Well my AP got back from his trip finally and so we had a long chat (actually make that short chat) about it. It didn't go at all as I expected. He said, the "work was for me to do, and not for him running around "playing cat and mouse games" with me. If I didn't want his help, "that for me to decide". So, he turned off the AP reporting, returned the Admin rights to me, all filters turned off.

    At first, I was little relieved, but quickly my state changed to real shame and guilt, and real sense of loneliness. My AP was someone I have known most of my life, and had a ton of respect and admiration for. Having them basically say they dont trust me, is gut wrenching. I can still call him of course, and we are still friends (he is coming over for dinner on the weekend), but I still feel our relationship is now different.

    I have decided I really want to get him back as my AP, and earn his trust again, and quit porn for good. I cant lose him. I feel like he just thinks I am a loser who isnt worth the effort. I want to show him, I am understand and am better now, but dont ever know where to start.
  11. piggy.d

    piggy.d Fapstronaut

    Thanks Ghost.

    I just feel lost - I go from being mad at him, to being mad at myself, to thinking this wasnt really my fault (Its not like I am a master hacker or anything, I literally just guessed his password in like 2 trys), to feeling lonely, to feeling guilt, then despair - and then the cycle repeats. The lonely feeling is the worst. I want to talk to him, but just dont know what to say.
  12. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    It’s accountability and making amends. You apologize and back it up with your actions. You take full responsibility and ownership of your actions. This is completely on you and no one else. It’s about practicing humility, remorse and empathy for your AP and yourself.
    Shame; an act of betrayal against yourself.
    Guilt ; an act of betrayal against someone else.
    Think about those things and you will know what to say.
    Kenzi and Br1 R1 like this.
  13. piggy.d

    piggy.d Fapstronaut

    I get I am responsible here, but I just cant over thinking if the password was stronger this wouldnt have happened. But, I understand where he is coming from, I just want this behind me.
  14. Br1 R1

    Br1 R1 Fapstronaut

    Do you really think if the password was stronger it would have mattered, be honest with yourself, sorry sounds like to me you would have found a way anyway. I know in the past I did so I am not saying you are bad, just addicted as we all were or are. Even with all the accountability software and checks I have on my devices I could name a few ways to still look at P if I really wanted to. I don't think as above this is about your AP not being harder, this is on you. You have to own this and stop trying to blame someone else, I know I was caught up in this until Ghost helped my wife and sorted me out. I am sure you will work this out with you AP and he takes you back, but remember this is on you not him.
    Kenzi likes this.