Hello from Australia

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by jusstiff, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. jusstiff

    jusstiff New Fapstronaut

    What started as a self-experiment to abstain from PMO led to finding this community.

    Last month I caught a glimpse of what it feels like to be orgasm-free for 4 weeks. Energetic, attentive, ambitious, full of forward-motion, as compared to the constant feeling of fatigue and defeat I've had for the past 10 years.

    There's no way I'm going back to the old world now that I have found this new one.

    Help me find my resolve to abstain as long as possible. Mostly from orgasm – as that is where I feel the effects – but also porn and masturbation which lead me down that path.

    Nice to meet you all!
    MikeDownUnder and msfreedom like this.
  2. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    Hey! I totally get what you mean. I have also tried nofap (before joining the website) for about a month, and god it feels amazing. It's just that after that, I thought now that I have it under control, let me masturbate once without porn; and that was it. I did it again after 3 days...right back to square one. This was months ago. I'm starting again now, because I've realized that I'm not at my full potential, and I can be much more. I need to get out of mediocrity and nofap is the main key to it.

    Let's fight this together!

    jusstiff and ProPieEater like this.
  3. MikeDownUnder

    MikeDownUnder Fapstronaut

  4. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    jusstiff and MikeDownUnder like this.
  5. MikeDownUnder

    MikeDownUnder Fapstronaut

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  6. jusstiff

    jusstiff New Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for writing this. I needed to read that like 8 years ago.

    I believe the dopamine effect also caused me to be more easily addicted to other things like gaming. It would be awesome to one day have real, measurable science around all of these subjective experiences.
    msfreedom likes this.
  7. jusstiff

    jusstiff New Fapstronaut

    Thank you for this. It's good to know I'm not alone.

    What you described is such a real thing. It's a path requiring discipline, and a stray thought like "surely I'm in control, maybe I can test that" is such a dangerous thing. I'm going to start journaling to make these thoughts visible to myself so they don't spiral out of control.

    Yes, let's fight this together!
    msfreedom likes this.
  8. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    Wow, thank you dude! It was more than 2 weeks ago when I wrote that, and I can't believe I've come so far.

    I think keeping a journal is a great idea. Writing down words is always very powerful! Even I do something like that. I stick small sticky notes for each day and I write the good things I did. So a typical note would have "Did a 20 min cardio workout. Ate healthy dinner. NoFap day 12."
    There were definitely moments when I almost gave in to the urges, but I somehow held it off. I think that you can do it too! Stay strong dude. One thing I do when I get the urges, is wait it out, and tell yourself why you're doing this; like talk to yourself out loud, it works!
    jusstiff likes this.
  9. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    Hey! I'm glad to see that you're at Day 26! I MO'd twice after my initial start. The first one was basically I was drunk, and what started as an itch, led to MO :p I don't know why I did it again tho. So far my streaks have been 39 days, then 7 days then I'm currently on day 9.
    Let me tell you one thing, it definitely gets easier, and as soon as you fap, you instantly regret doing it, and you can see the difference as clear as day and night. Stay strong! :)

    Btw, still porn free since 2 months :)
    MikeDownUnder likes this.
  10. jusstiff

    jusstiff New Fapstronaut

    Hey hey, thank you for the encouragement! Those are some good numbers, good work! Agreed on it getting easier :)

    Interesting to note your trigger with getting drunk, do you think the drinking directly led to the itch? Have you had similar past experiences with drinking as a trigger?

    For me it's been helpful to notice the triggers, I write them down each time. Here are mine so far, since I started:

    MO relapse after:
    30 days: Itch, literally, as I had shaved my nether region 2 days before. Heightened sensitivity from shaving + 30 days without a release, it was unbearable.
    1 day: I still felt really pent up, but no real good excuse here to go again. But I did.
    22 days: This one crept up on me. At day 16 I just started M'ing in the shower, almost reflexively. I'd decided it was OK if it didn't lead to O, so that I preserve my energy. But O eventually happened; it was probably inevitable.
    32 days: I did visit my partner (cross-city) during this time which made this period easier. Eventually when I left and went back to live on my own, I felt really sad and lonely one day, and felt MO would make things better.
    To reflect on this, MO didn't fix the underlying problem (having few connections in a new city) but it did help me get through a really tough period. This was the one relapse I forgive myself for the most.
    8 days: A really stressful week coupled with bad sleeping patterns. I used PMO as a reliable way to help me reset my sleep at a certain hour. In retrospect, I could have done the same via meditating, and this was a bad excuse.

    Overall I notice that when I (subconsciously) want to PMO, I will find all sorts of reasons to justify it. But at the end of the day it's a habit that's easy to reach for and hard to truly justify.
  11. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    I'm happy that I could encourage someone! :)
    I think yes, drinking might be a trigger. Btw it was a physical itch, not an itch to MO. But it may also be that after I'm drunk, I lose a bit of self control, regarding everything. You know how it is, you have 3 beers, and you're more like to agree in doing some stupid shit with friends :p

    Also I think I've figured some of the triggers. One is thinking about loneliness. Others are (maybe) drinking and getting back to my room, boredom, random fantasizing... Now that I think about it, if I went over to my friends' place after getting drunk, I wouldn't have MO'd.

    It's like our brains constantly come up with ways to rationalize masturbating. It's like "just try a little bit to test..", or "see if it still works", or "it won't hurt to do one time right? after all you haven't masturbated in ages"...
    It's sort of funny how our brain comes up with all kinds of shit, like an addict to get us to slip.

    Also, I read about the "chaser effect" in the forums here. It's like if you relapse after a streak, you're more likely to relapse again in a short period. It can be avoided, but it'll be tough. I guess that's why after my long streak and your long streak, we both broke it more than once while doing short streaks. One other thing that helps, is when you start getting an urge and you identify that the urge might get stronger, just get up and move. Just get out of the room, or go for a walk, or make yourself a snack. That small action, prevents you from slipping up.

    Now, I'm happy that I'm fighting PMO and I've managed to improve myself so much. Also, after you get a 30 day streak, you feel a bit invincible, and that's an amazing feeling. I'm still going strong although there's a lot of stress around this time for me, so I guess I can do a bit more than my longest streak this time.

    A piece of advice...an interesting analogy:
    If a person goes to the doctor and finds out they are HIV+, then what does that person do? Doctor prescribes some medication, and asks them to take it. Say, that person fails to improve after trying one medicine. Would they give up? He/she would try every medication and every method in the world to fix it, because it's devastating to get AIDS. And that's how we should look at PMO. Instead of looking at it like a bad habit that you want to get rid of, think of it as a very harmful disease. Would you stop after trying one thing? (say 1 week streak). You must keep on trying until you succeed!
    Let me know if your perception changes :) Mine sure did, and it helps :D

    jusstiff likes this.