everything you'll need, my 5 month success story

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by takecharge, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. takecharge

    takecharge Fapstronaut

    For me my flatlines were psychological mostly, rather than physical. Im not too much of an expert on this in later adulthood. But yeah it is normal in the reboot to literally feel nothing, no sex drive no erection that causes many guys to "try it again" just to see if their dicks and working. My guess is since you've had this addiction for so long, you will need longer than 90 days. Flatlines can last a couple weeks or more. Take it as a good sign that you're reboot is working, because your body is recovering.
    If it's not porn induced, id say check any medications your taking, your diet, how much you workout, and get your test levels checked because it is normal for your test to decline after 50.
    So examine your lifestyle first, see if there are any red flags there. And most importantly, do not give up your streak, trust me it will pay dividends soon enough. One quote i love to remind myself of whenever things seem a bit gloom, "Never look back imagine how great you could of been". You don't want to look back on nofap and say "what if i hadn't given up".
    Understand the flatline, respect the flatline, conquer the flatline.
    Racrx likes this.
  2. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Love the ending. This is a lifestyle, the people that do 90 day reboot and be like ''yh I done it time to watch some Porn and fap now as reward'' are stupid lmao.
    You gotta keep this energy for life if you really wanna be successful in life.
    Racrx likes this.
  3. Racrx

    Racrx Fapstronaut

    Thank you “take charge”! Much appreciated! I currently take no medicine so I can scratch that one off the list. I do want to start exercising again, need to move my weights and bench to the basement and out of the garage. I do get these half hearted erections when I’m around my girl but nothing to fuck with, if you know what I mean! I’m hoping that is also a sign of recovery! She is in the loop about this and is fully supportive, couldn’t ask for a more understanding woman! So I will continue on my hardcore path and patiently wait for the elusive erections that I so desperately miss!!! Thanks again!!!
    takecharge likes this.
  4. ShutOut

    ShutOut Fapstronaut

    Same happened to me. Although I've had a good amount of sex, I've never really enjoyed it. You're post is great man. Gives me hope! Thanks a lot for sharing.
    takecharge likes this.
  5. Yeah that's excellent.
  6. Frank201$

    Frank201$ Fapstronaut

  7. Frank201$

    Frank201$ Fapstronaut

    Great post, and thanks for sharing.
  8. ihopewemakeit

    ihopewemakeit Fapstronaut

    First of all i would like to send a sincere gratitude from my heart for such a detailed and lovely post. Very few posts are worth reading nowadays.
    If you are still continuing the journey, you should try practicing qigong in the mornings (Start with the easier ones). We all should, they are awesome.
    For questions part, I do meditation once a day and have been consistent for past 43 days. But its just that i feel so lazy and unmotivated to meditate while on contrary i love working out. However, meditating gives me such a clear mind and beautiful serene view of present time i push myself to do it. Really trying to find a way where i start feeling excited for meditating and not do it as a chore. Any tips ??
  9. takecharge

    takecharge Fapstronaut

    Honestly man the benefits should be motivation enough, but i guess you can also look at a few ways. You could look at it as a "reset button" for the day, if you had a stressful morning, go meditate. It's also a great opportunity to reflect on what happened in the day. It's a great way to get your creative thinking going. Smaller amygdala etc. I mean all these benefits should be motivation enough, i look forward to meditating, never ever seen it as a chore. Get excited about the benefits, like working out develops your muscles, meditation develops your mind. Imagine it's like a workout for the mind, because trust me it is not easy to keep your mind still for 15 minutes without a thought going through it. That's about all i can offer here man.
    ihopewemakeit likes this.
  10. GottaMakeIt

    GottaMakeIt Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your significant feedback!

    One question - when did your morning wood come back? My cravings are almost gone but I do not have regular morning wood. Even sensitivity has improved considerably, to an extent that I get done in like one minute. My libido has improved considerably. But what I am really lacking is morning wood (and getting that 100% rock hard erection). I can have sex but I will consider myself recovered from PIED (or MIED where M is for masturbation) when I get perfect morning woods.
  11. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Two years ago, I was one of those pathetic PMO-users who had almost given up on life completely. At that point, I really thought my life wouldn't improve or become any better over the upcoming years or near future. The feeling of helplessness and lack of goals, excitement and fulfillment in life was intense and I believed everything was going to disappear as soon as I got laid a little (as I had struggled with that for many years). I think it was the sexual frustration and mental roadblocks that brought me the most mental pain, anxiety and concerns.
    These days (after almost nine months on hard-mode) I couldn't care less about those things and do only settle for the good and uplifting people (and women) that comes around. My life has improved in every possible way and this spring, I am beginning a new adventure when I quit my job and start something on my own that will bring me even more fulfillment and enjoyment in life.
    GottaMakeIt likes this.
  12. takecharge

    takecharge Fapstronaut

    Hmmmmm, morning wood came back i think after a flatline i had about 2 months in. Because that was also the time i started getting wet dreams again. Mine took a bit longer to kick in due to prolonged porn use. The other thing i can say is even though i watched it for so long, i never got PIED.
    GottaMakeIt likes this.
  13. Newuser101

    Newuser101 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for sharing. Amazing story