DonkeyKong Life After 90 Days

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by DonkeyKong22, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. DonkeyKong22

    DonkeyKong22 Fapstronaut

    ok 25 DAYS DOWN. Really feeling great about this hole nofapthing. Quitting porn has been a massive break through for me. I think it's important to give yourself a little tap on the back now and again and spen some time realising where you've come from.
    I have realised that whereas I used to fantasize and plan watching porn while I was at work and almost clock the wife out the door. And purposely stay at home instead of joining the wife the only time I get severe urges now is when i'm home alone by accident. Admitably then it is apparent my brain still wants porn. But I don't plan my life around porn any more.
    For people that don't read my journal regularly this hasn't been done in 25 days it's been done over a period of a about 160 days where I have relapsed for a period after 120 days.
    I have realised it's about learning where you tripped. I have broken one big urge. When I used to go to bed I used to wank every night to get to sleep without porn. Andd when I first started nofap I was determined not to pressurise my wife into sex to over ride the wanking urge. I have broken it. This isn't an urge for me anymore.
    My main urges now come from being home alone and seeing things on the tv that make you think of porn.
    I'm working closely with an ap and fingers crossed were both breaking barriers.
    Good luck Fapstronauts and keep going.
  2. DonkeyKong22

    DonkeyKong22 Fapstronaut

    ps, i'm of for a run. Still hunting that hobbie of choice but a run will sort me out for tonight.Bit dark and horrible thoe.
  3. DonkeyKong22

    DonkeyKong22 Fapstronaut

    26 days down. Ok at this time of year sometimes i'm home an hour and a half before the wife. SO tonights routine. Home at 5.00pm. Trainers on music in ears and on the tarmac for 5.15. 5 miles later reply to nofap friends update blog and boom its 6.20 now and i'm gonna cook tea right now for the wife who will be home in 15.
    For me momentum will kill porn addiction. Really buzzing about beating this thing. However i think when i do eventually break it's back i will miss this site. Take care guys. Dig deep . Don't be beaten.
  4. NU-LIFE

    NU-LIFE Fapstronaut

    Hey DK. Nice job brother. It's awesome that you've found an outlet in cardio training. Keep it up man. You will beat this thing.
  5. Congrats keep it up. For me after the first three weeks it gets so much easier granted the continuation of posting or SAA meetings.
  6. DonkeyKong22

    DonkeyKong22 Fapstronaut

    cheers guys... really appreciate the feedback. Day 29.. Sorry for the slow update. I have had a great few days concentrating on everything apart from pmo addiction. It's Saturday today and I last updated on wed when 'd been for a run. I also ran Thursday and today. Fri night I was out at a family do.
    I'm on a bit of a health kick and I'm enjoying the cardio. Trying to burn a few of the extra crimbo calories.
    Urges are well under control. Really feeling psyched to beat this. Take care, dig deep and lets not let it beat us.
  7. DonkeyKong22

    DonkeyKong22 Fapstronaut

    Thanks u can b free, but I really believe i'm heading in the right direction. I relapsed but I will not make the same mistake again. I may fall for another urge but I will try my best to learn from my actions.
    day 30.. great weekend. I'm focused and more active. For example this morning I got up and cooked breakfast without lounging around. I'm trying to update my blog later in an evening so i'm not loosing time in the day.
    It's going really well. Slight urges but nothing to rival the urges I had during my first run. It's nice to know that time wasn't wasted although after relapse it certainly feels as though it is which ironically leads to binging.
    The message from u can b free as supportive as it is, I really appreciate it is a massive encouragement for me to be one of the ones that does break the habit.
    It is possible. Stick together, learn from each other, dig deep we can do it.
  8. congrats bro :), cheers to 30 !!!
  9. DonkeyKong22

    DonkeyKong22 Fapstronaut

    Thanks Brahmachari.
    I have had a great few days. 32 days down for me. I have made it a bit of a routine to come home go for a run then cook tea and tidy the kitchen until the wife gets home. I'm commenting mainly on my evenings as this is the period where I am most inclined to relapse as at this time i'm home alone for over an hour.
    I'm really into the running. I'm dieting at the minute actually or cutting the shit out of my diet and the focus on being all round healthy is really giving me something to concentrate on . It's great.
    Exercise makes me feel upbeat. I don't think running is the perfect hobby i'm looking for but for the minute i'm getting a lot of goodness out of it.
    Before Nofap I used to get up early to go on porn, this was after staying up late the nightbefore t also wank to porn. I seem to of beaten this habit for now. Iv'e got into the habit of going to bed with the wife and getting up jumping in the shower and not even giving porn a moments thought.
    Home alone from work really is the most significant danger period for me. But as I said this fitness thing has really given me a focus while i'm finishing a bit earlier as it's our quietest time of year.
    Love cooking too actually. I used to wank for a couple of hours, then the wife would cook tea. So Nofap is really helping us both get the most out of our time.
    Low urges at the minute. I'm well aware urges tend to happen in cycles but for now i'm enjoying this period.
    Take care guys. Dig Deep
  10. DonkeyKong22

    DonkeyKong22 Fapstronaut

    33 days down. Really focused. Been working in a group today and porn hasn't touched the mind today.
    Kept busy this evening. Been for a meal with the family and walked the dog.
    Feeling confident and solid.
    Goal reached . Next one 31st of jan. Be nice to get a solid month under my belt for 2015.
    Take care. Dig deep.
  11. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    Great work man!