Quit masturbation

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Tom marvolo riddle, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. Tom marvolo riddle

    Tom marvolo riddle Fapstronaut

    I want to quit masturbation and porn
    Please help me
    3 hours has passed but again I am feeling urge to masturbate and watch porn
    How to deal with it please help??
  2. Tom marvolo riddle

    Tom marvolo riddle Fapstronaut

    Please somebody help me
  3. The Lone Ranger

    The Lone Ranger Fapstronaut

    Right now you are being tricked and fooled by your brain. No matter how high or low your natural libido is, this is your brain bullshiting you. You do not have to fap right now, nothing will happen to you if you abstain. You probably feel that the only thing that will give you a relief right now is fapping, otherwise you will feel this forever - this is a lie! The urges will pass in some time.

    Back off, give yourself some air and time to think this over rationally. Read up on the subject on this forum. You must see more clearly on what this habit really is. Everyone find their own way of dealing with sudden temptations. What people recommend a lot on this site: meditate, take a cold shower, talk to an accountability partner, go for a walk, push the “emergency” button, work out, do a breathing exercise, write in your diary etc etc. Find something that works for you!
    God-Like and Tom marvolo riddle like this.
  4. Tom marvolo riddle

    Tom marvolo riddle Fapstronaut

  5. Tom marvolo riddle

    Tom marvolo riddle Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro thank you so much
  6. God-Like

    God-Like Fapstronaut

    Hey NoFap bro, For once pass through this phase of discomfort and once it shall pass you shall feel Great. It's a temporary discomfort. After this phase passes, you shall be in a space of deep peace and stability. Trust me on this. Meanwhile go wild on a painting, or create something new .make a video, make a new post, get your mind away from this urge..
    Tom marvolo riddle likes this.
  7. God-Like

    God-Like Fapstronaut

    'feel that the only thing that will give you a relief right now is fapping, otherwise you will feel this forever - this is a lie! The urges will pass in some time."... By @TheLoneRanger is pure Golden words. It is the truth, saying this by direct experience..Best of luck

    Nofab-nosex-nonut for life!
    Tom marvolo riddle likes this.
  8. Tom marvolo riddle

    Tom marvolo riddle Fapstronaut

    I relapsed in 15 hours
    I am feeling depressed
    Is there no way I can come out of it
    Please help
  9. NewEric

    NewEric Fapstronaut

    There is always a reason for every Fapstronauts to take on this journey. I don't know yours, but remind yourself with that reason repeatedly, it will help you get through the urges.
    Tom marvolo riddle likes this.