age 21, 9 years marstubate and severe PIED.

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Start a new life, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. It can yeh. I rarely ever used P but used to MO a lot to my very vivid imagination and it totally destroyed my responsiveness & sensitivity. I'm female but if I was male I would have had PIED, DE, the lot. I couldn't get wet with a partner and I couldn't orgasm unless I did it myself. It took me 8 months of quitting M & fantasising before partner could make me O from going down on me and I'm still waiting on the rest. Before I started M'ing ten years ago I used to O just from PIV sex! (Which is quite rare for women). Some people are just very mentally sensitive to anything that disrupts our natural 'factory settings', it isn't only porn that can cause a problem. Fantasising (even about real life situations or people or experiences), erotica books, pics of hot people, if you're susceptible it's all gotta go.

    Guys anyone who is not having results from just quitting porn, you need to quit masturbation and fantasising too.
  2. Prophetz

    Prophetz Fapstronaut

    Can you please share more on how long your no pmo streak lasted...and how soon you started having sex with your partner when trying to heal from pied?
    It will be very much appreciated